Chapter 73

Chapter 73 The Finale

    After the goddess girl left, Wutong stayed in the small world alone.

    When he was bored, he would sit under the peach blossom tree and listen to the wind, and as soon as he listened, it was the past of decades.

    Until that day, Wutong sensed a familiar atmosphere in the parallel world in the game copy, and it was the reincarnated girl who appeared.

    Indus passed through the endless dark gap and came to a parallel world - a fairyland town.

    In order to ensure the rules of the parallel world, Wutong was forced to turn into a white stuffed ball, waiting for the chance to reunite with the girl.


    After the memory was over, the light that originally covered Ling Qiqi also disappeared.

    With the help of Wutong, Ling Qiqi entered the last unit copy.

    【Ding! Congratulations to the player who successfully entered the final unit copy - the origin of the magical world. 】

    The green sea all over the sky comes into view, and the lush flowers are blooming. A breeze blows from time to time, and the delicate flower bones sway obediently.

    When Ling Qiqi opened his eyes, he realized that he was in a forest. But oddly enough, the forest seemed a little familiar.

    After looking at it for a long time, Ling Qiqi gradually recovered.

    This seems to be the first unit copy, where Nuoqi and Brian fought against the forest below.

    Ling Qiqi looked up at the sky subconsciously.

    But this time, she didn't see Nuoqi and Brian, except for a few birds passing by occasionally, there was nothing.

    Ling Qiqi frowned slightly, retracted his gaze and began to look at the surrounding scenery.

    This time, when she entered the unit copy, no one else was pulled in. It seemed that she could only rely on herself.

    "Is there anyone? Is there anyone above?"

    A childish voice suddenly sounded.

    Ling Qiqi looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a deep pit on the road ahead not far away, and the sound should have come from the pit.

    Ling Qiqi walked over vigilantly, and when he reached the entrance of the deep pit, he found two little boys standing inside.

    Obviously, the shout just now came from them.

    When the two boys saw someone approaching, they waved their hands anxiously, "Hello, the two of us were trapped here when we accidentally stepped on a trap while hunting in the forest."

    The light source in the deep pit was limited, and the two small The boy's figure was also a little blurry, but Ling Qiqi still recognized their general appearance.

    "Are you Brian and Nuoqi?" Ling Qiqi's voice was a little surprised.

    The two boys were immediately stunned and looked at each other.

    Among them, Brian stood up and nodded, "How did you know us?" There was still confusion in his tone.

    For a while, Ling Qiqi didn't know how to explain the various things that happened to him. She temporarily changed the topic, "I'll save you first."

    After speaking, Ling Qiqi directly urged the power of the Space Law to pull the two out of the pit.

    Brian and Nuoqi watched in disbelief as their bodies were miraculously pulled out of the pit, and they didn't react slowly until they landed smoothly on the ground.

    Nuoqi looked at Ling Qiqi with curiosity in his eyes, "May I ask the power you used to rescue us just now, is it a legendary magic?"

    The boys of this period are full of all kinds of fantasies. develop interest.

    But through this, Ling Qiqi also got a valid message: the current Brian and Nuoqi have not yet successfully awakened magic, and looking at the way the two get along now, they seem to be good friends, and they are not as good as later Break like that.

    Ling Qiqi didn't know how to reply properly, but adhering to the principle of not lying, she nodded, "It's a kind of magic."

    Although the names of abilities and magic are different, the specific effects are the same.

    Nuoqi looked at Ling Qiqi with a little more yearning, but before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Brian next to him.

    "By the way." Brian suddenly took out a fist-sized crystal ball from the cloth bag behind him, "We just found this crystal ball in the deep pit of the trap, it has been glowing just now, you said this thing will Is it related to magic?"

    Brian and Nooch grew up playing in the forest and rarely stepped on traps by mistake. The reason why this happened this time was mainly because the light of this crystal ball aroused the curiosity of the two of them. They did not respond for a while and fell into the deep pit.

    Originally, Ling Qiqi didn't think much of it, but seeing how the two of them were completely ignorant of the crystal ball, she finally realized: At this time, it seems that magic has not really come to this world, otherwise the two of them will Not even a crystal ball doesn't know what it is.

    Ling Qiqi frowned slightly and looked at the crystal ball in Brian's hand.

