Ch02: Kiss Thief

It's been a week since that incident with that pervert. Momo shared that to Mina, and with that Mina laughed so hard then Momo joined her laughing.

What a couple.

Yes, they are couple and because I'm the only single on the three of us, they always say that, that pervert might be my soulmate. Ew, soulmate? I'd rather live alone than to be with that pervert!

"What's with that face Sana?", Mina ask while leaning to Momo's shoulder and intertwined her hand with Momo's.

"I am thinking on how you two would break up.", I smirked.

"Ooh, we are also thinking on how you can find your partner, you looked like a thirdwheel in here.", Momo teased.

"You know what? You should date with someone.", Mina suggested.

"Who? That pervert? Ew no!", I said.

"We didn't say that you'll date with that pervert. It's you who said that right now, yieeeeeeeee. Do you like her?", Momo teased

"Me?! Eww, No thanks."

"She's pretty for you Sana, you guys can be a perfect couple.", Momo giggled.

"No way. Get lost.", I said as I stood up and grabbed my hoodie

"Yah! Where are you going?", Momo asked

"In the place where I can't see you.", I answered.

"Woosh, maybe in the place where you can see her. Yieeeee."

"Shut up.", I rolled my eyes

"Whatever, just be back before 10 pm.", she said.

"Yes Mom.", I chuckled at her.

I went out of my condo, yes MY condo but I'm the one who left.

I checked my wallet because I need to buy perfumes for my collection but...

I'm out of moneyyy, aish. I need to find work again. My savings are about to end. I still need to give donations to the charity. Am I a good girl? Just kidding, but seriously, I am donating money to the charity every month.

Well, my dad supports me, but I still need to work on my own, I'm trying to practice living alone so yeah, I didn't spend dad's money, I just save it in my bank.

I'm not a brat girl if that's what you think.

So as I was saying, I need to find work for me, the charity, the bills, and my foods don't forget about the perfume!

I fished out my phone from my pocket and started to scan someone from my phonebook.

Of course, someone that can help a gorgeous lady like me right now.

I called Nayeon eonnie for help.

*Dialing Bunny Eonnie*

Hey Sana? What's up?

Hey eonnie, uhmn Do you have free job? I need money.

Yeah, I know something where you can work.

Jinjja? Where?

It is a company, my friend owns it and she needs an employee.

Ooh, when can I start?

I don't know, I'll ask her later then I'll call you tonight okay?

Yes eonnie, thank you!

Welcome Sana, bye

Bye eonnie, let's try to bond with the group on the other time.

Okay then, this Saturday will do. Bye

Okay bye.

Great! Now I'm already okay. Thanks to Nayeon eonnie.

I went to the nearest stall of icecream.

"Ajusshi, give me a cup of vanilla icecream please.", I said.

"Make it 2."

Eh? Who's this? I turned back.


"Stop shouting Sexy, yeah I missed you too."

Now you know who it is.

"I don't miss you so go away.", I said that made her pout.

"Ew, it doesn't suit you.", I said and rolled my eyes

"Here's your icecream.", the old man gave the icecream.

She paid for the icecream.

"My treat.", she winked and I rolled my eyes.

Without hesitations, I run away from her, who knows? Maybe she's a rapist.

"Yah! I'm not a rapist, don't ran away from me.", she said as she was chasing me.

Wow, mind reader?

"Yeah, I can read minds."

Cool. But still a pervert.

"Yeah, it's cool. You're right...still a pervert."


"Will you stop shouting?", She pouted.

"Will you stop following?"

"Will you stop walking away?"

"Aish! Okay okay! What do you need?", I asked calmly.


I feel my cheeks heating up. Sht!

"Look who's blushing.", she teased me.

"No I'm not, please go away pervert!"

"Nu-uh, you're the most sexiest here so I will stay with you.", she winked.

I sighed.

"Pervert.", I glared.

"I know Sexy.", she said while staring at my legs.

I flickered her forehead with my fingers.

"Ouch, that hurts Sexy.", she said while massaging her forehead.

"Serves you right."

She pouted at me but shrugged it off and licked her icecream.

That was weird.

"What? Do you want my icecream? We can share.", she said as she offered her icecream.

"No way pervert."

She finished her icecream while I am still having a half of mine.

"You want me to clean you?", she grined.

"Huh?",I finished my icecream

"You do really need to be cleaned".


Out of blue she licked my lips and kissed it a few seconds.

"There. All clean."

What happened?

"Yah, are you still there?"

She just kissed me for the second time.

"Do you want more?", she smiled.


She just kissed me again.

She just kissed me...

Kissed me again...



I raised my fist and punched her face.


I didn't let her say a word again and punch her abdominal part.


I was about to punch her again but she blocked my hand.

"Okay okay, sorry! Don't punch me okay?!", she said as she wipe her lip, it bleeds. Serves her right.

"Then why did you kiss me?! Damn you for that!", I punch her again but she blocked it.

"How can I calm you down???"

I didn't listen to her and aimed to punch her again but she blocked it.

"Okay no choice then."

I furrowed my eyebrows because of that. I raised my fist and ready to punch her but...

She kissed me again.

For the third time...

I felt her sucking my lower lip softly with her hand holding my waist while her other hand is unclenching my fist.

Without knowing, I closed my eyes and go with the flow.

Damn she's so good!

She nibbled my lip and licked it.

Okay I'm so into it now...

"Hmmn...", I let out a small moan.

She broke the kiss and pecked again.

"Wow, she liked it."

"Yah, Sexy, wake up."


She slaped my cheeks not so hard.

"W-what the?", I said after I opened my eyes.

"Did you like it?"

"Ye- no, of course.", I said as I looked away.

"Oh? Really? Okay."

I looked down to hide my burning cheeks.

"Hey, it's almost dark. Let me take you home.", she offered.

"N-no thanks, I can manage."

"No, there are bad guys around and look, you're a good catch.", she said.

"I can run away from them."

"They can still catch you so let me take you home."

"Why do you want to take me home?", I asked.

"So that I can see you safely walking towards your house.", she said.

"And then I can sneak inside your house and I saw you showering at the bathro---aw! Yah that hurts!", I punch her shoulder


"Just let me take you home.", she insisted. No effin way, she might do something again.

"No.", I walked away and left her standing behind

I had enough of her today. Tsk
