Chapter 60

Chapter 60

    Ling Qiqi woke up with a bit of confusion in his eyes, and coughed twice with a dry throat.

    She put her hands on the bed and sat up.

    After thinking for a few minutes at the bedside, Ling Qiqi's brain gradually woke up, and he found that there were some more inexplicable memories.

    These memories were finally all linked together, but it seemed that some important key pictures had been emptied individually.

    Ling Qiqi lowered her eyes subconsciously to look at the sports bracelet on her wrist to check the information on the talent and power section.

    Seeing that line of time-retrospective power annotations, her eyes paused for half a second, because no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't remember any memory related to this power.

    However, those other strange memories can just correspond to this ability.

    For example, in her memory, there are often pictures and faces of strangers that she has never done before, as if another Ling Qiqi was going through all this.

    "Could it be... a side effect after the ability is used." Ling Qiqi noticed the information in the remarks, and every time the ability was activated, there would be a corresponding side effect.

    "Qiqi, are you awake?" Lin Meng happened to go upstairs to see Ling Qiqi sitting beside the bed, and quickly ran over in surprise.

    "You don't know how long you've been in a coma this time. After the early hours of this morning, the zombie siege mode will start. We were worried about what you would do if you were still in a coma at that time.

    " , In fact, it was also sheltered by the safe area. Once the protective cover of the safe area disappeared, this food street obviously could not stop many zombies.

    Fortunately, Ling Qiqi woke up the day before.

    Ling Qiqi rubbed his temples, and decided to solve the problem of the zombie siege first.

    She quickly cheered up, "Go, go downstairs and find them to discuss tactics."

    With Ling Qiqi as the backbone, Lin Meng, who had always been uneasy, finally put down the big stone in his heart.

    Downstairs, when Ling Qiqi's figure reappeared in everyone's field of vision, Shi Lei couldn't help but get excited.

    "Qiqi, you're finally awake! What the hell is going on with you this time in a coma?"

    Although Chu Yi wasn't so excited, a hint of unnoticeable relaxation flashed across his face. Her eyes also turned to Ling Qiqi following Shi Lei's question.

    Ling Qiqi moved a chair and sat down opposite, "This time the matter seems to be a bit complicated, and it is difficult to explain a sentence or two. Let's solve the immediate crisis first."

    After hearing this, everyone did not continue to ask.

    Ling Qiqi began to listen step by step to some information that he had missed while in a coma.

    "I have inquired with other NPCs in the food street before. It seems that this zombie siege mode will involve some advanced zombie species and zombie kings. Some are similar to big and small bosses, which sound quite dangerous."

    "And Now the supply stations are all closed, and there is no place to buy materials that can heal wounds or restore mental energy."

    Shi Lei explained all the information he inquired and learned to Ling Qiqi in as much detail as possible.

    Ling Qiqi touched his chin repeatedly, his eyes gradually darkened, and he began to think about the more appropriate tactics for tomorrow's zombie siege research.

    After thinking for a while, Ling Qiqi suddenly remembered that they seemed to be missing a member.

    "Jiang Sanduo hasn't come over yet?"

    Lin Meng shook his head, "We only communicated with him this morning, and he said that he was very close, but he seemed to have suddenly encountered an accident, and it might not be possible for a while. Come."

    Ling Qiqi pursed her lips tightly, "His abilities are relatively flexible, so there shouldn't be too much danger."

    After speaking, Ling Qiqi raised her gaze and aimed at the three in front of her.

    "The three of you must have hidden a lot of great tricks."

    Sure enough, after Ling Qiqi asked this question, Lin Meng and Shi Lei both showed a little guilty conscience, and they even pretended to cover their mouths and coughed for a while in embarrassment. Voice.

    Although Chu Yi didn't make it so obvious, she also nodded.

    Ling Qiqi showed such an expression as she expected, "If that's the case, then I'm relieved. When the zombies are besieging, everyone will do their best. As long as we are careful, we can survive the 24-hour safe zone disappearing time. Problem."

    Hearing Ling Qiqi's words, Lin Meng hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand, "Why don't I tell you in advance, after my ability was upgraded, it evolved a group-wide healing effect. So if At that time, whoever encounters a special dangerous situation, please remember to find me."

    Shi Lei, who had always thought he had the best hidden cards in his pocket, suddenly widened his eyes and looked back at Lin Meng, as if he was looking at a monster.

    "Healing effect in a mass range? It won't be the kind that can heal several at a time, right?" Lin     Meng

    snorted softly, "Otherwise, what else could it be?"

Many shocked.

    After all, the mass area healing effect is really useful. In the face of the crisis of the disappearance of the global safe zone, no one dared to guarantee that he would not have any accident. And Lin Meng's ability, if used properly, is enough to instantly save the lives of many people.

    Chu Yi also looked at Lin Meng two more times.

