Chapter 68

Chapter 68

    "It's a crystal ball! Look at you." Shi Lei suddenly found a sphere full of strange colors rising slowly from Nuoqi's hand.

    They still remember that the dungeon reminded them just now that to successfully enter the next unit dungeon, they must find the key item crystal ball and touch it before they can clear the level.

    The crystal ball exudes a dazzling light, and it is suspended in front of Nuoqi at this time. He raised his arms, his eyes showed determination, and he was pouring his magic power into the crystal ball.

    Apart from Nooch himself, no one else knew what he was going to do.

    But when the gray-clothed Brian on the opposite side saw this scene, his pupils shrank instantly, and he seemed to have guessed what Nuoqi was thinking, "You want to destroy it?" When the

    voice fell, Brian reached out and stopped the undead behind him who was about to shoot again clan members.

    "Leader?" His subordinates released inquiring eyes with some doubts.

    Seeing that Nuoqi still didn't stop, Brian's eyes flashed a little tangled, "Everyone immediately stop and evacuate here!"

    Hearing this order, everyone showed puzzled expressions.

    In the current battle situation, the undead race is more dominant, why did Brian retreat at this critical time?

    But everyone was convinced by the leader's instructions, and despite some hesitation, they stopped one after another and quickly retreated from the scene.

    When the magicians led by Nuoqi saw the sudden retreat of the undead clan, they were instantly overjoyed, and some people began to shout: "The undead clan are afraid, continue to pursue the victory, be sure to completely eradicate these remnants!"

    Looking at the battle situation on the horizon The situation suddenly reversed, and Ling Qiqi's eyes became even darker.

    She just noticed that it should be after Nuoqi suddenly released the crystal ball that Brian temporarily chose to retreat.

    Obviously, there must be some secret hidden here.

    "Qiqi, why don't we both touch the crystal ball?" Jiang Sanduo suggested after seeing the position of the crystal ball on the horizon.

    Now Nuoqi is leading the magician to fight against the undead, and neither side has noticed the five of them, so it is best to touch the crystal ball while the undead are retreating in a panic.

    Ling Qiqi returned to his senses and nodded, "Be careful, these magicians have strong attacks."

    Just the icicle thorn attack just made the five of them in a hurry, not to mention all the other magicians combined the aftermath of the attack.

    Chu Yi, Shi Lei, and Lin Meng gathered together, keeping vigilance and staying on the ground.

    Two seconds later, Ling Qiqi suddenly dodged, and he appeared directly in the sky. Her appearance made many magicians move, and several vigilant eyes were all focused on her.

    "Who are you? Get out of here immediately!" A man with a tougher aura pointed at Ling Qiqi with a red dragon spear in his hand.

    Behind this man, is Nuoqi who does not know what kind of magic he is doing.

    Under the constant instillation of magic power by Nuoqi, the brightness of the crystal ball in front of him became more and more dazzling, as if it was about to burst out uncontrollably.

    Ling Qiqi quickly observed the people guarding around Nuoqi.

    There are three in total, one of them is the man holding the red dragon spear, and two other young men also wearing white robes. They didn't take any weapons and just stood calmly beside Nuoqi.

    Ling Qiqi could feel that the energy filled in the crystal ball was getting stronger and stronger, and there was a faint trend of overflowing.

    Ling Qiqi, who often fuses powers, is very clear about how strong the damage can be after the power is infinitely compressed.

    Can't wait any longer.

    Ling Qiqi directly gave Jiang Sanduo a look on the opposite side, "I'll stop them!" The

    voice fell, and Ling Qiqi shot quickly without any hesitation.

    At the same time, the man with the red dragon spear and a young man in white robes immediately targeted Ling Qiqi.

    Seeing another white-robed man standing beside Nuoqi, Ling Qiqi freed up a hand and condensed a ball of fusion energy to hit him.

    This time, the three people who were originally guarding Nuoqi were temporarily separated.

    Jiang Sanduo didn't dare to waste time, and immediately burst out all his strength to grab the crystal ball in front of Nuoqi.

    Just when he was about to touch the crystal ball, Nuoqi, who had been casting spells with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. There was a bit of coldness in those eyes that had experienced the vicissitudes of the world.

    For a moment, Jiang Sanduo felt as if he was being stared at by a beast, and his body movements also froze.

    Nuoqi freed one hand and released an ice magic attack on Jiang Sanduo.

    A biting cold current came, covering Jiang Sanduo's whole body. He couldn't help but shivered. When the ice magic attack came, he reacted a little and avoided the attack sideways.

    Ling Qiqi's battle with the three over there became more and more anxious, and if it was delayed any longer, an accident would definitely happen.

    Jiang Sanduo readjusted his state and attacked Nuoqi again.

    Fortunately, Nuoqi now concentrates most of his energy on the crystal ball, so the power to fight against Jiang Sanduo will be correspondingly weaker.

