Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Out of the Woods

    Ling Qiqi showed an indifferent face, and then put down the various weapons in his hands.

    Then, an invisible and transparent light source quickly enveloped her body, as if scanning something up and down.

    [Checking player information...]

    [Checking dungeon environment information...]

    [All data matches successfully. 】

    【Ding! It has been determined that the player's illegal operation is an internal bug in the copy, and the copy will be automatically corrected and updated. 】

    Several beeps sounded one after another, and Ling Qiqi noticed that the destroyed trees and flowers around her were coming back to life at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    The wasteland that was still in ruins regrown into a green forest in a few seconds.

    [The progress of the automatic correction and update of the copy has reached 10%...]

    Ling Qiqi saw that the forest that he had spent a lot of effort to destroy just now came back so easily, he raised his knife and moved his muscles and bones.

    However, in the next second, Ling Qiqi suddenly picked up the machete that was more than one meter long, slashed a knife flower in the air, and chopped down the tree that had just regrown.

    The young leaf trees that had not yet regrown were tragically split in half again.

    Various roars and explosions spread throughout the forest.

    In a short period of time, with Ling Qiqi's unremitting efforts, the woods became bare again.

    [Dungeon automatic correction update...]

    [Dungeon automatic correction update progress has reached zero percent...]

    In this way, the copy automatic correction and update has been updated for a long time, the progress has not advanced but regressed, and it has been stuck at zero percent for a long time. verb: move.

    After looping back and forth several times, the copy system finally couldn't help it:

    [Warning! Players are requested to immediately stop illegally destroying the system and automatically correcting the updater's behavior! 】

    Ling Qiqi finally stopped for a while, and explained naturally: "I just thought, since there are bugs in the dungeon, shouldn't the system give the player a certain amount of compensation? I used to play games like this." The

    system He seemed to stop and think for a moment.

    [The player's suggestion is reasonable, and the system will start the compensation mode soon. 】

    【Ding! Congrats to player Ling Qiqi for obtaining the immunity of the early customs clearance dungeon. This right can only be used in this dungeon. After the player uses it, he will immediately clear the stage and leave the dungeon. Does the player choose to use it now? 】

    Ling Qiqi: ? So simple.

    However, Ling Qiqi was still calm. She didn't immediately and impulsively choose to use immunity.

    "How to use this immunity?"

    [Players only need to silently recite the five words "use immunity" in the dungeon, and they can use it immediately. However, the dungeon is full of dangers. In order to ensure the safety of the player's life, it is strongly recommended that the player immediately use the immunity and leave the dungeon. 】

    The more the system drives her away, the more Ling Qiqi feels that there must be something tricky.

    From the beginning of this apocalyptic game, Ling Qiqi knew that this game had no good intentions at all. Would love to see survivors tortured to death.

    Now she is kind enough to remind her that there is danger in the copy?

    Ling Qiqi quickly calmed down, "Excuse me, what is the difference between the player clearing the dungeon on his own and using immunity to clear the dungeon?" The

    system was silent for a few seconds before replying: [Anything about the dungeon, please explore by yourself. 】

    Ling Qiqi asked this question because of his own considerations.

    If there is no difference between the two ways to clear the dungeon, there is no need for the system to hide the player.

    But now, the system is obviously unwilling to reveal too much, and also expresses its eagerness to drive Ling Qiqi away, which can only prove that there must be something strange in this.

    Based on Ling Qiqi's past experience of playing games, she could probably guess something.

    After the game is cleared, players will receive some special rewards. Moreover, when the player performs exceptionally well, hidden rewards or achievements will be triggered.

    If it was as she thought, Ling Qiqi would definitely not be worthwhile to use immunity to clear customs now.

    What's more, she has immunity as a life-saving trump card, she can go out anytime, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

    [Does the player use the immunity of the customs clearance copy immediately? 】

    Ling Qiqi had already made a decision in his heart, so he simply refused: "Don't use it." The

    system seemed to be annoyed by Ling Qiqi's stubbornness. It didn't say anything for a long time.

    Ling Qiqi thought of Bai Xiaotuan who disappeared mysteriously before, and she asked again: "By the way, what's the matter with Bai Xiaotuan?" The

    system's tone seemed to become more indifferent: [Because Bai Xiaotuan is involved in the follow-up content of the dungeon Spoilers, please explore on your own. 】

    Ling Qiqi ignored what the system was thinking, turned around and leaned against a big tree trunk, bowing his head in thought.

    It turned out to be related to the follow-up plot of the dungeon...

    Without further delay, Ling Qiqi raised his hand and used his mind. A dagger slowly appeared in her palm.

    Through this wave of operations just now, Ling Qiqi has 100% confirmed all his previous inferences.

    The endless forest, the inexplicable rain of the sun, the fast-falling sun, and the false companions who have changed their souls from nowhere. Everything is bewildering.

