Ch33: Day 3.1


"Happy monthsary Sexy."

"Happy monthsary Perv.", I said and gave her a passionate kiss.

The kiss I give was full of love. She caressed my face and after savouring the kiss, we parted.

"Thank you for the effort. Sorry, I couldn't surprise you b---"

"Shhhhh, no need for apology. You're presence today is enough for me 'kay?", she said and tapped my nose.

"Okay Boss."

"Do you want to watch a movie? I got something to watch Babe.", She winked.

"Movieeeee...!!!", I squealed.

She just smirked then she prepared the movie, after that she closed all the source of light inside the hut.

The hut was a modern type, looks like a normal hut outside but the inside looks is very elegant.The wooden furnitures says it.

I just sat on the nearest spot where there is light. So basically, I'm infront of the TV.

I felt her arms around me which made me feel better than awhile ago.

She guided me to sit on the sofa then she rested her head on my lap.

"The movie will start.", she said.

...what the...
"50 shades darker????", I almost choke.

"Why? I haven't watch it because I don't time.", she just shrugged.

"Wao, seriously??? That's kinda...err."

"Kinda what?", she grinned

"N-nothing...", I just let myself feel comfy and watched the movie.

As the movie goes, I feel kinda errr...

I took a glance on Tzuyu, she's really focusing on the movie.

...uhmn, I feel like ughhh. Damn that movie.

In every minute, I move. Causing me to disturb Tzuyu on watching.

"Babeee, are you okay?", she sat down.


I saw her smirk.

"Do you perhaps...feel something?", She grinned.

I think she did this on purpose.

"No, I don't.", I lied.

She chuckled and she rested my head to her shoulder.

"Actually, I have a gift. For you but it's yes the time for that.", she said and continued to watch the movie.

"Ugh... C-come on!"

"Daddy fuck me more!"

I heard the girl said.

(A/n: I didn't watch any of the scenes from that movie, so yeah XD just pretend that the leading lady said that. XD)

I gulped at the scene.

I just watched the movie silent. I'm so wet down there.

After the 'romantic scene', the movie stopped.

I looked at Tzuyu.

"I think, this is the time to give you my gift.", she said and put the remote down.

She went the bathroom, after some minutes she went out.

She's wearing a bathrobe, I don't think if she's wearing anything inside it.

"Where's my gift?", I asked then she smirked.

She laid me on the sofa then she's on the top of me. Our was in between of each other.

I didn't anything to stop her because the real thing is... I have the feeling of satisfying ourselves later.

She kissed my lips gently, trying not to scare the hell of me. I immediately move my lips in sync with hers.

Her hands are caressing my waist while my arms wrapped her nape and pulling her closer to me.

I love the feeling of this, her lips locked with mine.

Her kisses trailed down to my neck. Sucking and licking it all over.

A gasped was released from me when she sucked my neck quite so hard that caused the spot to turn into a violet one.

"My property.", I heard Tzuyu muttered beneath her breath.

She unzip my dress from the back, revealing my red lace bra. I just want to wear this, so yeah.

I saw her gulped in front me, when she's satisfied by the view, she undressed me. Only leaving my undies.

After that, she went back on kissing me. She nibbled my lower lip that caused me to part my jellies, giving her an entrance inside me. She immediately tasted every corners of my mouth.

"Hnmmnn...", I moaned by the sensation.

"I love you...", she mumbled while sucking my tongue.

"I love you too...p-please touch me...", I instinctive mouth just said that.

Tzuyu stopped on what she is doing.

"You sure of that?", she said and held my face. I can see her worried gaze on me because of the telivision's light.

"Please...", I bit my lips. I'm next to loosing my purity I guess...

Her worried looks was gone and changed into a lustful one.

"You already begged, no room for turning back."

She said and snickered her fingers on my back, unclasping my bra.

She immediatly sucked one of my mounds.

"A-ahhhmmm...", I bit my lip because of the pleasure.

In just a glimpse, she completely undressed my body and randomly throwed my underwear anywhere.

Her wet kisses went down until it reaches to my stomach. She sucked my belly button which made me catch my breath.

I felt her hands slowly spreading my legs apart as she brought her face upwards to me.

"Are you sure you want this?", she asked me while giving small kisses around my face.

"Yes..fuck me daddy.", I mumbled.

"I will baby...", she said and finally went down to my thing.

She looked at my wet thing.

"You're so beautiful.", she said and slowly licked my clits.

"Ughhmmmm!!!", I gripped on the sofa because of the sensation.

I felt her tongue licking my nut while her fingers are spreading my clits.

" tastes so good.", she mumbled and sucked it.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

"Will insert now, this may hurt but it'll not last much longer.", she said and inserted a finger inside me.

"Ughhhh...Daddy...", I moaned.

"Moan Daddy's name baby.", she said and thrusted slowly. After few thrusts, she added another finger.

" hurts daddy..."

She is thrusting so slowly then after a minute, a lil bit faster. I pulled her head to me and kissed her. She's thrusted more faster.

I hit my head back and arched my back.

"I love you babe."

Into my surprise, she added another finger in a total of three fingers.

"Ugh! Babe! Hmmmnn...", I moaned.

She thrusted faster and deeper this time.

"Daddy! Fuck me faster!"

I felt her fingers curved inside me, hitting a spot which makes me pee.

"T-there babe! feels good...hmmnn.", I bit my lip.

"Cum for daddy.", she said with a seductive voice.

After few thrusts, I finally felt something.

"I-I think I'm gonna...ughhh...!", I felt juices released down there.

Tzuyu removed her fingers and brought her face infront of my dripping peach.

She licked all the juices, leaving a clean pussy of mine.

"Babeee...", I moaned while catching my breath.

I opened my eyes and I saw Tzuyu licking my pussy below.

"You're so sweet.", she mumbled.

I gently pushed her head to my thing.

After I got satisfied, I let go of her head then she went up to me.

She kissed me and passed my juices for me to taste myself.

We kissed until the cum was gone.

She looked at me and held my face.

"Do you like my present?"

I nodded at her.

"Thank you Perv.", I said and hugged her.

"Anything for my Sexy.", she said and laid herself beside me on the sofa.

"Happy monthsary Pikachu."

"Happy first monthsary Eevee."

She let my head rest on her arm.

"We don't have anything to cover ourselves.", I mumbled.

"Don't worry, it's just me and you.", she chuckled.

I playfully hit her shoulders.

I was a bit surprised when she went on the top of me again.

"Round two?", she smirked.

I just chuckled, then she suddenly switched our position.

Hep! Hahaha so how was it? I was so embrassed to myself when I'm writing this chapter. Hehehe.
