

"Harry Styles!"

As soon as my name is called, I stand up from my seat, sliding my palms over the material of my military uniform to straighten any possible creases. The uniform is different than what I'm used to wearing, more formal and elegant looking, with a buttoned jacket and a cap, not to mention the colour is dark blue. My eyes glance over the lines of soldiers sitting in the countless rows of seats sprawled over the enormous green lawn. There's a stage in front of us, important men lined on it, a microphone at its front.

I push my shoulders back as I walk toward the stage with a firm and straight posture, my expression emotionless. I climb a small set of stairs and walk toward the man -our new president- standing next to the mic, a smile spreading over his face as I approach, his hand immediately extending to envelop around mine, my grip firm.

"Thank you for your service to this country and allow me to give to you this medal of honour," he tells me and takes an elegant thin box from another man, opening it and taking out the medal. It's a blue ribbon with a golden circular medal attached to it, words "Defensor pacis" engraved on it, meaning "Defender of peace" in latin.

He attaches the medal on the front left pocket of my jacket, shaking my hand while placing the other on my shoulder. A loud applause follows and I mumble a "thank you", feeling a sense of pride rush through me. "Would you like to give a speech?" The president asks and I nod without much contemplation, turning toward the mic.

I look at all the soldiers sitting in front of me, some smiling, some with typical firm expressions and some looking nostalgic. My eyes swipe over the first two rows to my left, seeing all the people I care about sitting there. Tommy, Niall, Liam, Louis, Jess, Tori, Zayn, Ethan, Alex. . . and finally, Elena. Our eyes meet and she gives me a subtle gentle smile and I catch a look of pride on her features, almost making me smile. With reluctance, I look away, focusing on no one in particular.

"A year ago on this day, we made a change. A year ago, all of us had willingly risked our lives in hopes of bringing peace to our lives, in hopes of making them better. We were born in a desolate world, taught to hold a weapon from a very young age to be able to kill and destroy once we're grown up. It's pointless to talk about how wrong that was or that's not how our lives were supposed to be. What matters is that it happened and we survived. We survived through it all, we survived the worst product of human hatred and need to have power - war."

"We can only learn from that war -the longest one out of all world wars- and hope it won't happen again, work on making our children and grandchildren aware that violence, destruction and hatred are never the answer. No exceptions. We need to work on maintaining this peace, we need to work on settling our differences with people that used to be our sworn enemies. We need to work on ourselves because we are the future, our actions and choices define what happens next, just like our choice to fight for peace a year ago brought us victory and allowed us to build something new, something better from the ashes."

"I stand before you today not as a war hero, but as a simple man who fought for this peace and will keep trying to maintain it for the rest of his life. As someone who lost so much during the war yet gained a lot when it ended. Always fight for what's right and never give up. Never let yourselves succumb to your weaknesses because I did and it almost destroyed me. We survived the gruesome war, so let's make sure this world and all the people in it witness only the best of human nature from now onward. Congratulations to each and every one of you brave soldiers and heroes, I wouldn't be standing here, in this country and proudly calling it my own it if weren't for you." I raise my hand and salute.

Everyone stands up and salutes me before a thunderous applause and cheers spread all around me, elated faces greeting me, some even shouting my name. I manage to contain my tears and pride as I walk down from the stage, turning my head to look at the pictures of all the heroes that died in the war, my dad's picture being one of those, a black frame surrounding it. A sense of nostalgia washes over me as I salute him, hoping he's up there somewhere, watching me on this day.

"I did it, dad," I say quietly. "We did it."

I feel hands wrap around my torso, looking down to see Tommy's pile of black locks, a smile spreading over my lips. "Hey, junior."

"That was amazing," he tells me with a grin, looking up at me with his warm brown eyes. He's a lot taller now and I can see that in a few years he'll reach my height, if not tower over me. "You're a hero, Harry."

"And so are you," I tell him, ruffling his hair as he takes a step back and quickly fixes it, grinning widely.

I playfully usher him back to his seat as I walk back to mine again, lowering myself beside Elena. Her hazel eyes search my features, her hand wrapping around mine, slipping her fingers between the slots of mine. I can't help but smile widely, especially when she removes my cap and leans forward, pressing her lips to mine, moving them gently for a few moments. She rests her forehead against mine, my eyes closing briefly.