    After Ling Qiqi clarified her thoughts, she finally no longer hesitated. She held the dagger in her backhand, pointed the tip of the knife directly at her heart, and stabbed it hard.

    Blood splashed out of thin air, and a strong pain came from his chest. At that moment, Ling Qiqi felt the pain of real death.

    Immediately afterwards, all the forest and vegetation around Ling Qiqi instantly turned into nothingness, floating away like burnt ruins, as if the illusory cover had been shattered. When the dream world was completely destroyed, Ling Qiqi in the car slowly opened his eyes.

    She went back to the car that had just entered the copy, but this time, she successfully woke up from the dream.

    【Ding! Congratulations to player Ling Qiqi for successfully walking out of the Nightmare Forest, please go to the next stop in the fairyland town as soon as possible. 】

    Wang Xueer next to her closed her eyes tightly, her forehead was full of sweat, and it seemed that she should still be trapped in a nightmare.

    After Ling Qiqi calmed down, she patted Wang Xueer's shoulder, "It's time to wake up."

    As Ling Qiqi's call sounded, Wang Xueer's consciousness began to sense. Originally trapped in a recurring nightmare, Wang Xueer suddenly opened her eyes, revealing her inner panic.

    After a long time, Wang Xueer recovered from the panic. But there was still a bit of confusion in her eyes, "Am I reborn again?"

    Ling Qiqi knew that Wang Xue'er might have thought she was in a nightmare, and pointed to Wang Lin, who was still unconscious in the driver's seat, " It's not rebirth, you're just trapped in a recurring nightmare."

    This was a completely different truth from what Wang Xueer thought, which made Wang Xueer a little confused. But seeing Wang Lin's lingering appearance in the driver's seat, it didn't seem like he was reborn again.

    With the facts in front of her, she knew that she should have really come out.

    After a long time, Wang Xueer regained her composure. She looked over in confusion, "You said... this is a dream?"

    Ling Qiqi nodded to her, "Although many illusions in the dream are misleading the players' thinking, but There are still many places to prove that this is a dream."

    Wang Xue'er was stunned when she said this.

    Are they going through the same copy? Why didn't she realize it was a dream at all.

    Seeing that she was still confused, Ling Qiqi continued to explain: "This level has been deliberately disturbing the players' minds from the very beginning. The woods that can't get out, the inexplicable sun rain, the rapidly falling sun, and the people around you. The fictitious companions are deliberately misleading you."

    Wang Xueer was stunned again, because she did not expect that even the companions around her were fictitious.

    "It turns out that all of you who I met in my dream were fake..." Wang Xue'er said incredulously. Inspired by Ling Qiqi, she also began to rethink the people she met in her dreams.

    Ling Qiqi raised his hand and patted Wang Lin in the front seat, woke him up, and explained by the way: "If you look closely, you will find that the person in the dream deliberately guides the player's behavior is very obvious. In the first dream, you suddenly very When you told me it was a dream for sure, I felt strange. We just entered the dungeon not long ago, and there was no clue at all. How did you judge that this was a dream?"     "In the second dream, You directly denied the previous idea and said that this was a rebirth cycle, which made me feel even more weird. Because I found that you seemed to be deliberately guiding my thinking. At that time, I suddenly had an idea: after entering the dungeon, the player Will it be randomly separated like before? Then the you in front of the real you?"     Wang Xueer lowered her head and fell into deep thought.     She recalled the various experiences in her dreams, and then she began to realize that something was wrong.     "What's the matter? Am I reborn again?" Wang Lin's first reaction when he woke up was to collapse and shout. His eyes are messy, and it seems that his experience in the dream is not very good.     Wang Xueer recounted to Wang Lin what she had communicated with Ling Qiqi just now.     A few minutes later, Wang Lin was sure that he was all right.     The moment he regained his senses, Wang Lin stared at Ling Qiqi with wide eyes, "So, is this really a dream? I thought it was a rebirth cycle."

    Ling Qiqi continued to help them understand their thoughts: "The first thing I ruled out was the rebirth cycle. In our first dream, there was a sun rain. But in the second dream, the sun rain disappeared. If Assuming that all this is before and after rebirth, the laws of nature themselves are eternal. It is impossible to have the possibility of raining before but not raining after rebirth. So from here, the hypothesis of rebirth can be ruled out.”

    Wang Xueer She lowered her head and silently reflected: "It turns out that all the things and phenomena experienced in the copy have meaning, but we didn't notice it."

    After digesting the information, she raised her head again, "Then how do you know that this is a dream? , instead of other circumstances?"

    Ling Qiqi looked down at his palm and gently stroked his heart, "It's because of the uniqueness of dreams."

    People often call ridiculous and outrageous things a daydream. It is precisely because in the dream, all the impossible things can appear.
