Ch21: Reminiscing

  As I entered her office, I sat down at her swivel chair and picked a slice of pizza.

I roamed my eyes around her office, I envy that pervert, she is way toooo matured than me.

I sighed at that thought. I continued exploring inside until I saw a case of guitar.

She knows how to play it? Cool.

I grabbed the case and released the guitar, I looked at it.

This guitar reminds me of something, it looks like the guitar I saw before.

Red, a 15 sticker on it.

Not exactly looking the same, but the style does.

I thinked of a song I know, then immediately I had a song.

It was the one Tzuyu sang on the cliff, since I loved that song. I tried to make up the chords to it.

"I found the love...C strums, no no...I found the love...G strums there!"

I tried all the chords that it appropriate on it until I made it all.

I strummed and started singing..

"Baby I'm, dancing in the dark. With you between my arms..."

"Come on squirrel! The stars are beautiful!", a certain girl pulled my wrist gently to let me see the dark sky.

"See? It's sparkling...", she said and looked at the sky.

" your eyes, when I looked at it. They're sparkling.", she added.

"Barefoot on the ground, listening to our favorite song."

"I never thought that you had those cute toes.", I chuckled while she's wiggling her toes under the water.

"Well, I didn't know.", she chuckled and with that, she splashed the water on me with her foot.

"Yaaaaaaahhh! Waeyoooo???", I said while pouting which made her come close to me.

*dug-dug dug-dug*

"When you said you looked like mess, I whispered underneath my breathe but you heard it, darling you look perfect tonight."

"Do you want some icecream? I'll treat you.", she said as she offered a hand, I gladly accept it.

While eating my icecream, I didn't notice some of it are already on my cute dress.

We sat on the fountain's edge.

"Somebody's looking like a mess.", she laughed.

As I look at myself, I was surprised. I laughed at myself because of my look. But I lost my balance so I fell backwards.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!", she laughed.

I stood up. I was about to cry when she stopped laughing.

"No no no, don't cry eonnie.", she tried to calm me down.

"I looked like a mess right now!", I started to cry.

I felt her protective arms around me and whispered something.

"..............You're still cute on your pink dress."

I heard her coughed, then she broke our hug.

"Uhmn, don't cry eonnie. Come on, I'll walk you home it's a bit dark.", she said while tapping my back which made me stop from crying. She took off her pink-cotton jacket and wrapped it around me as she held my hand and started walking to my home.

I didn't notice that I already ended the song. I took a glance on Tzuyu's guitar.

"How long it has been? How are you now? I missed your hugs and kisses. I'm sorry if I broke my promise, can you forgive me?", I said while thinking her.

"Why is that? After that incident, you didn't show yourself to me? Why?...damn you, but I missed you.", I wiped my tears. I didn't notice that I'm already crying.

I sat on the sofa while wipping ny tears. The door opened, revealing someone so I fixed myself but she already saw me.

"Hey Sexy--- what happened? Why are you crying?", She hugged me and tapped my back.

"Shhhhhh, I'm here baby... Stop crying okay? Tell me what happened?", she said softly.

"I *huk*, I-I just remembered my friend back there.", I cried in her chest.

"I'm jealous, you should miss me not him or her.", she move away from me.

It stopped me from crying and my right eyebrow suddenly raised at her protest.

"Really? Jealous of my friend? She's only my friend.", I said.

"I am, you should miss me not her.", she crossed her arm and pouted.

Her movements made me chuckle.

"What?", she looked at me blankly.

"Stop being jealous Honey Shimmie.",I said and hugged her.  

 She hugged me back.

"I'm just kidding, I'm not jealous. I just want you to smile.", she said.

Awww, I'm fluttered by this giant pervert.

"I know that you're mine. I'm not that possessive, and it's normal to miss your friend.", she gently said.

"Thank you Perv, didn't know that you had that personality.", I smiled.

She pecked on my lips.

"I'm only showing this personality to you.", she winked.

"Ooohhh, really?", I raised both of my eyebrow.

"Yeeeeees it is.", she immitated me.

I laughed at her and hugged her again.

"Goodthing you laughed, it sounds like music to me.", she said.

"But I bet your moans will sound better.", she sheepishly said.

"What the...hmmpft"

She kissed me without a warning.

"I'm hungry...", she smirked. "I should eat my food.", with that she kisses me again.

I didn't bother since I loved her lips on mine. She nibbled my lips with her tongue,seeking for an entrance. I immdiately let her in, our tongue fought for love but she won, so I let her explore my mouth. I sat on her lap while her hands roamed around my body. I gasped when she groaped my ass gently.

"Hmmmmm....", I let out a soft moan because of the sensation she was giving me.

 Ghaddemn this girl, where did she learn all of this? She sneaked her hands inside my blouse and tried to memorize every parts of it. She rubbed my waist up and down which made me grined on her.

"Damn, you're so sexy...", she groaned and hit her head back

She laid me down on the sofa and she's on the top. Our legs was in between, making myself feeling hotter in this scene.She kissed me again but not so long, her kisses went down to my neck. Sucking my skin as if she's a vampire, I shut my eyes breathing soundless. I felt her thing colliding with mine.  

  "A-ahhhmmn....", I can't hold the feeling anymore, I let out a moan.

 "Uughhhh, demn you Tzuyu!", I almost shouted when she touched my thing below. Pressing it with her pointer and index finger.

"You liked it?" I didn't answer but instead, bit my lips to avoid releasing a moan. 

"I think you are but..." She stopped what she's doing and pecked at my lips as she laid beside me on the sofa.

"We need to stop before I will fuck you.", she said and closed her eyes.                       
