Ch43: Love Square

Tzuyu's POV

"Boss, wake up."

"5 mins Pikachu, I'm still sleepy."

I heard Sana sighed then a soft lips landed on mine.

"GOODMORNING PIKACHU!", I cheerfully greeted her.

She chuckled and did her facepalm.

By the way, I asked Sana to stay here with me in my condo. I missed sleeping with her anyways.

I stood up from the bed and pulled Sana to up to me then I carried her until the kitchen.

"Sit here, I'll cook for you.", I said as I let her sit in the kitchen's counter.

She just nodded and showed me a cheeky smile.

I kissed her nose and started myself to prepare the food.

While mixing the ingredients, a pair of arms wrapped on my waist.

"Smells good.", she stated.

"Which one? Me or the food?", I asked.


Smooth Sana. I love it.

I just continued cooking while Sana is back hugging me.

"We do look like a married couple.", I blurted.

"Of course.", she kissed my nape.

I faced her and put my forehead on to hers.

"I will mary you baby. I will.", I said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

She went silent...


"Don't tell about what you're thinking babe. No one will know about our family background, our parents aren't here so we could not stop this. Nothing will stop us from getting separated again. I will never let that happen.", I said while caressing her cheek.

"T-tzuyu...", she sniffed.

"Don't cry my cutie ball of sunshine, Eevee loves you. Eevee will never let go of Pikachu.", I said and pecked at her lips.

"Ne... Saranghaeyo.", She mumbled.

"Nado saranghaeeeeee.", I whispered in her ear which made her giggle.

"Such a cutie.", I said and went to my cook again.

After I finshed cooking, I prepared a plate for my cutie sexy wife.

"Here's the food delivery!", I said and placed the plate infront of her seat.

She fanned her hand to smell the food.

"Waaaaahhh!!! It smells so good!", she squealed.

I chuckled and took my seat infront of her.


She shoved her spoon and took a bite.

I know it's delicious since her face tells it all. She's too obvious to tell.

"Yummmm.", she said while taking a bite again.

"Slowdown Pikachu, that's all yours.", I said.

"After you eat that, let's have a movie marathon in your place. I kinda miss your bed.",I said while looking at her.

"And I missed it doing in your room.", I winked.

Sana glared at me.

"Just kidding Baby Sasa."

She avoided a contact with me to hide her burning cheeks.

So cute.

I waites for Sana to finish her food before taking a bath.

I insisted to take a bath together, but instead of an answer. A flying shoes appeared in my sight, good thing I avoided it so easy.

After taking a bath, I just wore a simple clothes because we will be at Sana's.


I parked the car then Sana went down.

I turned off the engine and followed Sana.

She held my hands while walking towards her unit. As we are going closer, a familiar figure appeared.

"Eunha?", Sana said.

"Sana! Where have you been? I missed you so much!", Eunha hugged her so tight.

Really? Infront of a goddess like me? Argh!.

I walked infront of them and separated Eunha from my baby.

"What the!?", she didn't a look on me and suddenly punch me on my jaw.

"Woah, you're strong.", I smirked.

"...but not as me.", I added and punched her too.

"STOP!", Sana blocked herself inbetween us.

"Let's talk about this.", Sana said and went in first.

"So you're together huh?", Eunha said.

"Yes, sorry about that Eunha.", Sana mumbled.

"What?! Tzuyu and Sana are back together?", I heard a male voice from the back.

As I looked behind, Jeonghan approached us.

"Yes.", Sana rolled her eyes.

"You gave me hopes Tzuyu... I thought, in any chance you also like me.", Jeonghan said.

"I didn't ask for it Jeonghan.", I said.

"You and Sana can't be together.", Eunha said.

Does she knows about it?

"We love each other, both of us are meant to be.", I held Sana's hand.

"How can a siblings be together?", She smirked.

"What?!?", Jeonghyun was shock.

"You heard it right buddy, this two can't be together.", Eunha crossed her arms.

"It's a shame Tzuyu, you can't be together with your sister.", Jeonghyun pulled my wrist from Sana.

"I will make you love me so please let go of your SISTER.", he emphasized the word 'sister'.

"I will not let you do that.", I firmly said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Kill me first before you can win Sana's heart.", I strongly said.

"Don't worry, I will. On Saturday, Death ray arena. Bring your gang, we will have a 3 vs 3 battle.", she smirked.

"Don't Tzuyu.", Sana stopped.

"I will be there.", I said.

"What are you guys talking about? Are you some sort of gangster?", Jeonghan asked while looking at us confusedly.

"You're outta here.", Sana rolled her eyes.

"10 pm sharp. If we win, Sana is mine. If you...I will not bother you anymore.", she said.

A smirked appeared in my lips.


"Let's go Sana.", I said and pulled her wrist with me towards inside her unit.

"Are you sure about that Tzu? You might be hurt.", she asked worriedly.

"For you, I will do anything my love.", I said and claimed her lips.

I need to practice tomorrow for the battle, I need to win this for the sake of Sana.

I will do this for her.