    When the Botanical Garden besieged the Zombie King, Lin Meng hardly took any action, so it was inevitable that he would be ignored by everyone. But now Chu Yi knew that all of them underestimated Lin Meng.

    After the discussion was over, everyone's panic and anxiety calmed down again.

    Everyone began to organize their own material reserves in the store. Ling Qiqi's consciousness entered the crystal ball space and found a lot of things she had forgotten before.

    There are strength enhancement and mental recovery potions that were snatched from the dean's office on the top floor of the abandoned unmanned hospital.

    The big dancing loudspeaker and the small red flag in the safety zone that played a big role before. These two props should be available after this morning.

    There is also a sand sculpture gift bag that was opened after completing the hidden task of the food street, and many strange things in it have not been used yet.

    Not long after, Ling Qiqi dug out the relic package left by the previous veteran in a clean corner.

    The hand she was about to extend stagnated a little in the air. After thinking about it, she retracted her hand temporarily, preparing to wait for the opportunity to hand over the package to the national army in person to see if she could contact the veteran's family.

    The last thing left is some dry food and water to satisfy hunger. There are also a few watery fragrant pears stacked next to them, which were bought in the last safe area before, when she was still sharing it with the veterans.

    "Come on, I'll give you some fruit to eat." Ling Qiqi took out the fragrant pear from the space and threw it to Chu Yi, Lin Meng and Shi Lei.

    The three of them each took the pear. Shi Lei immediately took a bite, "This pear is delicious."

    Ling Qiqi walked to the door of the shop and looked out.

    Originally, I just looked at the night scene casually, but I didn't expect a fast running figure to suddenly break into the field of vision, looking like it was running towards this side.

    I saw that figure quickly bounced from the air a few times before appearing in front of Ling Qiqi.

    Jiang Sanduo, who was sweating profusely, stopped at the door and began to adjust his breathing, "Finally, I'm here."

    Ling Qiqi looked at Jiang Sanduo up and down, "This is you?"

    Jiang Sanduo explained: "Here you come. I encountered a zombie wave on the road, and I was delayed for a while."

    The rest of the people who stayed in the store heard the sound and came out.

    "You are finally here. I thought it was too late." Shi Lei said happily.

    Jiang Sanduo walked into the store with a smile and scratched his head.

    The five officially gather in the real world. At present, the time is approaching the early morning, the night is falling, and only the moon above is still emitting a faint silver light.

    In the empty streets, the autumn wind blows from time to time, and then rolls up the dust.

    [Ding Dong ~ The second stage of the doomsday game officially launched, the safe zone disappeared, and the global mutants were upgraded. I wish players a happy game! 】

    When the familiar beep sounded, it was just 0:00 in the morning.

    Following this, the protective shields that were originally located around the world are slowly fading away and disappearing into the air like snow and ice.

    Ling Qiqi was standing at the entrance of the food street.

    She watched as the transparent protective cover covering the entire food court was slowly disappearing. I don't know if it's because of the illusion, but I always feel that the ground under my feet is shaking, as if something is brewing about to erupt.

    "Did you feel like there was something under your feet?" Lin Meng also sensed something was wrong.

    Everyone was reminded and looked down at the ground.

    Gradually, it felt as if the earth was shaking, and the shaking became stronger and stronger, until something suddenly burst out of the ground.

    The bricks and soil on the ground were directly crushed, and all kinds of smoke and dust swept around.

    Ling Qiqi's eyes moved quickly, looked around, and found that this strange change had spread to the entire food court.

    "Be careful, these things that come out of the ground should be zombies."

    Just as she guessed the words fell, the smoke and dust blocking everyone's sight also dissipated, revealing the real picture inside.

    Countless zombies with their mouths open were numbly swimming towards this side. In less than half a minute, the number of zombies around Ling Qiqi had doubled several times.

    And new zombies are still emerging from the ground.

    The silent night was accompanied by roars and wandering noises from zombies. In the second stage of the doomsday game, the carnival of zombies begins.

    "Attention to all survivors staying in the city center, this is the national army headquarters. We have established relatively stable temporary material supply offices in each of the four major areas of the city center. If you need help, please follow the map guidelines to the supply office as much as possible. Move closer."

    At this moment, the drones sent by the state also took off one after another, and began to support the survivors through the broadcast.

    At this time, Ling Qiqi5 people have already started to deal with the surrounding zombies.

    But just after killing a bunch of them, more zombies will emerge from the ground. Looking at this situation, it is obviously impossible to clean up all the zombies directly.

    "There are too many zombies. Let's find a safe place to hide first." Shi Lei, after rushing to kill a few waves, found that his mental energy consumption rate was a little too fast, and offered to take the initiative.

    Ling Qiqi also happened to have this plan. She jumped straight up, stepped on the void, and flew into the air.
