Chapter 14

Chapter 14 New Discoveries

    After explaining the last sentence, Lan Meimei said goodbye to them and turned away.

    The door was closed, and the room was quiet again.

    Ling Qiqi turned to look up and down the whole room.

    It turns out that the owner of this house left here seven years ago, no wonder so much dust has fallen.

    Ling Qiqi turned around and looked at Wang Xueer and Wang Lin. I saw a bit of confusion in their expressions.

    Wang Xueer took the initiative to ask: "Qiqi, what did you say about Bai Xiaotuan?"

    Ling Qiqi briefly explained Bai Xiaotuan to them.

    As for her getting the copy immunity, Ling Qiqi didn't say much.

    She understands the truth of guilt.

    Even the brothers and sisters of the Wang family, Ling Qiqi couldn't fully guarantee that they would not have dissent after knowing it.

    After listening to Wang Lin, he thought for a moment, "The system cannot lie, which means that Bai Xiaotuan must exist in this dungeon. But how come no one in the town knows about it?

    " , it can only temporarily give up.

    But Wang Xue'er and Wang Lin's eyes were a little more worried.

    In the cycle of nightmares, players face the death pressure of the falling sun again and again. That picture had already been firmly etched in their minds. So after entering the town, when everyone saw the sun for the first time, they immediately thought of the picture in the dream.

    They do not believe that there is no connection between these two almost identical things.

    Ling Qiqi lowered her head and her eyes returned to calm again, as if she was thinking about something just now. She looked back temporarily, "Let's clean up the room first, we should be staying here temporarily today."

    After explaining, she turned around to clean the room.

    Wang Xueer was still looking at the huge sun outside the window uneasily.

    I don't know if the sun will fall completely in a few days. This time it is no longer a dream, if it really comes to that situation, it may be a real death.

    Wang Lin patted Wang Xueer on the back comfortingly, "Don't think too much. No matter how cruel this copy is, it is impossible for the sun to fall in such a short time."

    Hearing this, Wang Xueer felt a little comfort in her heart. She sighed softly, "I'll go to the second floor with Qiqi to clean up the bedroom. Brother, just clean the dust on the first floor."

    Upstairs, Ling Qiqi pushed open the door of the study, and the dust from the ceiling slowly fell.

    Ling Qiqi frowned slightly and fanned the dust in the air in front of him.

    At this time, Wang Xueer just went upstairs and saw the dust in the room. She couldn't help but sigh: "This room really seems to have been abandoned for a long time, so much dust."

    Ling Qiqi walked to the desk in the room and took it. Pick up a book on the table. The title of the book is "The Mysterious Astronomical Universe", and there is a heavy layer of dust on the cover.

    Some unexpectedly discovered: "This owner seems to like astronomy very much."

    Wang Xueer also began to walk in the study. She took out the books on the shelf and flipped through them, and nodded: "Really, most of the books in the study are related to astronomy." When the

    two of them were chatting here, Wang Xueer suddenly raised her head and thought of a key question.

    People who love astronomy should not go to the forest to explore.

    How did the original owner suddenly leave the house seven years ago, and then disappeared into the Nightmare Forest?

    Ling Qiqi shook the ashes on the cover of "Mysterious Astronomical Universe", "It seems that there should be some stories hidden on this owner's body."

    Wang Xueer continued to search for other clues in the study in deep thought.

    "Xue'er, Qiqi, I found a secret passage in the basement here, come here!"

    Wang Lin's voice suddenly came from downstairs.

    The discovery of the secret passage in the basement confirmed the suspicions of Wang Xueer and Ling Qiqi. The owner of this house is indeed not as simple as imagined.

    The underground secret passage in the living room on the first floor was opened by Wang Lin accidentally touching the mechanism while cleaning the living room.

    Ling Qiqi and Wang Xueer quickly went downstairs and rushed to the entrance of the secret passage that Wang Lin found.

    The secret passage is very dark, and there are several ancient oil lamps hanging on both sides of the walls, but because they have been left unattended for a long time, the lamps have already run out of oil and cannot maintain the light source.

    Ling Qiqi found a flashlight from the house and walked into the secret passage first. Wang Xueer and Wang Lin also followed behind.

    The weak light source of the flashlight shines in front. The secret passage was very long, and the three of them didn't know how long they walked until they finally saw an existence similar to a secret room.

    The room is not very big, there is only a small desk and three rows of bookshelves in all.

    There are several ancient notebooks on the desk, covered with dusty cobwebs, probably since the owner left, no one has come in here again.

    "This homeowner is really strange. The books in the study above are all related to astronomy, and the books in this secret room are all related to the end of the world." Wang Xue'er had already discovered strange things from the books in the rows of bookshelves.

    Wang Lin began to fumble around the wall from the other side, trying to find out if there were any other organs.

    Ling Qiqi came to the desk, she picked up the notebook on the table, patted it off, opened the cover of the notebook, and found a bunch of numbers inside.

    These should be the data recorded when the original owner once observed cosmic celestial bodies.

    Ling Qiqi read these numbers carefully, and suddenly found that there are some problems with the data recorded in the notebook.

    "Qiqi, do you have any clues there?" Wang Xueer had already searched the bookshelves and found no other clues.

    Ling Qiqi handed over the notebook in his hand, "There is something wrong with the data here. It should be the record left by the original owner when he observed celestial bodies seven years ago. Do you want to take a look?"

    Wang Xueer coughed awkwardly.

    Before she could say anything, Wang Lin over there suddenly raised his head with a smile, "My sister is the hardest in this area, don't expect her to understand the data."

    Wang Xue'er glared at Wang Lin fiercely . , but she herself admitted that she did not know much about astronomy, and returned the notebook to Ling Qiqi, "It's better for you to look at it."

