Ch31: Day 2.1

"Who is it you missed?"

"Why? Go back to Dahyun.", I said and closed my eyes.

"I will not, not until you tell me who it is?", she asked again.

So she will be with Dahyun afterwards?. Tch.

"You don't need to know it, just go and have fun with her instead of me."

"I'm your girlfriend yet you're keeping secrets from me---."

I cut her.

"That's it! You're my girlfriend but you're not with me all the time. It's not that I'm possessing you but please do think of it. Starting at the day you met Dahyun, you were with her all the time until before this.", I said while looking at her.

"So you were jealous?"

"Now you finally get it. You're too dumb to notice it.", I crossed my arms.

A smiled formed in her face.

Ghad. Is she crazy?

"So my pervert yoda was jealous over Dahyun?", she grined.

"Stop that, I'm serious here.", I glared at her.

She smiled cheekily and sat beside me under the tree.

"Sorry, sorry for not noticing that. I promise not to be with Dahyun all the time.", she apologized while pouting.

Why can't I resist her? She's too cute to be snobbed.

"Pleasssseeee???", she pleaded again.

She pouted and pleaded for forgiveness using her cutest aegyo infront of me.

Ignore her okay? She just made you jealous without knowing it.

...But, I know you can't Tzuyu, I know you can't ignore her.

I looked at the other side.

"Jagiiiiiiiiiii, mianhae.", she pouted.


"No kisses from me if you will not forgive me.", she crossed her arms.

W-wait? No kisses? Nooooooo!

I instantly looked at her.

"Please? Please forgive your cutie sexy Sana.", she moved closer to me


"Pweaaasshhhh???", she pleaded more.

I smirked at her.

"I don't accept apologies.", I said.

She sighed in defeat but then smiled.

"Well, I think I know that statement.", she chuckled.

I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Okay, come here.", she smiled.

"Just kidding.", I chuckled.

"Peace?", she said with a V sign.

"Peace.", I repeated her.

She hugged me and we laid down under the tree while holding each others hands.

"And that's where we went peace again.", Sana explained.

We heard an 'Oooohhh' from the eonnies except from Dahyun.

"I think, it's not a valid reason for you to be jealous."

Everyone went silent in her statement.

"Then what? You'll keep on dragging her away from me? That's ridiculous.", I said.

"Hey hey hey, stop that.", Mommy Nayeon said.

What's her problem? I mean, I am Sana's girlfriend so that's normal for me to get jealous.

"We're just friends Tzuyu, nothing to worry.", Sana patted my back for calmness.

"Yeah right. Friends.", Dahyun repeated.

Wait, does it mean something?

"What do you mean by that Dahyun?", Mina asked.

"Nothing. Excuse me.", after Dahyun said that, she stood up and went somewhere.

We went silent for awhile after Dahyun excused herself.


"Dahyun likes Sana...I think?", Daddy Jeong said.

She's right. I think Dahyun was close to confessing awhile ago.

That's why I didn't like the feeling of Sana being with Dahyun.

I sighed with a bit of frustration.

"Let's go Perv, we need to rest guys.", Sana said and stood up.

"Ne~~~.", everyone said.

"Shoooooooo, go to sleep on your rooms.", Mina eonnie shooed us.

Just thank Jisoos that this is their room where we gathered tonight.

"Goodnight guys. Goodnight Baby Chewyyyy.", Mom said and pinched my cheeks."

"Goodnight Baby Chewy.", Dad patted my head.

Am I a dog? Pshh.

"Goodnight Mom, Dad.", I said which made Sana laugh.

"Why so suddenly? I never thought Nayeon and Jeongyeon would be your parents.", She said and chuckled.

I just smiled and held her hands as I stood up and went to our room.

As we entered our room, Sana jump into the bed but it was kinda strong that cause her to fall on the other side.



That's what you call clumsy.

"There there. Hahahaha you clumsy.", I said while chuckling as I sat on the bed.

She also sat on the floor and rest her head on the bed.

"Uhmn, about Dahyun...", she opened a convo.

"Forget about that. I'm not gonna let her.", I said.

"I know, but please don't be mean to her. She's still our friend."


"No buts, she's still our friend. So don't be mean towards her. I got NO feelings to her, just friends okay? So please don't worry, you're still the one.", she said.

I crunched myself on the bed and faced her.

"Be sure of that.", I said.

"I will boss.", she said and derped her face which made me smile.

"Whatever you do to your face, your still pretty.", I said and held her chin.

"I know Perv, I am beautiful always.", she smirked at me.

"That's why you caught my heart.", I winked her.

She cringed a bit and duck her face on the bed.

If I know she was fluttered.

"Staph throwing cheesy lines!", she shouted while her head was still down on the sheets.

"I'm just trying to make points Sexy.", I smiled.

"You're a liar.", she suddenly muttered below.

"W-why? I didn't do something.", I said.

"You did, you said you're not good on these things?", she raised her gaze on me.

" what thing?", I asked in confusion.

"Fluterring stuffs.", she crossed her arms infront me.

"I just learned it Sexy. Well I'm not that good at it.", I said.

"Woooooossshh, humble Yoda.", she said in a teasing way.

I just laughed a bit.

"Oh shut up, I know where I am good.", I pulled Sana up to the bed and dropped ourselves together.

"Yah yah yah! Let's sleep.", she chuckled hence of me on her top.

"No, not until I get what I want.", I licked my lips and brought myself down to her face.

She looked at me.

I literally saw her gulped. Hahahahahaha

"L-let's sleep---"

"Nu-uh, I still didn't get what I want.", I smirked then she went pale.

Aigoo, since when did she got nervous when I am threatening her?

"I want to...", I said and went closer to kiss her lips, but that was not my intention.

I changed direction to upwards and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I...", I said after I kissed her forehead.

Then to her nose, "...Love..."

And finally to my favorite part, "...You.".

I smiled at her and laid myself next to her.

"Goodnight Sexy.", I said and hugged her.

As minutes passed, I heard her sighed.

Pfft,I guess she expected something more or she got really nervous on what I might do to her. Hahahaha

Anyways, I need to sleep to gain confidence for tomorrow's event.


Woooh! After few days I finally updated another chap. Thank you for reading guyseuuuuu!
