Ch57: Punishment

Tzuyu's POV


I am mad, mad of Sana knowing that she went out with Dahyun at the cafe yesterday plus she didn't let me know about it.

"Tzu...I'm sorry, you went to Mina's condo with Ayukizu and you didn't brought your phone with you so I can't contact you.", Sana mumbled while playing her fingers.

"So you should wait for me to be back.", I hissed.



I grumply sit on the sofa then I saw Sana grab her towel and walked towards the cr.

"If she just let me know about it, there is no problem.", I mumbled while crossing my arms.

Dahyun and I are not in goodterms because she's still convincing Sana about her damn I am Yodang. Tsk, its annoying.

While Sana was still inside the cr for a shower, I prepared her new clothes.

I prepared a loose shirt of mine and her undies and shorts.

As I grabbed a piece of her undies, an evil idea popped out in my mind.

I quickly run towards the door and went outside the condo, running to a 24/7 store which was 7/11.

While entering the store, the lips of mine formed into a smirk.

"Do you have a vibrator here?", I asked the staff.

She was a bit shock of my order.

"Yes Miss."

"I will buy one."

"Here Miss."


After paying, I immediately run back to my condo.

Thank ghad Sana is still at the bathroom. While catching my breath, I put the vibrator on her panty. Goodthing it's not really obvious since it's color is blending with her panty.

I put the small remote in my pocket and sat on the sofa, I turned on the T.V for a purpose and hid the original remote of the T.V

A click of the door knob was heard which signalled me that Sana is out of the bathroom and is ready to change her clothes. I focused myself on the T.V not minding about Sana wearing her clothes on.

After some minutes, I took a peek on Sana then I saw her sitting on the bed while tapping her phone.

Texting someone eh? Or Dahyun? Tss

I smirked once again and took out the small remote, pushing the red button while pointing it on the T.V for a small act.


I heard her squeal when I pushed the button, it made my smirk wide.

"Aish. The remote is not working.", I annoyingly said while pushing the button several times.

She groaned at the side while arching her back.

Sht. That was kinda hot.

Well, face your punishment Missy.

I stood up from the sofa and went to Sana, I looked at her while she's moving like a worm.

"The remote is not working properly.", I said.

"Just press it for a long time...!!", she hissed while closing her eyes. it for a long time.

I pointed the small remote on the T.V and pressed the button for a long time.

Sana immediately touched her down and squirmed, arched, grabbing the sheets and biting her lips.

"Ughhh...sht! W-where did it came from?!?.", she mumbled while taking deep pants.

The way she bites her lip turns me on. Fck

I stopped pressing and turned off the T.V., I stood right infront of Sana and inserted my free hand on my pocket while the other was holding the small remote.

Sweats are forming on her for head whils she's catching her breath.

I pressed the button once again.

"Ughh shttt. Damn it!"

I stopped crossed both of my arms.

"Wondering where the vibrations came from?", I asked while smirking.

Sana gave me a confused looks and furrowed eyebrows.

I then showed a hand with a remote then I pushed the button which made her squeal.


"This is for pissing me off. Face your consequences."

"S-stop Tzu...hhhhhh...",  she demanded weakly while panting.

"Not gonna stop until I got satisfied by my punishment...", I paused and smirked at her.

"...or until you cry in pain", I added and ducked down closer to her while standing.

Sana was embarrassed because of what I did, she tried taking those underwear off but I pressed the remote again causing her to arch her back.

“Try removing it or no sex for 3 months”

“I can’t even stand no sex for 2 weeks”, She said.

I pressed the remote again for a long time

“Ahhhhh~ Tzuyu ya~ ahhhh”

Now she’s moaning my name. Damn it's so hot.

Trailing my finger from her middle chest then to her stomach down to her abdomin part, I felt her shivered on the given sensation from me.

"Don't even try to take off that or you'll regret.", I said as I stood up straightly and took a rope from a box under the bed.

Setting aside the rope first and pressed the blue button of the remote for an endless vibration.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Damn...p-please Tzu...I feel so weak.", she mumbled with pleading eyes.

I pinned her at the bed, stopping her from moving and wiggling.

“Imma punish you, so don't even argue with me.”, I licked my lip while staring at her.

"I'll fuck you so hard until you can't walk after this."

"In that, you'll regret when you disobey daddy's orders."

"For you to know, little sluts always follows every daddy's command.", I added.

Her eyes widened with my sudden dirty talk, I wrapped my arms on her waist as I get the remote and turned it off.

“Ahhh... ahhh~”

“I need to punish you, so you should follow my instructions or I’ll punish you more”

I slapped her butt as she nodded

“Now strip”

I ordered her as she started taking off her clothes, Oh damn she looks so hot

“Now lay at your back you slut”

She immediately followed me.

I took the rope and tied up both of her wrists in a hard way, then also to her ankles. But first, I made it sure that her legs are spreading for an easy access.

“Is this how you punish?”

She laughed at me but I pressed the remote longer

“Ahhhh~ shit sorry babe ahhhhh~”, she arched her back.

I can see a wet mark on her undies

I harshly kissed her and I can feel that she’s scared but she’s liking it, I groped her mounds causing her to let out a sound of pleasure

“Too rough babe”, she said.

Sucking the bottom lip. I don't care if it get swollen or bleeding. Exploring every corners of mouth as I teased her tongue by touching it with mine.

Later on her tongue moved so I sucked it like a popsicle, I moved away to see her panting.

Damn lips.

I brought my face back to her and kissed her more. When I got satisfied, I went to her neck and roughly planted hickeys on her neck causing red violet bruises on her neck.