    Just when she was thinking about how to reply, the originally ordinary crystal ball suddenly released a strong light, from which an astonishing power erupted, causing Ling Qiqi to lose consciousness and faint.

    In the haze, Ling Qiqi seemed to have heard a conversation:

    "Nuoqi, should we wait and decide, what if something bad happens?"

    It was Nuoqi's voice that responded: "You Stupid, after awakening magic, we will have the most powerful power, and we can do whatever we want in the future. Anyway, I have decided to open the crystal ball."

    "Children, after hundreds of years, the heyday of magic will be reborn. Come, you will be the key to unlocking the magical world."

    After that, countless light sources erupted in unison, and even if Ling Qiqi had closed his eyes, he could still sense its power.


    The age of magic was born of light and hope, and all that is beautiful brings magic to people.

    Brian and Nuoqi, who strayed into the deep pit of the trap, discovered the world's first crystal ball. Under Nuoqi's insistence, the two started the crystal ball awakening ceremony, which became the key to unlocking the magical world.

    But the dramatic thing is that Nuoqi awakened the powerful ice magic, while Brian awakened the hated undead.

    At first, Brian chose to hold back for principles and bottom lines, but as the timeline lengthened, more and more people awakened to magic.

    Nuoqi of ice magic is sought after by everyone, and Brian is arbitrarily bullied because of the waste magic of undead.

    Finally, after being bullied again and again, undead magic awakened the long-suppressed evil thoughts in Brian's heart and became the origin of the magical world that was about to be destroyed.

    That year, the undead tribe broke with the world completely, and the battle of the peak broke out.

    Nuoqi was over hundreds of years old at that time, because magic made his lifespan longer, but as time passed, Nuoqi gradually understood what the real reason for all this was.

    Probably from the moment they chose to open the crystal ball, today's consequences were doomed.

    Endless desires break people's bottom-line principles. They chase fame and fortune, forget their original intentions, and become unrecognizable.

    Because of evil thoughts, war after war broke out in the wizarding world.

    In the end, Nuoqi decided to completely destroy the most primitive first crystal ball. Once the original crystal ball is destroyed, the rest of the crystal balls will also be destroyed.

    This is how to end this war.


    The four people who had been waiting for Ling Qiqi in the small world all fell into solemn emotions.

    Shi Lei couldn't hold back at first, he looked at Wutong worriedly, "Why hasn't Qiqi come back? Could something go wrong?"

    Although Ling Qiqi's identity has suddenly changed, Shi Lei has always As her closest friend, she has not changed because of the change of identity.

    Lin Meng was also in the same anxious mood, "Yeah, why don't you go to that dungeon and take a look? Isn't it said that Qiqi is a god? She shouldn't have any troubles she can't solve, right?"

    Wutong was amused by the conversation between the two, "You all said that she shouldn't have trouble that she can't solve, so what else is there to worry about. This game was originally created by her, and nothing can hurt her, don't worry. Okay."

    Hearing this, Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo also looked at each other, temporarily letting go of their worries.

    I don't know how long it has passed, and everyone who is still in the zombie siege stage in the real world is almost on the verge of collapse.

    Since the bug was fixed, the boss monsters have resumed their previous brutal killing of survivors. Countless innocent lives were lost in this war.

    Despite this, in the dark night like an abyss, there are still countless heroic people holding up the banner.

    Chu Zhongtian, who was once rebellious, was doing his last bit of strength to protect the last line of defense in Linchuan City.

    An Ling, who used to fly alone in the sky, controlled flamingos to launch a fierce attack on the zombie monsters below.

    Even though some people have had disputes over their interests before, at the moment of defending their homeland, everyone burst out with all their strength, which is the strongest willpower of human beings.

    【Ding! The core system has received the master control command, and the doomsday game will be terminated early after a one-minute countdown. ]

    [The 60-second countdown starts...]

    A sound like a gift suddenly sounded from the sky, causing the survivors who were still holding their last breath to raise their heads in a daze.

    "What do you mean? The game is about to end early?"

    "Isn't this a joke? We... can we stop playing the game?"

    All kinds of surprise questions erupted.

    The zombies and monsters that had been attacking the survivors without fear of pain all stopped at this moment, and they were frozen in place as if they were immobilized.

    Seeing this scene, people finally dared to believe that the prompt sound just now was not an illusion.

    The game is really over.