"I love you so much," she says quietly. "And I'm so proud of you, Harry. Not only for this, but everything else. You're a fighter and a winner in every way."

My hand grasps her jaw gently and I leave a quick kiss on her lips once again. "You always know what to say." I smile and pull away. "Thank you for never giving up."

We lean back in our seats as the ceremony continues, each of my friends gaining a medal of honour. Once Alex's name is called, I feel Elena tense beside me, knowing her turn is next, making me bring our joined hands to my mouth and kiss the top of hers. She smiles and focuses on her brother and I can't help but notice how proud of him she seems to be.

Alex receives his medal and instead of shaking the president's hand, he hugs him, catching him by surprise yet he returns the gesture with a smile. Then he hugs every other person on the stage, probably saying something awkward or a joke judging by their laughter and grins and his happy expression. He then runs toward the mic and jumps, fist pumping the air. "Fuck yes, we did it!"

More cheers follow and he jumps down from the stage, but instead of a graceful landing, he falls down on his ass. He doesn't look affected as he stands up and runs back to his seat beside Elena's, high-fiving Louis in the process. He looks down at the medal, admiring it. "War hero. Damn right I am considering I lived through all that blood around me." He shudders.

When Elena's name is called, she places her cap on her head and stands up, her hair a lot shorter now, the tips barely reaching her shoulders. She walks up to receive her medal, my smile growing, a sense of appreciation for her taking over me. This is the girl with countless of scars scattered over her skin, a constant reminder of what she's been through. The girl who saved us, saved me. If anyone deserves that medal, it's her.

When she comes back down, I shoot up from my seat, wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her up, making her laugh loudly, her cap falling on the floor. I grin up at her and kiss her eagerly, noticing how our friends stand from their seats, clapping louder and cheering us on. I set her down again, her face between my palms. "I love you. You're so brave, so worth admiring."

We sit all the way to the end of the ceremony, standing up as the national anthem starts playing and having a minute of silence for each soul who died in the war. All of it feels unreal, so overwhelming yet beautiful at the same time. What we created with our sacrifices is absolutely amazing, this happiness around me is amazing.

Finally, everything is as it should be.

. . . .

"Go on, Harry, you can do it!" Elena encourages me, her hair soaked in water, droplets trickling down her face. When I stubbornly shake my head, she rolls her eyes and stands up, slowly getting out of it, letting me admire the view of her body.

Since it's been over a year since the war ended, all the major cities are in the process of being reconstructed, while we live in small villages scattered around them, the military bases that used to be our homes demolished. It's better that way, they were a symbol of our division, which started the war in our country in the first place. Elena and I live in a small house in one of the villages, secluded from the rest of them, letting us have our own little bubble of peace.

Tommy lives with Elena and me, we couldn't allow him to end up in an orphanage or some foster care. Besides, I love that kid too much to separate from him, I want to watch him grow up and become an adult.

Alex and Jess live together now, the duo expecting a baby in a few months. . . well, their dog is, but they feel like they're getting their own baby, Alex even has names for the little pups.  On top of that, Jess has proposed to him recently and he said yes, of course. Apparently, he was his typical dramatic self, fanning his face and using the "thousand times yes" line, saying how he already has ideas for the wedding.  Elena and I visit them from time to time, sticking to our promise we won't ever grow apart. If anything, the war brought us closer and made us realise the true value of a family.

Louis and Tori have got married recently, finding a home for themselves not too far away from ours. Louis' leg injury left a permanent nerve damage, causing him to limp and use a walking cane in order to be able to walk without difficulties. He still has troubles with coping with that, but with Tori on his side, he says everything is easier. The two of them own a great restaurant, providing food for those who can't afford it and are waiting to get a job.

Niall has ironically decided to take a nursing course and works in a hospital every day, allowed to stab people with needles whenever he wants. . . but for treatment purposes, of course. He's very keen on learning how to give patients the best care and he said it himself he finds the job fulfilling.

Liam is helping with construction, spending hours rebuilding the city every day, finally allowed to yell "use protection" without gaining weird looks considering the construction workers use all sorts of safety gear. He lives in the city, in one of the restored buildings, the one he so proudly worked on.

