Ch38: I Can't

Argh... I need to stop this.

I'm so enough of crying all night, I really feel pity for my eyes and heart...

I looked at myself through the mirror.

Weeks had passed and I'm so pissed on Jeonghan.

But it's my fault because I let him do what he wants to Tzu.

Jealousy is eating me, this is really hard.

Everytime Tzuyu visits me, I lock my door and keep silent until she will say something like "Please comeback to me.", "I love you Sana.", "You're still my Sexy Cutie.".

I admit, I smiling when she says that behind the door.

I really can't move from her, she is the one that I want.

So what about Jeonghan?

He keeps on talking nonsense things with Tzuyu while she's waiting outside my unit. Jeonghan gives many stuffs to her and Tzuyu accepts it all. Tch.

He's the one sending Tzuyu to her home. Aish. I wish I'm Jeonghan, I can love Tzuyu freely.

I wish I can just open the door and hug Tzuyu but...I can't.

Speaking about stuffs, I always receive gift these days. Even when I am roaming around, at the park, mall and even here.

I think someone's spying me. Aish.

My thoughts were cut when I heard a knock on my door.

It's Tzuyu...

"Sana? I know you're here."

W-wait, it's not her.

I opened the door and there I saw...

"Eunha?!?", I was surprised.

"Hey Sana.", she winked.

I was a bit traumatized on the incident where Eunha and his men attacked Tzuyu's member on their basement so I immediately shut the door.

"Sana! I'm not gonna kill you!", she shouted.

"Are you s-sure about that?!", I bit my lip..

"Yes I am. Please open the door.", she knocked once again.

I slowly opened the door.

"What do you need? Your rival and I already broke up so you can't anything from me or the throne thingy.", I said.

"Er... It's not about the throne. I want to tell you about something.", she scratched her nape.

I think she's not bad at all... Why would Tzuyu build an anger towards her?

"About what?", I said and secretly grabbed the book behind me.

She sighed,

"Stop what you are planning Sana, I'm not here to kill you.", she said. did she?

"Oh, sorry... So what is it?", I throwed the book.

"It is about the gifts...hehe. I am the one sending those...", she said.

"What?! S-so why did you?!", I asked.

"I love you Sana...", she said and went close to me which made me step back.

"O-oh hey hey I think you're pranking me.", I said and blocked her with my hands

"No I ain't. Please give me a chance to win your heart."

"N-no I can't Eunha. Sorry."

"Please... The first time I saw you at Tzuyu's basement, I felt something for you but I still didn't realize it. Please Sana, I love you.", She pleaded again.

"I'm sorry but I already have Tzuyu."

"But you said you two already broke up?"
"Please Sana, give me a chance. I can fix your broken heart, I will be the one to wipe your tears when you cry. I can help you forget about Tzuyu.", She said.

"Sorry, I can't forget her and I will not forget her.", I said

She looked down.

I feel guilty, I wish I can love her back. But I can't, Tzuyu is the one I really love.

I stiffened when Eunha hugged me. I just let her because she seems to be nice, and I feel quite guilty on her.

I hugged her back


Shit it's Tzuyu.

I immediately pushed Eunha slowly.

"I-Is this the reason why you broke up with me?", her eyes are looking at me...

"I-I ah... Y-yes, she is.", I lied.

This is the only way so that Tzuyu can forget about me easily.

"N-no, t-that's not true.", she took a step near us.

"Yes it is. We already had a relationship before they attacked your place.", I said not lookinh to Tzuyu's eyes.

"Y-you cheated on me. Y-you said you love me! Why did you even give all yourself to me when you already had a gf?! Fuck Sana, you just played me around.", She said.

She clenched her fist.

She went close to me so I pushed Eunha a bit.

Tzuyu pinned me on the wall.

I can feel her madness throughout her body...

She's not the Tzuyu I know, she's like a killer right now.

"Why?", she asked with authority on her voice.


"WHY?!?", she shouted with anger.

"T-tzuyu...", I feel my knees tremble.

"Stop it Tzuyu! You're hurting Sana!", I heard Eunha said.

"Shut up!", Tzuyu shouted.

"Why Sana?!?", she looked me. Her eyes are seriously angry, just like anytime she will kill me.

"I-I'm sorry Tzu.", I muttered beneath my breath.

"I don't need your fucking apology, what I need is your fucking reason!"

"I trusted you, and you are the one who said that I will not let myself cheat on to you! But what happened?!? You are one who cheated me!", She said.

She punched the mirror beside me which made me fall on to my knees and tears dripped from my eyes.

I heard the mirror brittled into pieces on the floor.

"I said that I will accept you anytime if you comeback to me."

"But... Because of this, I just don't know what to do to you. I just don't know."

"Don't you ever show your damn face to me or I will kill you.", after she said that she started to walk away from me.

Fck. This really hurts but I think it's the best of us.

I stayed down and cried, Eunha came beside me and give me a comfort hug.

"It hurts...", I mumbled.

"Don't worry Sana...I will try my best to fix your heart."

"Y-you don't need. I love you more than anything."

"But why?"

"You don't need to know Eunha."



"I will not Sana, look at yourself. You need someone to be with."

"I said leave!"

I said to Eunha which made her sigh and stood up.

"I'll be back tomorrow Sana, please be safe.", she said and went out of the door.

I hugged my knees and cried.

"I'm so sorry Tzuyu."


Double kill ba sapphires?
Sorry na.
