Ch44: Practice?

Sana's POV

Tzuyu has been busy practising her skills in fighting after Eunha declaired a battle of 3.

I tried to stop Tzuyu but, I can't do anything, it seems like she really want it to happen.

Maybe she wants to end this problem with Eunha. But what she'll lose?

I know Tzuyu will fight for me, she already said it to me. I know she will win, I trust her so much.

Currently, I am inside Tzuyu's basement together with Chaeyoung and Somi.

They are practising together and I am just sitting here while eating pepero sticks.

After 30 mins, they stopped on practising hence of rest. Tzuyu nodded and smiled at them.

The grabbed their towels and wiped their sweats and smiled at me.

"Bye eonnie!", she waved as they exited the room.

"Bye!", I also returned them with a wave.

I placed the pepero beside my chair and put a stick in my mouth while I search for Tzuyu's towel.

While Tzuyu went beside me, I gently wiped her sweat on her face.

"You're really good on fighting stuffs.",I mumbled with a stick of pepero on the right side of my mouth.

"Really?", she said and strangled her arms around my neck.

"Yah yah, you're still sweaty.", I said and gently removed her arms then started to wipe them.

"A sweaty like me is equals to a hot girl.", she smirked.

I slapped her arm jokingly on she had said. But it's true, she is really hot right now.

That's why I put a pepero in my mouth to prevent me on kissing her right now.

She's not doing anything yet she's looking so hot infront of me.

"Stop staring, I might melt.", she said and snapped a finger on me.

I smiled and stared at her even more as I move closer.

She really do have a beautiful eyes.

She held my left cheek and looked deeply in my eyes, her gaze slowly went down until it landed on my lips.

In an instinc move, she closed the gap between us and eat the tip of the pepero kiss.

I chuckled on her sudden move.

The inches between us decreased as we eat the pepero.

It was only a bite then our lips will touch.

With her hand in my face, she pulled me into a real kiss...or should I say, pepero kiss.

Her lips tasted more delicious, we shared the pepero inside our mouths until it was gone.

She cuts the kiss and winked at me.

"Yummy.", she smirked.

She stood up and started to walk.

"Where are you going?", I asked and took fast steps to catch her.

"I want to take a bath.", she said and wrapped her right arm around my waist.

We left the training room and went to her room.

I jumper on her bed while Tzuyu went to her cabinet and searched for her clothes.

She walks towards me and laid herself on the top of me.

"Want to take a bath with me?", she said while kissing my ear.

"Sure...", I said.

She pulled me up from the bed and then she smirked and undressed my body. I raised both of my hand for a fast method.

After she completely undressed me, she also take off all of her clothes from her. She licked her lips and pulled my waist as she kiss me torridly.

I inserted her hard tongue on me and I sucked it while my hands are memorizing each features of her body.

She carried me and went inside the bathroom without closing the door. She pinned me on the wall as she turned on the shower.

"Yah, are you listening?", she pinched my nose.

Damn  you're imagining stuffs again.

"Sorry, *pecks*, go take a bath you stinky!", I said while pinching her cheeks.

She smiled and planted a soft kiss on me before she went inside the bathroom.

"Damn Sana, You know Tzuyu is so irresistable and hot pervert but...please stop imagining stuffs.", I mumbled beneath my breath.

I grabbed Tzuyu's phone and opened it.

The wallpaper is still the same in the last time I checked her phone.

It was our hands tied together.

Her phone has a password. Err? Should I guess it?


It unlocks.

She's deeply inlove with me hahaha. Her condo unit's passcode is also SaTzu.

What should I do with her phone? Ahh! The gallery.

I need to secure if she's loyal.

As I look on her's a 968 pictures me.

Yes, only me. Stolen pics of me. She only had 89 pictures of us together with our frieds.

I closed my eyes for a minute to calm myself and turned off the phone.

After 2 minutes, I felt a body on the top of me.

"Hey...", I heard Tzuyu.

As I opened my eyes...


She slowly kissed my ear then down to my neck.

Her hands trapped my wrist above my head.

"T-tzu...", I weakly said.

Seeing her in naked while kissing my bare neck makes me weak.

"Hmmmn?", she said and licked my neck which made me gasped.

"Do you want me to stop?", she looked at me.

"Yes", I said and closed my eyes.

But something's wrong

Why do I feel like I said "No"?

I opened my eyes then I saw her smirking.


"I-I mean yes. Y-you need to pract---"

She cut me with a kiss.

"Nu-uh, you already said no. I know you want me too.", she said and caressed my waist.

I gulped at her.

"Do you want Daddy?", she asked while licking my nips.

I can feel the wetness of her tongue in my mounds even there is a cloths in between them.

As she run her fingers down to my almost wet pussy, I arched my back.

"Calm down Baby, Daddy's not gonna hurt you.", she said and teased my thing down there.

"Damn you...", I said and bit my lips.

She sit down on the top of my then she covered her back with the blankets.

"I can feel you wet pus---"

"Chou Tzuyu!? Is this what you call practice?!?"

Damn Chaeyoung caught us.


Uhmn...hey? I missed updating so yeah, I published another chapter.
