Ch55: Jealousy towards a child

"Come here baby, let mommy Sana feed you."

We are currently feeding ourselves in a restaurant, treating our cute angel with foods and clothes.

I'm really happy that Sana is going okay with this baby.

By the way, her name is Ayukizu , her name really fits her face and attitude. She has a very white skin complexion just like a snow, she's also fond of kissing our cheeks which made us giggle to her sudden movements, then she loves "Z", yes, she loves letter Z. Well, maybe she does because her name has a letter Z on it, we also noticed that she loves to pray everytime we eat, I guess she'll grow up with fear to God which I fell for it the most. She's a half japanese girl, he's father was the japanese in them.

"Baby do you want to eat more pasta?" Sana said to our little angel, our angel nodded excitedly as Sana uttered a chuckle then gave her more

"You'll be fat like your mommy if you eat a lot of pasta, cutie", Sana asked the angel.

"She's a growing child daddy, right baby?", Sana chuckled then our baby nodded, I just watched them eating.

"Will my baby let her mommy Sana feed Daddy Tzu?"

"I want to feed her, I want to be close with my daughter, Yodang", Sana's weird but I'm getting jealous

After we eat at the restaurant, we went to the department store to buy her clothes. Good thing Sana has a lot of knowledge with fashion and clothes, I stared at Sana as she looked for baby's clothes at home, she checked the price and its affordable and has a good quality.

"Is this okay to you?", She fitted the clothes to the little one.

"Its okay mommy", Our angel said while smiling from cheek to cheek.

She really do looked like Tzuyu.

"Now put these on the basket dear", She immediately put the clothes on the basket... Great I look like a guard tss.

We went to buy her casual wears, swimwear. She and her mom has the same sense in fashion

"Her pajamas?", I said

"Oh I almost forgot, Tzu just stay there, you might get tired. We'll just buy her pajamas", Sana said without looking at me then they went inside in the other stall.

That's it!

I just nodded as they left.

I'm really jealous...with our baby

Sana's POV

We are currently picking her pajamas and she loves choosing colors pink, white and blue

"Mommy I noticed something about daddy", she said while holding my hand.

"What is it honey?"

"Daddy has a serious face, does she hates me?", I carried her then whispered.

"Daddy is just jealous because she used to be my baby and then you came", I pinched her cheeks as she giggled

"Daddy is kinda cute when she's jealous.", she chuckled.

"Let's buy daddy a peace offering", our little one added.

We're in the pajama section of the department store

"Look mommy!", She pulled me to the mannequin that has a family pajamas.

As we finished buying all that we want to buy, we went back to Tzuyu.

"Hey... Let's p-", I was interrupted when Tzuyu ignored me and pulled the cart to the cashier.

I can't approach her like this or our angel would be scared, I just texted her

To: Pervert

Let's talk later okay?


I sent it as I went to her and checked the items we bought.

"Do you really need to text me for that?", She asked me

"I don't want her to hear us talking serious, we need to cheer her up from her trauma", I said

"Mommy? Can I look for some toys?", Ayukizu asked me as she pouted.

"Just get back here okay? Don't talk to strangers.", I tapped her cute nose as she nodded as she ran at the toy area which is near to the cashier.

As we waited for our turn, suddenly our cute little angel went back with a cute big bear that is bigger than her

"Do you want this?", Tzuyu said as she grabbed the bear and carried her

"Yes daddy, please.", our angel used the aegyo she learned from me earlier.

Tzuyu kissed our daughter's forehead as she added it to the cart, She paid for it as we went home.

As soon as we stepped inside Tzuyu's condo, the little one immediately open the bags to check all the stuffs we bought.

"Cutie, check it later. Go take a bath first.", I said to her.

"But I still can't wash my body all by myself.", she pouted.

I kissed the little one's cheek.

"Then Mommy Sana will help you."

I helped our angel wash, we almost stayed in the bathtub for about 1 hour.

Then after that, we dressed ourselves then I put her to sleep with her teddy bear.

"I guess, you should check those toya tomorrow Honey. Little Ayukizu needs to rest now.", I said and kissed her forehead.

She nodded and bid me a goodnight.

I'm wearing a long blue silk robe as I went to our couch where Tzuyu was sitting.

"Tzu... What's your problem earlier? Why are you ignoring me?", I acted in a serious tone although I knew what it was about.

"Its just... I'm jealous because you didn't even talk to me at the department store, and your attention is on our baby", She showed her famous stoic face.

I hugged her tightly while smiling.

"Hmmmnnn my Baby Yodang is jealous with baby Yuki, Its just our angel needs attention. I'll just make it up to you at night", I said and winked

"Okay okay, apology accepted" She hugged me.

I stood up for a while to get her gift, the one me and Yuki bought.

"Open this", I said to her as I handed her a box with a wrapper.

"That's a peace offering, our peace offering", She opened the box, revealing the pajama that me and Yuki are wearing right now

"Wear it, I'm also wearing it too",I removed my silk robe revealing the pajama.

She quickly wore it as she sat at the sofa.

"Thank you Baby... Thank you baby Yuki", she kissed me then our daughter's cheek

"Let's sleep", I yawned

"Goodnight", She pulled me to a deep passionate kiss which made me respond, I'm scared that I'm making sounds but I can't help not to until

"Mommy? Daddy? What's going on?",We both chuckled as we went to our bed as we slept together as a family, hugging our little angel between us.
