Ch65: Satisfaction of 'happiness'

Sana's POV

We decided to leave Ayukizu to her aunties for our honeymoon. I'm still wearing my long white gown that I'm wearing since earlier and me and Tzuyu are currently walking to our hotel room.

"We've done this for a lot of times but this is the first time that I'm really looking forward on having sex with you" She said, she's just speaking normally but It sounded seductive...

Damn did Tzuyu mixed my drink with a Viagra pill

Ghadddd or I'm just a little horny I guess

"I'm ready to get my pussy wrecked tonight" I said

"Uhhh what's with the sudden dirty talk dear?" She asked

"I'm just getting into the vibe like you know... Honeymoon"

She carried me to our room, she got the expensive and most remote to the hotel rooms since she don't want to disturb other people's company

"There you go Honey Shibbie" She dropped me to a wide soft king-sized bed in our room, I can tell that our room is almost the same size of our condo but still... Our condo is bigger

"Wanna do it now?" She started removing her coat and untying her black tie but I stopped her, It looks so sexy by just watching her remove her Tie

"Loving the view babe?" I snapped out of reality as she flicked her finger giving me her famous sexy smirk

"I'm still preparing my kinks for later, gimme time to prepare. And don't remove that tie because I'll be needing that for my kink" I pecked her lips as I removed my gown but too bad I can't reach it

"Lemme give you a hand" She unzipped my gown at my back and her smooth clean fingers touched my bare back causing me to utter a moan

"What's wrong? Just admit that you're horny because I can't really wait" Her seductive begging tone gave me a goosebumps, she rarely use that tone and it makes me turned on but I need to take it easy, we only do honeymoons after sex and I don't want to rush it.

"Come on babe~" She's begging me as she started giving kisses on my back

"No, we need to take time. This is our honeymoon, I want to spend it right" I said

"If that's what you want babe" She said

"Can you order some liquor so our honeymoon is sexier" I said

"Then beg for it"

"Pleaseee daddy, I want whiskey please daddy" I bit my lips and I can see that she's startled on my actions. Well actually me too, I don't know what I'm doing

"Okay then baby girl" She smirked as she went to the phone to call the room service in order for her to order liquors

"Uhhh babe, mind if I take a shower for a while?" She gave me a nod because she's talking to the room service

I took of this heavy gown on my small light body as I grabbed a clean white towel and bathrobe from the towel rack. I find the smell of the towels really nice wondering what fabric conditioner they use in these towels

Did they use Downy? I've loved the smell of Downy back in the old days, I turned on the faucet for the bath tub to be filled and I grabbed my precious bath bomb I bought last time. As I waited for the tub to be filled, I'm imagining the things that Tzuyu would do to me later

"Jerk me daddy"

"Faster daddy"

"Daddy so rough"

"Baby girl is a good girl"

"Daddy let's do positions"

"Daddy punish me please, I'm a bad girl"

"Daddy I love you"

"Oh God daddy rougher please"


"Daddy ughh"

What the actual fuck am I thinking, Oh damn she's gonna be so hot as fuck tonight. I turned off the faucet as I dipped my body to the warm water of the bath tub. I put my bath bomb to the water as I felt the strawberry scent of the bath bomb, I dipped myself for a while in that tub as my fingers landed on my puss, I want to touch myself

I spread my legs at the wide tub as I started rubbing my clits in pleasure, I masturbate silently so she won't know, as I rub my clits. I'm having thoughts of seeing Tzuyu naked with her abs and a strap on dildo on her crotch...

Damn sexy!

I'm thinking of her jack hammering my puss with her big fake dick on her crotch, as I let myself leave for reality for a while, I can feel the tightening of my walls, Its a sign that my puss is gonna squirt in any minute.

I fasten my pace as I felt my juice mixing with the pink colored water due to the bath bomb, I drained the tub as I dry myself with the Downy scented white towel

[Author's GF note: This chapter is brought to you by Downy Fabcon]

(Author's note: Baliw na babae ini uy, awnanooo XD)

I went out of the bathroom as I grabbed my Lingerie and wore it as I put on a robe for some foreplay stuffs

"What took you so long in the bathroom? Huh? Babe?" She's at the balcony with liquor at the table, I sat with her at the balcony

"Well the water was warm so I decided to stay at the tub a little longer" I said as I opened a bottle of wine and poured some on my glass

"I thought you would like some whiskey?" She said as she poured some whiskey on her glass

"Maybe later" I took a sip of the rich tasting wine as I stare my gaze at the starry view of night time in this cold balcony

"Are you loving the view?" I asked her and she looked at me

"I'm loving my view now" She said

"Daaaaamn son, whiskey is your weakness I guess" I said as I finished a whole glass of wine

"When I say cheesy lines, does it mean I'm drunk? Oh come on Mrs. Chou" I blushed when she called me Mrs. Chou