    Jiang Sanduo fixed his eyes on the dazzling crystal ball, tapped the void, stood on tiptoe, poured all his strength into his legs, suddenly jumped up, and bounced directly in the direction of the crystal ball.

    The bounce was just a blink of an eye, and before Nuoqi could react, Jiang San and more people had already rushed in front of the crystal ball. He pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and reached out his hand to finally touch the crystal ball.

    【Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully touching the key item: the mysterious crystal ball. After the three-second countdown, players will collectively enter the next unit copy. 】

    [Dungeon background: On March 17, 417, the age of magic, the undead family gradually grew and became an organization opposed to the Magician Association. In a formal meeting and conversation, the leaders of the two sides announced the breakup of the relationship between the two sides, which opened the prelude to the peak battle. 】

    After the system's prompt sound read the background of the copy, the familiar feeling of squeezing struck again, this time with a stronger force than before, as if to crush Ling Qiqi directly.

    Under this constant high-intensity squeeze, Ling Qiqi's memories that had been erased alone appeared magically in his mind as if he had touched a switch.


    That day, not long after Ling Qiqi won the bet and came out of the Metaverse dungeon, the mechanism of the supply station was officially launched.

    Seeing that many survivors had a place to obtain supplies, Ling Qiqi also felt relieved and began to concentrate on studying the core key of this doomsday game.

    Where is the way to stop this game.

    With this mentality, Ling Qiqi loaded a lot of dungeons one after another. She also began to find that the difficulty of these dungeons became more and more difficult each time, and even the chances of survival of some dungeons were so small that it was almost zero.

    In order to ensure his own safety, Ling Qiqi no longer dared to enter the dungeon rashly.

    Ling Qiqi, who had just destroyed a zombie lair, stood silently on the rooftop. She looked up at the sun, which had grown several times in size, with a solemn expression on her brows.

    The dazzling white light released the scorching temperature, making people more and more restless.

    It has been about five days, and the sun has not set, and the night that everyone longed for has not come.

    Continued daylight scenes are indirectly causing the surface temperature to rise rapidly, and if this continues, the number of survivors will only dwindle.

    At that time, there is no need to besiege the mutants, and the survivors themselves will perish first.

    Ling Qiqi could only keep looking for clues to solve this predicament, but until the sun fell, she couldn't find any way to stop the sun from falling.

    The grand scene when the sun fell, formed a sense of oppression when the end was coming, and the sound of people's breathing became struggling.

    Just when Ling Qiqi's body consciousness fell into a dying state, the time retrospective ability was passively triggered, and the first time retrospective began.

    This time, Ling Qiqi came back with her memory, and she decided to unite all forces to prepare for the final stage of the game.

    Before the game came, she made a series of preparations and warnings in advance.

    Because of her quick response, a group of teammates were gathered by her in the early game and became a team organization.

    Ling Qiqi knew that the cruelest part of this game was the doomsday predicament in the final stage.

    While everyone was still in the dungeon, Ling Qiqi had already started secretly training team members to prepare for the future.

    "The falling sun you said is the same as the fairyland dungeon?" The team members looked at Ling Qiqi in disbelief.

    I saw her nodded, "We have to prepare in advance and gather all our strength to stop the sun from falling." The

    solution to the predicament of the fairyland town is to break through the siege of the nightmare forest and let the children trapped in the dream. The town reappeared.

    But what does this clue mean in the real world?

    Ling Qiqi spent a long time thinking and did not come up with an answer. She also thought about how to break the game if all she experienced now was just an illusory game dream.

    After thinking about it for a long time, the only feasible way is to completely destroy the game.

    Ling Qiqi gathered most of the power users and began to attack the sky and everything that might damage the core of the game. But nothing happened until the sun went down.

    In the first time retrospective, Ling Qiqi still failed.

    At that time, she was in a huge predicament. Because even if she was given another chance, she didn't know what to do to end the game.


    The memory of the fragment stopped, and Ling Qiqi, who had been squeezed continuously, finally successfully loaded the copy.

    She opened her eyes, glanced around, and found herself in a lively town.

    Soon, the four Shi Lei appeared around. They looked at the scenery of the surrounding town at the same time. The scattered double-storey buildings are located on both sides of the road, and the feet are paved with blue tiles and slate.

    Not far from there are small bridges and flowing water and bustling traffic, everything seems to be extraordinarily calm and comfortable.

    "Water Boosting Magic Wand is on sale at a discount, don't miss it when you pass by!" A stall owner shouted loudly next to him, immediately attracting the attention of Ling Qiqi5.

    Lin Meng just recovered and walked to the booth to ask: "Uncle, do you sell crystal balls?"

    After entering the dungeon, the player's task is to touch the key item: the mysterious crystal ball. Go to the next level.

    That's why Lin Meng asked this question.
