Ch40: Happiness

Tzuyu's POV

While me and Sana are cuddling, she broke the silence

"Let’s drink?", she said and showed the 4 bottles.

I hugged her waist and we sat at the sofa

"Sure thing Sexy", I said and smiled at her.

"How are you?", she asked as she grab a bottle and a glass.

"I'm lifeless without you.", It's true, I'm nothing but a piece of shit without her.

"Ahhhhh.", sha said while puts a drink on my glass.

I leaned on her shoulder and asked.

"How about you Sexy?"

"Dying.", she simply said.

"Sorry...", I pouted.

She smiled at me.

"But still smiling, eventhough this heart of mine hurts."

"Why? In truth, I will be the who's hurt right? But nevermind about that.", I held her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry baby... Can you forgive me?", she asked.

"Of course I will."

I started to drinkof wine, while Sana drinks more than me.


She finished the whole bottle and I can sense that she was a bit drunk.

"Can I have another?", She asked

"Sure thing", I said and handed her another bottle

She drink until she's almost drunk.

"Pervy, I still love you, but ur my sister,  but *hik*.", she moved her face close to me.

"I should go home, but where is my home.", she said and stood up.

"No one is going home.", I said and pulled her to my lap.

"Shana wantsh to go homeeee. I hate you, you're a maniac. Jusht kidjing, I love you shu much.", she said and hugged me so tight until I can't breath.

"H-hey...can't breath.", I said.

She immediately broke the hug and smiled

"I'm shoooooo shorry *hik*. Hehe.", she said showered my face with her kisses.

"Please...stay with me tonight.", I said.

She didn't reply and instead, she started to drink the newly opened bottle.

"You love to drink eh?", I said and pinched her cheek.

"Just right now.", she said.

"Then drink more baby.", I said and offered another glass.

Last glass for now.

She drinked the glass in one gulp that made her more drunk.

I sit myself in the floor while Sana laid her body at the sofa.

She's looking at me. She's biting her lower lip. She's roaming her hands around her body. She's closing her eyes. She's moaning something.


"Perv...", she mumbled my name while smirking.

"Yes?", I gulped. Dang, I'm having a hard time on this.

"I want you right now."

"You sure?"


... Daddy.", she moaned the last word which made me turned on.

I stood up and finished my glass. I place my body on the top of her.

"Can I?", I held her waist.

"You can Daddy."

I kissed her lips hungrily and I felt her hands at my back pulling my body close to her.

"Perv...hmmmmmnn...", she moaned.

"Daddy Tzu loves to tease.", I said and stops on kissing then I stood up from her but she pulled me back to her.

"Impatient. Follow my orders or your dead...", I paused and kisses her earlobe.

"Would you follow?", I said while looking at her.

"Yes Daddy Tzu", she mumbled.

I kissed her neck and leaving marks on it.

"I want you to rip your shirt.", I commanded and move a bit.

She obeyed me and ripped her shirt, showing her breasts.

"Good girl.", I said and kissed her bare skin while snickering my arms around her and unclasped her bra.

I quickly suck her mounds.

"Daddy...!", she gasped.

With my other hand, I groaped her breast. After satisfying myself with her breast, I pulled her shorts down together with her undies.

I took a glance on her body.

Goddess' body.

I landed myself back to her and kissed her torridly. I carried her to the bed without breaking the kiss.

I gently placed on the bed and I start to undress myself...

She spread her legs, showing me her wet womanhood. I put a peck on her lips then I inserted 2 fingers inside which made her gasp for air.

I was licking her peach while thrusting my fingers inside fastly.

"Satisfy me Daddy!", she almost shouted.

I fastened my thrusts on her. She moaned my name several times.

"Fuck me daddy...hmmn.."

I added the last finger inside her and thrusted deeper and faster.

After few thrusts I changed our position, I laid myself and let her sit on me.

I make sure my so-called-shaft are infront of her entrance.

She pumped and pumped above me, riding on my fingers to satisfy herself.

Her breast are jumping in sync with her movements.

With my free hand, I squeezed it. Nibbling her nip that cause her to close her eyes and bit her lip because of the sensation I was giving her.

When she got tired in her position, I sit up with her sitting on me.

I kissed her neck while thrustinh down.

"I'm near...", she said.

"Hold on.", I said and laid her again on bed.

I thrusted really fast on the remaining thrusts I have until she cum.

After few thrusts, I felt liquids dripping from her core. I went down and cleaned her thing.

I cleaned her with my mouth, leaving no wet part left.

I went back to her and kissed her.

I tucked ourselved below the blankets and hugged her so tight.

"Thank you for this night...", she pants.

"Always welcome. I said and smiled at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I let her head rest on my arm, I tucked the strands of her hair that are scattered on her face.

Sana was next to dreaming because she's already dozing off.

I planted a kiss on her forehead and drift myself to sleep.


Ayan ayan ayan ayan, peace offering 2
Okay na?
