Ch37: New Suitors

Sana's POV

After the last time I pushed Tzuyu from me last week...I never felt the feeling of being loved anymore.

Why? Of all the people in the universe, why it has to be her? Damn it!

My life was almost perfect because I already had her, but now...I-I can't have her as my lover.

Destiny is really a good player, it can make your life to the opposite one in just a milisecond.


I looked at my phone.

My wallpaper is still the same, the one I stole from her while she's signing her papers with a poker face.


I really miss her, I want her to be with me again. I want her again. This was the first problem that I never think of a solution to fix.

Except if I will break God's rule.

Can I really?

We're only half sisters... But still, the same blood is running through our veins.

Damn Sana! Think straight! A relative can't be like that.

Screw this life of mine, I hate to suffer in this situation. I wish my suffer would end.

I think I should try to chill out myself. Right Sana, that would help even a little. Cheer up yourself, locking up will just waste your time.

"Move on Sana, I know Tzuyu will get through this."

I stood up and took a shower to fresh up my mind.

After taking a shower, I wore a loose shirt and jeans.

I'll be going out for a walk by myself.

As I open my unit, a small box was infront of me.

To: Minatozaki Sana.

So this is for me.

I opened the box, then a small velvet box was inside. I opened it then it has a bracelet.

I smiled in thought, is this from Tzuyu? I know I should stop loving her but I can't help myself to. I think I will take time on that.

Half of myself wanted to wear this but I got a feeling that this is not from Tzu.

Why do I even sense about that? Who would ever send this to me except Tzuyu?


I put the box inside my cabinet without wearing the bracelet.

I exited myself from my room and made my way outside.

As I pass by a staff.

"Ms. Sana, someone gave this to you.", a staff said to me while holding a baymax stuff toy.

"Is it Tzuyu?"

"I don't know ma'am, is she the girl who visited you a week ago?", he asked?

"Yes. How did you know?", I asked.

"I saw her crying infront of your unit ma'am, I was checking her while I pass by. I think she cried there for about 3 hours. I was also the one who helped her calm.", he explained.

I am hurt, knowing that Tzuyu can't move on from me.

"What's your name?", I asked.

"Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan.", He said.

"Oh, thank you for that Jeonghan. We j-just broke up 1 week ago that's why.", I said.

"She's too beautiful to let go but you still did it."

"You don't know what's behind it so don't judge me.", I said

"Then I will fix her broken heart. I will take care of her."

W-what? N-no, she's mine.

F-fuck, I pushed her away so that means I don't own her since that day.

"G-go on. I don't care.", I looked on the other side.

"Be sure of that. Anyways, she's not the one who gave you this.", He said and gave the stuff to me.

"Then who?"

"I don't know ma'am. Please excuse me, I still have work to do.", he said and walked away.

P-please take good care of her...

I looked up to avoid the tears forming in my eyes to fall.

As soon as I composed myself again, I continued to walk out while carrying the stuff toy.


I am currently here at the mall, checking some dress.

While searching for a nice dress.. I realized that I was on the same spot where
Tzuyu kissed me for the first time.

I shrugged my thoughts away and continued checking the dress.

As I grabbed a certain dress, I saw a letter.

I hope that I am right about your favorite color Sana.
Please wear this to lighten up your day.

Ps. It's already paid

From who is this?

I looked around to see if someone was around me but I saw no one.

Maybe it's just a coincidence but no, He/She is right about my favorite color. It's a red dress.

I took the dress but I didn't wear it, instead I bought a plastic bag to put it inside together with the baymax stuff.


After checking out the dresses, I felt hungry so I went to starbucks.

I ordered a coffee shake, while waiting, I put my headphones on and turned my playlists on.

"Here's your coffee ma'am, you're the 50th costumer to order that so the cup is already yours ma'am.", the waiter said and put my order at the table.

I smiled at him and turn my sight at the coffee shake.

Something caught my attention.

Something is written on the cup.

The girl who is infront of the cup right now has the most beautiful heart in the world which no one could ever replace.

For me, she is the most cheerful girl I met.
If I showed up myself to you, please give me a chance to show my love you for you.

I love you Sana.

My eyes widened at the letter. I looked on the gifts I received today.

From who are these from?

Aish. Nevermind that for now Sana and drink your coffee shake and eat your cake for I am hungry and thirsty right now.

Sorry gifts, Sana-Sana is hungry right now so yeah. Please don't bother me.

I'll think of it later after I finish this.


I placed the stuffs on my bed, hehe I went back home after eating at the starbucks.

I received 3 gifts today and I remembered what Jeonghan said.

She's not the one who gave you this.

Err... I can't think of someone except Tzuyu.

I let out a big sigh.

"I already have a problem in my heart, then here you are...sending stuffs without showing me your damn face.", I mumbled to my face.

I don't know what to think, but I only know one thing.

Tzuyu and I will have new suitors starting this day.


Goodbye SaTzu?
It's on you on what to think XD HAHAHA
I will not give spoilers.