"Maybe you're drunk, you're really red right now" I gave her a strange look

"Nuuu I blushed because of the Mrs. Chou thingy" She nodded

"Soooo, should I call you Mrs. Chou everyday because its really cute to see you blush" She pinched my cheeks as she finished a whole shot of whiskey, I poured some wine on my wine glass and some whiskey on my shot glass so its really cool

"Don't drink too much babe, you might puke when we have sex, that's really awkward" I chuckled with her statement

As we finished our last glass of alcohol we decided to stare at the night sky for a while before we start our hot sessions of versatzus. Calling our session Sex would be really awkward so I decided to call it Versatzu, it was inspired from Bruno Mars' Versace on the floor.

"Babe I'm ready" She gave me a smirk as she closed the sliding door of the balcony, closed the curtains as she removed her tie and unbuckled her black leather belt

"Are you ready babe?" She asked me but I forgot something

"Wait for a while" I ran to my pouch as I applied some red matte lipstick on my lips to make it sexier

"Now I'm ready" I leaned at the door in a sexy pose, loosening my robe so she can see my natural cleavage. Its not a contour fyi

She approached me as she held my waist, she carried me to our bed and topped me. I can feel a bulge on her crotch

"Oh damn daddy jerk me" I said to her because I can say that I'm really desperate to pleasure right now

"Really?" She smirked

"I can't wait to be jerked by your gigantic dick, although its fake but still" I said, her left hand is on my waist while her right is on my chin

She pulled my chin causing our lips to crash resulting a sweet kiss from a lips that I really wanted to taste since earlier, It is a rough but passionate kiss, I responded with the same intensity as I roamed my hands on her clothed chest, I started unbuttoning her polo and I can feel her smooth skin.

Aside from her chest, she's giving a harsh treatment on my tongue by sucking and lingering its mint scent from the toothpaste I used earlier, even though she drank alcohol, I can still taste her minty breath mixed with the strong flavor of the expensive whiskey she bought earlier.

She started untying my robe as she started to see the view of my red silk brassiere and my black laced undies I bought before. She licked her lips with the sight of the beautiful 'mountains' she's facing right now.

We're like drunk people having one night stand in an expensive hotel but the different thing is we're a couple and we're doing some kind of kinks. As I removed her polo, I feasted my eyes with the view of her smooth skin and a black laced lingerie covering her precious mounds.

She immediately unclasped the hook of my Victoria's Secret lingerie as she threw it somewhere in the room

"What a delicious mountain" she commented before she started feasting her mouth to my tits, she sucked it like a new born desperate for her mother's milk. I can't say a word but instead, sounds of pleasure came through my mouth. On the other nipple she fidgeted it by pinching and moving it in a circular motion.

As she finished enjoying my nipple, leaving it erected and hard she feasted on the other one causing me to release moans because of the sensations I felt. After my tits, she started planting love marks all over my shoulders, neck, chest, tummy and back. It would be hard for these to heal within the 3 days of our stay in this hotel.

I touched her cock, giving it as a signal for her to jackhammer my wet pussy with that fake dick of hers. I immediately unzipped her pants causing her to smirk at me

"Are you really ready my love?" She said as she gave me a nose to nose as she untied my silk lace underwear revealing my erected and wet pussy. She spread my legs as she positioned the shaft on my pussy. I nodded nervously as she inserted the dick on my pussy causing me to utter a scream from my mouth

With every thrust, it is associated with a sound of pleasure coming out from my mouth. Her thrusts is synchronizing with the bounces of my 'mountains'. I can't help myself to moan with the pleasure that Tzuyu is giving me right now

I dug my nails to her back as she continued thrusting into my wet pussy. I'm confuse on what I'm experiencing is it pain or pleasure... Maybe both.

I felt my walls tightening

"Babe I'm cumming" I said as she fasten the pace and minutes later I squirted, she quickly went to my puss as she started cleaning every part of my puss. She licked my pussy and I pulled her head closer to my pussy as she licked it making me release a loud moan

"Ughhh what's with the sudden tongue stuffs" She thrusted her tongue to my hole causing me to moan

"More babe, its lacking" I arched my back with the sensation I'm feeling right now

"Ughhhh babe moooore" She thrusted her tongue a little faster as she rub my clits with her thumb

Clits plus hole is actually a combo it makes me wanna squirt more

"Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh Daddy I'm near" I panted as she fasten the pace and I can feel like peeing as I squirted my white juices... not the yellow one its gross

She immediately cleaned me up as she crashed at the bed as I panted really hard

"Sorry I went hard on you" She said as I pulled her to a kiss

"Its okay" I smiled at her

We rested for a while as we rest for the next round

Yes everyone there's next round

We rested for about 30 minutes as I climbed on top of the girl who topped me earlier, I started kissing her shoulders up to her neck, leaving lipstick marks on the areas I kissed. I stared at her eyes for a while as she caressed my face

"I love you" she uttered before I claimed her lips as she responded to my kisses, her lips was filled with lipstick, I bit her lower lip as she slightly parted my lips, allowing the entrance of my tongue, I explore her tongue.