    Ling Qiqi didn't think much about it, and directly summed up the problems she found, "If The data in this note is real and credible, since seven years ago, the sun has been approaching the town at a constant speed."

    "Seven years ago?"

    Wang Xueer frowned, "But I remember Princess Lanmeimei before. Said that the town only found out that the sun was getting bigger three years ago." The

    time difference made Wang Xue'er's expression pause for a moment, and she then speculated: "That means, the original owner passed the test seven years ago. Observing celestial bodies, he discovered the secret that the earth is approaching the sun, but he didn't tell others."

    Wang Lin also heard what was wrong, "That's not right. Since the original owner had already discovered the problem, why didn't he tell the story? Other residents of the town?" The tone was a little confused.

    The three fell into silence collectively. After a while, Wang Xueer recalled their experiences, frowned and guessed:

    "If everyone lives happily and carefree, suddenly someone comes out and says, the world is coming to an end, it is impossible to Does anyone believe it?"

    Like the 21st century in which they live, most people are unlikely to believe doomsday claims until the end of the world.

    Then it was changed to the original owner, maybe he also thought of this, so he didn't disclose it to the outside world.

    Ling Qiqi silently put the notebook back on the table, but he was still thinking about this doubt.

    Did the original owner really not reveal this secret to outsiders?

    [Congratulations to players Ling Qiqi, Wang Xueer and Wang Lin for their initial discovery of the secrets of the fairyland town. The main quest has been triggered: please find a way to save the lost fairyland town and all its residents! ]

    [Complete the task reward: Each player can get a chance to draw high-quality game items, and the winning rate is 100%. ]

    After the system's announcement sounded, both the Wang family brothers and sisters froze in place.

    "You can draw game items, but the winning rate is still 100%?" Wang Lin said in surprise.

    Wang Xue'er also looked surprised, and was quickly attracted by the reward.

    And Ling Qiqi's focus is more on that good quality.

    She remembered that the roast turkey pasta and coffee she had enjoyed at Irving Castle were also of good quality.

    Ling Qiqi knows how amazing the effects of pasta and coffee are. Therefore, changing to the same level of high-quality game props will definitely not be small.

    This game system is really full of bad intentions. Fortunately, she didn't leave early, otherwise she would have lost a lot of money.

    After coming out of the secret room, Ling Qiqi and the others found no other clues, so they rested in their rooms and waited for the night to come.

    Ling Qiqi was tossing and turning on the bed, indeed insomnia.

    But it was because she had been thinking about the meaning of the dungeon name "The Lost Wonderland Town".

    What does disappearing mean?

    In the dead of night, the moon slowly climbed the treetops.

    After a day's rest, the energetic town residents woke up one after another and went out to the streets to start their busy day. The lights were lit one by one, and the town gradually returned to its lively atmosphere.

    A little girl wearing a red mushroom hat jumped out of the mushroom house on the street. Two braids of blond hair hang on each side of her shoulders.

    She was wearing khaki stitched overalls, and her shoes were big brown round-toed shoes, which made a clattering sound when she stepped on the ground.

    The aunt next door happened to see the girl going out, so she hurried over to say hello: "Little Mushroom is going out too."

    Little Mushroom grabbed her braid and nodded, "Well, I'm going to the market to find my sister."

    Hearing After saying this, the neighbor aunt suddenly showed a twisted expression, "Little mushroom, auntie take the liberty to ask you, does your sister sell a lot of matches today? My child cried with me for a long time yesterday, and I want your sister to make it by herself. But your sister's matches are sold too fast, I can't get them, I really can't do anything about it."

    Xiao Mushroom smiled cutely, "Auntie, don't worry, my sister still sells matches on time in the same place. She prepares more today. If you go earlier, you should be able to buy it." The

    neighbor's aunt quickly thanked her happily: "OK, auntie knows." After that, she hurried to the old place to wait in line.

    At this moment, the closed door of their house across the street was suddenly pushed open from the inside.

    Ling Qiqi calmly pushed the door and walked out.

    Behind her followed Wang Xueer and Wang Lin. The two of them had a layer of bruises under their eyes, and they didn't seem to be resting well, mainly because of the time difference in the town where day and night were reversed.

    "Huh? How did you guys get out of Grandpa Wen's house?" Little Mushroom stopped in front of Ling Qiqi and Wang Xue'er with a puzzled face, her thin eyebrows twitched slightly.

    Ling Qiqi, who was walking in front, raised his head subconsciously, and after seeing the appearance of the little mushroom, his expression was slightly startled.

    "May I ask who you are?"

    Xiao Mushroom raised his head proudly, "I'm Xiao Mushroom. But don't change the subject, why did you all come out of Grandpa Wen's house?"

    Wang Xue'er's eyes in the back stayed on her conspicuous mushroom hat He explained, "Princess Meimei arranged for us to stay here temporarily."

    Little Mushroom rolled her eyes twice and seemed to be thinking, "Okay, that's my misunderstanding, let's go." She then turned to give Ling Qiqi and the others gave way.

    But Ling Qiqi did not leave, but seized the opportunity to ask: "You just said that Grandpa Wen is the original owner of this house? Are you familiar with Grandpa Wen?"

    Xiao Mushroom looked at Ling Qiqi vigilantly, "You inquire. What's the matter with Grandpa Wen?"

    Ling Qiqi explained: "I heard Princess Lanmeimei say that Grandpa Wen accidentally broke into the Nightmare Forest seven years ago and never came back. I'm a little curious about what happened."

    Little Mushroom After looking around to make sure that no one was paying attention to them, he cleared his throat and said in a low voice, "For the sake of your politeness, I kindly remind you that you'd better not inquire about Grandpa Wen's affairs."
