Ch53: Date

Sana's POV

Tzuyu was still sleeping with me on the sofa, I checked on my wrist watch.

1:00 pm??? Shz.

We've been sleeping for about 5 hours now, really tired indeed.

Tired of fcking

I pinched Tzuyu nose, trying to wake her up.


She groaned softly and moved her face, she let her nose and lips rub with mine.

So technically, we just kissed in a second. Lol that was kinda cute. I pinched her nose again then she shaked her while lips was attached to me again.

Is she trolling?

"Are you kidding me", I asked

"No, I'm adulting you", She fired back

"Ha ha ha ha ha", I laughed sarcastically

"Just kidding sexy", she pulled me into a hug

"What do you want to do today? I'll cancel all my meetings and stuffs.", She said

"A date on a mall will do" I pleaded

"Your wish is my command baby girl"

We stood up to find our clothes and its scattered everywhere. Like my bra was hooked in the handle of the cabinets for the files, my dress on the floor and my undies hooked on the door knob. Great. Chou Tzuyu. Just Great

We wore our clothes then went to her office, good thing her office supplies everything I need. Shower, clothes and some undies

"You go take a shower first", she told me, I nodded as I grabbed a towel on the cabinet and took a shower, her bathroom was really nice and it has a bathtub in it. I filled the bath tub for a while and stayed there for a while to think about some stuffs.

Then this one just popped out in my mind.

"Sana Minatozaki, Do you take Chou Tzuyu as your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do", I said involuntarily

Tzuyu knocked at the door and I can hear her chuckle

"Are you really excited to marry me?", She's chuckling

"Isn't it obvious?", I said

"Okay okay don't me mad", She said

"I ain't mad pervy", I said

"Ok just take your time imagining our wedding and our honeymoon", I smiled when I heard those words.

I relaxed for a while then couple of minutes later. I drained the tub, brushed my teeth and went out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped on me. Tzuyu is examining my body from head to toe

"Sexy body", she whistled and licked her lips.

I attacked her with some slaps on her shoulder.

"Perveeeertttttt! You piece of Pervert!", I was slapping her arm not until...
The towel fell off my body... It is really obvious that she's staring at my mound and pussy at this moment, I quickly covered my body with the towel.

"Don't worry, I saw that already", She gave me a playful smirk...

...That smirk she had when we first met.

I went to the cabinet for a while and grabbed a denim shorts and a pastel pink long tee with a print of 'If lost please return to Pervy' and wore them.

I waited for Tzuyu at her swivel chair as I play some songs on my phone.

"You are my sunshine~
My only sunshine~
You make me happy~
When skies are gray~
You'll never know dear, how much I love you~
Please, don't take my sunshine away~"

[Girlfriend's A/N: If you want to listen to the song, listen to Moira dela Torre's You are my Sunshine]

(A/N: My girlfriend is addidicted on Moira dela Torre 😂.)

I hummed at the song until I saw a wet Tzuyu- I mean a fresh from the shower Tzuyu, she's damn hot with the messy wet hair

"Loving the view?" She smirked... Again

"Of course"

"Why did you lick your lips?"

"Eh??", I didn't even realized that I licked my lips

She checked her cabinet and grabbed the same shirt I'm wearing but her tee has a print of 'I am her Pervert, please bring back my Sexy', some jeans and her favorite trench coat

Since when we just bought these couple clothes?

"That's a surprise, but nevermind. You're already wearing it."

Awww, these are cute. Pervert and Sexy.

"But you are cuter and sexier."


"Hahaha! Sorry babe, you look cute when your eyebrows meet each other.", she said while chuckling.

But later on, her laugh faded and put a blank emotion on her face.

Errr...what did I do?

She went close to me and pulled the tip of my short short a bit.

"Tsk, why are you wearing such short shorts? What if people see your beautiful legs, what if perverts check your legs out? I don't want that. I really don't."

"But you're a pervert too" I roasted her

"Tsk. Of course except me, 'coz you're mine...", she hissed but it looks cute on me.

I smiled secretly.

"Wear some jeans, and it looks like you have no shorts with that long tee", She added.

I nodded as get the ripped jeans and changed infront of her.

"Perfect", she complemented.

She held my hand and we went to the parking lot of the building, she opened the car door for me then closed it as she jogged to the other side..

Tzuyu's POV

I'm holding Sana's hands in my right hand, it is so smooth and I love the feeling. I want to hold this hand until my last breathe

We arrived at the mall and I opened the door for her like ya know... plus points for this sexy

"Where do you want to eat?", I asked her

"Simple pasta and pizza will do", we went to the pizza shop as we went to our seat, I ordered her favorite pasta and pizza and we waited for it to be served

"After this, what do you want to do?"

"Bowling and Arcade", she said excitedly.

Our food arrived and I can see the excitement on Sana's eyes, I'm loving those, I served some pasta on her plate

"Let's eat", she giggled as she grabbed her fork and started shoving some pasta on her mouth.

"Be careful", I warned her

"Yes Boss.", she saluted. Grrrr it's really cute

After we eat, we went to the bowling alley, I payed for the shoe rentals and other stuffs.

She excitedly ran at the bowling alley but she slipped, I helped her up

"Be careful baby", I pecked her lips, we started playing.

Her ball always ended up on the side.

I teached her some of my techniques, while I was teaching her, she is really focusing.


I let her roll the ball but it didn't hit any of the pins.

So I coached her again.


"WAAAAHHH!!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT?!? OMG OMG! I HIT IT ALL!!!", she squealed because of happiness.

I hugged her.

"My Sanakeng is a fast learner."

"Well it is because my Yodang is a good coach."

We both laugh at her statement. After a minutes of hugging each other, we played bowling again to enjoy our date.

I can see Sana's happiness on her lips.

I really wanted to see that curve because the reason behind it is me and I want it to be me.


Ohah ohah! Ang galing ng gerpren ko XD. Sya kasi nagupdate ng chapter na toh.

Thanks Pikachuuuuu!!! K3U!

Ps. Yodang x Sanakeng on fleek.
Pps. Pervert x Sexy mah ship.
Ppps. #39 na tayooooooo!
Pppps. Wala palang "Tayo".
Ppppp. Pero mero'ng "Kami". :P