Holy fuck her tongue is so delicious, I sucked her tongue causing her to let out a moan. I unclasped her brassiere revealing those sexy mounds of hers, I licked my lips

"Sexy" She said, I bit my lips as I started sucking those tits of hers

"Ughhhh baby girl, sorry for being hard to you"

"Apology not accepted" I sucked her tits as she closed her eyes with the pleasure I'm giving her

I planted hickeys on her neck down to her boobs and tummy. I made a heart from hickeys to her back, she is my property. I kissed those hickeys I planted before I go down down down down

I removed her strap on dildo as I grabbed a ring like stuff on my stuffs, its called a buttplug. Its like a tail of a puppy

"Ass up daddy" I asked her and she gave me a 'why-do-i-need-to' look

"Just ass up you slut" She smirked with my sudden dirty talk and she turned upside, I added some lubricant to the buttplug and to her ass hole

"This might hurt a little daddy" I inserted the buttplug on her ass

"AHHHHHHH" She let out a scream as I thrusted the toy to her ass

"Adjust to the size baby" I thrusted more to her ass

"AAAAAHHHHH ughhhhh" You can see that she clearly adjusted to the size of the buttplug

"It feels so good ughhh" She moaned, I attached the buttplug on her ass making her look like a dog

"Wait" I let her wear a headband of a puppy

"Perfect" I said, I grabbed my phone and took a picture of her

"What a cutie" I hid my phone as I removed the buttplug and positioned between her legs

"You stole my strap, so I'll use the natural way of pleasure I can give to you" She nodded

"But first you need to beg for it" I said

"Please baby jerk me" She begged

"Nope" I shook my head

"Please daddy" She begged me

"Moreeeee" She sighed as she inserted my finger on her finger, I thrusted my fingers on her as she moaned

"Ughhhh damn that's good" She moaned, as I thrusted deeper and faster

I thrusted as ai felt her wall tightening and I felt a how liquid coming out of her pussy, I immediately licked her liquids as I smiled at her.

I laid at my bed and formed my fingers into three

"Would you like to ride my fingers?" I smirked at her as she positioned her thing in my fingers she shuts her eyes as she started pumping into her fingers

"Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh" with her every pump there's a moan that makes me turned on

"Yes baby keep it up" She pumped faster as she pulled me to a sloppy kiss, releasing sounds of pleasure in our kisses

"Baby I think I'm.... UGH" She pumped faster as a smiled in victory as I felt her cum flowed in my fingers, I licked my fingers. I laid her on my bed as I spread her legs and licked her inner thighs and cleaned her pinkish pearl.

We laid on our bed in fatigue, we faced each other despite of our sweat and haggard looks

"You're really pretty even though you're haggard" She smiled at me while panting

"What's our plan for tomorrow?" She asked me

"Beach? We should take Yuki so she can experience beaches" I suggested

"Good Idea" she said

"Before we bond at the beach, maybe we should go to the doctor for..." She smirked

"INVITRO" We said together as we chuckled

"Did I went really hard?" she asked

"Yep, I think I'm sore tomorrow" I said

"At least I'm here to carry you" She smiled

"I think me too, your fingers are too long" I chuckled as I checked my fingers

"Well not that much" I said, I covered ourselves with a blanket

"We never had pillow talks after Versatzus" I added

"Versatzu?" She gave me a confused look

"The thing we did tonight" I smirked

"Ahhhhh, aren't you sleepy yet?" She asked me as I shook my head

"So should I sing you a song?" I nodded because she rarely sings

She combed my hair with her fingers as she started singing our theme song Perfect

"I found the love, for me~
Darling just dive right in
Follow my lead"

"I found the girl~
Beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me~"

"We were just kids when we fell in love~
Not knowing what it was, I will not give you up this time~
Darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine"

"Baby I'm... Dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass while listening to our favorite song
When you said you look a mess, I whispered underneath my breath but you
Heard it, darling you look perfect tonight"

I gave her a kiss as a reward for her beautiful singing

"We started from enemies, because of your pervert side" I said

"And I fell in love to you" She said

"I love you pervert" I turned off the lights

"I love you more sexy" She hugged me as we drifted off to sleep


Congrats @-bokjous, you finished your punishment. 3,000 words for this Chapter.

Anyways, so it's finally doneeeeeeeeeee.
Did you enjoyed? I hope so hehe.

So I will be working on Her Fault and Teach Me. Pls, support it hekhok

Thank you for reading!

