Ch20: Seduce

"Can you just knock at the door?!"

Oops, my perv is pissed.

"Nang nang? Why? I usually go inside your office without knocking.", Mina answered.

"Whatever. What do you want?", Tzu said and helped me fix my blouse.

"I need money, give me some Saeng."

"What? Money? Are you kidding me? You have a bunch of atm and credit cards."

"Just kidding,... We just want to ask you if we can use your resort.", Tzuyu went to Mina.

I just listened to their convo.

"Of course you can."

Mina crossed her arms.

"Can we use it for free? In 3 days?", Momo smiled after hearing that.

"Why? Are you gonna enjoy each other's self? Fucking each othe---"

"Watch your words Tzuyu.", I scolded her while still sitting at her table.

"PFFFT! The most scariest and bossy Tzuyu for 5 consecutive years was only scolded by her secretary?", Mina laughed.

"I'm not scary pabo. Anyways, use it how long you want, don't pay for it. Now leave."

Mina showed her gummy smile, "Yiee, thanks Chewy! Bye bye."

"Bye Tzu, take care of our clumsy bestfriend. Thanks for the resort treat.", Momo said and exited.

"Argh! They ruined our moment.", she pouted as soon as Momo left.

"Awww, cutie. There are more time for it, come on we only had 30 mins for the your meeting.", I said and sat on her swivel chair.

"I'm hungry, we still need to eat. Even just 1 slice of the pizza.", she said as she opened the box of Pizza.

"Say Ah Sexy.", Tzu said as she brought a slice of white pizza infront of my mouth.


"Yummy?", she said as she took a bite.

"Oishiiiii.", I squealed.

I finished my bite and took a slice.

"You too Perv, say Ah.", I said.

She smirked.

Wew, why did she smirked.

She opened her mouth, then I shivered internally by the sound she let out.



Damn, that made me crazy.

"B-behave Tzu!"

She suddenly sat on my lap, biting her lower lip.

"Yes Sexy.", she said that while looking at me.

"Eat this!", I immediately fulled her mouth with the piece of pizza from my hand.

"Go get ready after this, t-the meeting will start in few minutes.", I said and looked at the side.

I heard her chuckled and she finished her slice. She fixed her looks and grabbed her bag.

"Come on.", she said.

I walked beside her as we exit at the office, she held my hands while walking.

"We're on work Tzu, no PDA.", I said

"So? They will not bother, I'm the boss here.", she said, I just sighed in defeat.

We entered the meeting room, no one was still here.

She took the chair at the front, I was checking at the view from the window when someone blocked the windows, as I look at the room, I saw Tzuyu locking the door and walked towards me.

As she was walking closer to me, I took a step from behind.

"Stay back Tzu.", I said.

She didn't listened and walks towards me.

I keep on walking backwards until there was no space left.

She pinned me in the wall gently, then her right hand held my chin.

I can feel my cheeks burning up. Damn this girl.

"I am missing your lips baby..."


She closed the gap between us and started owning my soft jellies. As she moved her lips gently, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her neck. I let her lead the session until someone knocked at the door.

She separated our lips.

"They're here.", she said.

I opened the windows to make it bright, then she opened the door, revealing a guy in mid 40's wearing a tux. She shaked hands with him and welcomed the others.

They all take their seats, Tzuyu gestured me to sit beside her so I did.

While in the middle of the meeting, I got tired. Blame the old man's voice bruh.

Tzuyu was discussing about the increase of their salary.

My eyes are slowly closing, I pinched my arm with my nails.

Ghad it helped me.

"So, for the status of the profit. As you have said, it is increasing. We have no problem with that. The thing is, we want to have a partnership with your company for a certain project.", The man said.

Tzuyu sat beside me, and she noticed that I was having a hardtime on fighting this sleepyness syndrome.

Below the table, I felt her hand trailing down into my inner thighs.

My sleepyness was pushed away as soon as she did it.

Later on, her hand landed my thing below.

What the asdfghjkl please spare me away from this maniac.

"A-ahhmm..!", I gasped at her movement.

"Miss...??", the man asked.

"M-minatozaki Sana Sir.", I said.

"Oohh, Ms. Minatozaki, are you feeling well?", he asked.

I heard Tzuyu chukled beside me, then she traced my line from my skirt.

"Y-yes...I AM FINE...sir.", ghad she is giving me more of a hardtime!

"Ah, I see. Good to know.", He said and continued his talk with Tzuyu.

"So you will agree on this Ms. Chou?"

"Wet Sir."

"What did you say?"

"I-i mean, wait for it Sir. I wilk think of it.", Tzuyu said.

"Sure, I'll wait."

Tzuyu inserted her hand inside my skirt.

Sht, I'm getting enough of Tzuyu's fingers!
I closed my eyes because of the sensation.

"Are you sure that you're really fine Ms. Sana? I think you're gonna need a rest.", the old man askes worriedly.

Tzuyu's hand stopped on messing me from below.

"Yes, I think you need to sleep Ms. Minatozaki.", She agreed with him and showed me her grin.

"Excuse us Sir, I will just send her to my office.", she added and pretended to guide me on walking.

As we are out of the meeting room.

"Liking the feeling eh?", she smirked.

"S-shut up.", I said and looked at the other side.

"Sorry, haha I just did it so that you can vanish the sleepy atmosphere of yours.", she said.

I crossed my arms and glared at her.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Here's my card, go buy some beverages at the canteen, you can finish the pizza on my office. Do whatever you want in my office, just wait for me there okay? I love you.", she said and stole a peck on my lips.

"I love you too.", I smiled and took the credit card from her hand.

She smiled at me and went back inside the meeting room.

Ghad, It's a miracle that I survived from that punishment.