"Hmmmn...darn it...", she moaned because of me.

I trailed my lips down to her boobs as I sucked her nipples really hard like a newborn baby who is finding milk from her mother’s breast.

While sucking her mounds, I fistfully groaped her other breast; pinching her nipple and twisting it.

As I left her mound hard, wet and erected, I proceed to her other tit and did the same thing until its hard and erected.

“W-why are you so harsh.”

“Its a punishment tch.”

I slapped her butt again as I ripped her undies and threw it somewhere

“Tsk tsk tsk”, I positioned myself between her legs and inserted 3 fingers without warning causing her to scream.

I thrusted deep and fast causing her to let out a scream.

“Babe it hurtsssss UGHHH”, I fasten my pace.

I don’t care if my arms will strain, I also don't care if it hurts.

Thrusting my fingers inside her feels so good.

I went down to her womanhood and sucked it while I am still pumping my fingers.

"Sht it feels goodddd....lick it...damn!", she moaned while arching her back.

I suddenly fisted her.

[Author's Gf/n: Fisting is using five fingers.]

(A/n: ...Saan mo nalaman yan? 😱)

Causing her to let out a loud moan which echoed the room.

"T-tzu it hurts....", she cried in pain.

"Feeling a nightmare huh? Be it.", I said made my thrusts deeper.

“Tzu..I’m...”, I fisted faster and its the first time I did it.

It awesome.

I sucked her while thristing her until I felt her walls tightened.

She's near.

I removed two of my fingers, gathered my strength for a strong push inside her.


After her loud moan, a warm cum drooled on my fingers.

I went up to her and offered her my fingers.

“Lick it”, she immediately licked and sucked my finger sexily, I uttered a chuckle then cleaned her down there.

But no, it's not yet finished.

"We're not yet done."

I felt her stiffened.

"I'm tired Tzu...."

"So? I'm still not.", I smirked.

I brought my face down to her thing and started to wet-lick her inner thighs, resulting Sana to arch her back and release a sound of pleasure.

I hardened my tongue and digged it inside of her while both of my hands are groaping Sana's breasts.

"E-enough Tzu.. I-I'm so tired.", she said while moaning breathless.

I slapped her butt while looking to her.

"This is your punishment."

I continued plumping my tongue inside her then I felt her shivered again as her walls tightened.

Another cum.

"Cum for Daddy baby...!!!", I groaned while my hands are on Sana's buttcheeks, pulling her for a deep digging.

"I'm near Daddyyy....ughhh!!"

Now she called me Daddy. I like it.

After several hard pumps, hers pearl dripped.

I quickly removed my tongue and cleaned her.

"Are we done?", she asked empty, tired enough to talk loud.

I didn't answer but instead, I fished a strap from the box.

"As I said, I'm not gonna stop until I got satisfied or you cried in pain."

Sana's sweat are all over her face, which means she drained alot of energy.

I smirked in that thought.

I removed my down clothes and wear the strap.

Without her consent, I entered her and grinded with too much strength. Making the bed creaked.

"Daddy it hurts!", I heard Sana cried in pain.

I kissed Sana's lips and grinded softly but deep for a small rest.

"Now, do you regret not telling me about yesterday?", I asked.

"Y-yes I am..."

I kissed her tears away.

"I love you, but I'm not yet tired.", I smirked.

"I love you too...fuck me until you get tired."

I untied her then I saw red marks around her wrists and ankles. I let her get up but I pushed her, making her hands stand on the bed board.

I kneeld behind her and guided the shaft inside her, then I put both of my hands on her waist. I thrusted fast, making her breast move in sync with the pace I'm leading.

"Daddy!!!...hmmn..ugh sht!"

"That's right baby, moan daddy's name.", I whispered to her ears and gently sucked her earlobe.

"Faster...", She mumbled an order.

I tightened my hold on her waist and grinded to her deeply and fast. With my strength, I made the bed creak again.

"Ugh ugh ugh! Damnn!"

In adding pleasure, I kissed her nape; sucking it and planting hickies which made her shiver.

"I-I'm near again...", she weakly stated.

With the left time, I didn't waste it and fastened deeper the shaft inside Sana.

As I look on Sana, her face face is already reddish. Her mouth hanging for an airy moan.

In several hard thrusts I gave, Sana's cum dripped on the sheets.

As I remove the shaft, she collapsed at the bed, facing the ceiling. I spreaded her legs then I licked her pussy again.

As I look on her womanhood, I can tell that she's in sore because its already reddish.

Was I hard?

I heard her moan my name softly then I felt her fingers intertwined with my hair, pushing my head inside her.

After cleaning her pussy, I remover my upper clothes and rested my body beside Sana.

She snuggled on me and I let her head rest on my arm.

“I’m sorry”, she said to me while panting

“Apology accepted”, I pulled her to a sweet passionate kiss as I smiled to her

"Lesson learned, don't let Daddy Tzu get jealous or you'll suffer in pain."

"Yes Daddy."

"Let's get rest.", I said to her.

“I love you my original and legit Yodang”

“I love you more Sanakeng”, I kissed her forehead as I held her hand.

Meanwhile Ayukizu and Auntie Mina....

The two are outside the condo and Mina is covering the child’s ears

“Auntie, why is mommy screaming ‘it hurts’ is she hurt? Maybe we should come in”, The innocent child said

“Shhhh no they’re just busy playing games, Auntie will buy you ice cream while waiting for them”, Mina said to the child as they went to the convenience store downstairs.


I'm back vijjes XD

Ps. Lamat kay -bokjous. Labyu