    The originally short one-minute countdown suddenly became long under the eager anticipation of everyone.

    All survivors held their breath as they followed the beep to the final countdown.

    [Countdown three seconds...]

    [Countdown two seconds...]

    [Countdown one second...]

    [Di... The game is over and the system is about to shut down. 】

    After the sound ended, I saw a group of warm light sources rising in the air. If Lin Meng were here, she would immediately discover that the light source in the sky and her healer Holy Light actually had the same healing power.

    However, the range of the area illuminated by this group of light sources on the horizon is wider.

    The rays of light fell on the ground, and many survivors suddenly felt as if a magical power had flowed into their bodies. The physical strength consumed since the battle has been greatly recovered and improved.

    What's even more amazing is that the various strange scars on the surface of the zombies that were originally frozen in place are gradually fading away, revealing the delicate human skin again.

    The deceased who lay on the ground and lost their vitality also woke up like cheating corpses. They got up and looked at the surrounding scenery in confusion, not knowing what happened.

    The endless night has come to an end, ushering in the first ray of dawn of the day, and the ruined human world is rapidly recovering.


    Three years have passed since the end of the Doomsday game.

    After the game ended, the humans who had died in the game were also resurrected and woke up. Except for various withered flowers, trees and ruined buildings, everything was back to its original state.

    After going through this test that devastated humanity, human beings once again broke out with amazing cohesion. After the restoration of electricity and various technologies, the country led countless volunteers who volunteered to start a plan to rebuild their homes.

    Among them, the power user association organization and the hunter union also joined it.

    It is worth mentioning that the reputation of the Hunter Guild was suddenly shattered, and more and more ordinary survivors voluntarily joined the union, hoping to add strength to the plan to rebuild their homes.

    Including Shi Lei, Lin Meng, Chu Yi, and Jiang Sanduo, the four of them were not idle, and they were busy helping each other.

    After the game ended early that day, all the players in the instance were automatically bounced back to the real world, and the four of them were no exception.

    But for some reason, Ling Qiqi disappeared.

    In the past three years, the human world has been rapidly recovering and developing, but Ling Qiqi has never appeared.

    "Fatty, my mother told me to go home for dinner. I'll go first." Lin Meng waved and turned and ran away.

    After separating from Shi Lei, Lin Meng was walking on the street alone, thinking of Ling Qiqi again, and suddenly sighed.

    Even those who once died were brought back to life, but Ling Qiqi seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no news at all.

    After walking for a long time, Lin Meng finally saw his house and turned around and walked into the building.

    At the same time, many people have also eaten hot meals at home.

    Spring is the season for all things to recover. The small alleys are full of peach blossoms. When the wind blows, countless petals fall.

    Under a peach blossom tree, a slender girl suddenly appeared out of thin air.

    After a long time...

    an astonishing cry suddenly rang out from a certain community, "Ling Qiqi, you have no conscience! You finally appeared, I thought you didn't want us anymore!"

    Lin Meng rushed up and hugged Ling Qiqi, Inhale hard.

    Later, in the same building next door.

    "Qiqi! When did you come back, why didn't you come to me first!" Shi Lei's figure seemed to be more rounded, and his chubby face was showing excitement at this moment.

    Finally, Chu Yi and Jiang Sanduo, who were temporarily living in the neighborhood next door.

    The two people, who have always been calm, showed a different performance after seeing Ling Qiqi again.

    "Did you really come back this time? Are you still going? Are you still that god?" Jiang Sanduo asked Ling Qiqi directly in a series of questions, not knowing which to answer first.

    After adjusting his emotions, Ling Qiqi nodded with a smile.

    "I'm really coming back this time, and I won't be leaving again. My current identity is Ling Qiqi, an ordinary person."

    The price of terminating the game early is that Ling Qiqi will be imprisoned for three years in the endless black domain. punish.

    Now that three years have passed, she can return to the world and live out the life that belongs to Ling Qiqi.

    Of course, after this life, she still has to return to her small world and continue to be that lonely god.

    The author has something to say:

    At present, the plot is over, and the flowers are over!

    If you are interested, you can pay attention to the pre-received books of other new books in the next column: "Daily Doing Things in Infinite Amusement Park", "I Become an Internet Celebrity Beast Master by My Beauty", "Laying Down and Winning People After Dressing as a Female Match"~