Zayn works with children, mostly the ones in orphanages who lost their parents during the war while he's studying to become a teacher on the side. Elena and Alex also work with him, all three of them knowing the pain of losing their parents at such an early age, wanting to bring some joy in their lives. I personally think that's amazing, I won't ever forget the day Zayn offered Elena to work with him, the day I truly felt like I forgave my brother.

"You'd be there a few hours a day, watching over the little ones and teaching them basic things through play and fun," he told her with a grin. "The pay isn't much but it's worth it when you see their faces and just feel their positive energy-"

"I'm in," Elena replied excitedly. "Gosh, this is amazing, thank you so much for offering! Wow, you have no idea how happy this makes me."

I smiled at her enthusiasm, her smile being the first one I had seen in days since we were going through some rough times. Zayn laughed until his smile faded, his hand coming up to the nape of his neck. "How are you and Harry?"

"We're. . . we're good, we're trying to overcome every obstacle," she told him honestly. "We won't ever give up."

Zayn suddenly pressed his palms against her cheeks, a tinge of jealousy coursing through me, but I managed to stop myself from making my presence known, hiding behind the half opened door of our bedroom, watching them through the gap. He leant forward and pressed his lips to her forehead, Elena visibly being shocked with his actions.

I knew he still has feelings for her, but he has made it clear so many times he would never do anything about them. 'I choose you,' he told me once, 'we're brothers not by blood, but by bond.'

"Make him happy," he said quietly as he rested his forehead against hers for a few moments then took a step back.

"I will," Elena promised.

And she has kept her promise.

I shield my eyes from the sun as Elena stands in front of me with crossed arms, shaking her head. "You're going to burst into flames if you keep lying here. Just get in the water, Harry. We won't go any deeper past your neckline, alright?"

I shake my head again and grin, causing her to release a heavy sigh. She squeezes the water from her hair, letting it pour over my warm body, making me hiss and roll onto my stomach. "Noo, it's cold!"

"Harry, you like cold water," she tells me flatly. "Alright, I'll just annoy you then." I feel her cold wet body press against mine, her stomach against my back, making me widen my eyes and shudder, the contrast causing goosebumps to appear on the surface of my skin. "Aw so warm."

"Get off me," I grumble and turn my head, my cheek pressed against the sand as I look at her smiling face. She shakes her head and spreads her arms and legs like a starfish. "That's an order, soldier."

"We both know I was never good at following orders," she mumbles and kisses the nape of my neck, tingles shooting down my spine. She makes a trail of open mouthed kisses from my neck to my earlobe, making me close my eyes and hum as I take in the feeling.

I surprise her by suddenly pushing myself up, causing her to fall down with a surprised gasp. I seize the opportunity and straddle her hips, making her laugh, my fingers wrapping around her wrists, pinning them next to the sides of her head. "Got you, you rebel," I mutter and smile faintly, eyes trailing over her face.

She pulls one of her hands from my grip, her finger hooking around the necklace with the ring I guard with my life hanging from my neck, pulling me down toward her, a small gap dividing our lips now. Our smiles fade as thick tension lurks between us, her lips pressing to mine in a passionate kiss, her tongue slipping into my mouth, twirling around mine. I release her wrist and shift my weight to my elbow, using the other hand to slide it down her waist and thigh, gripping the flesh.

I take her right here on the secluded little beach surrounded by rocks and trees, our fingers entwined as I drive myself deep inside her over and over again, my lips kissing the parts of her skin available to me, leaving marks. Her legs are wrapped tightly around my hips, the sound of skin slapping against skin and heavy pants filling the air, a layer of sweat formed over our bodies. Each time we do this feels amazing, not only because of the immense physical pleasure but because I somehow think it deepens and strengthens our emotional bond.

Waves slide back and forth over the shore, a light breeze touching our skin as my moves grow urgent, faster, and more intense, leaving us both a moaning mess, with eyes screwed shut and lips parted. We reach our ends not long after, my body collapsing onto hers, head laying over her heaving chest. My lips leave a kiss on her collar bone as I move to lie on my back beside her, smiling widely, my eyes looking up at the bright blue sky, rays of sunshine seeping through the clouds shielding the sun from the view.

I pull up my swim trunks as she does the same with her bikini, both of us watching the water before turning our heads to look at each other, sly smiles spreading over our lips as we seem to be thinking about the same thing. "Race you to the water?" I offer, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Bring it on," Elena says, making me laugh.

We both sprint, Elena winning of course since I begin panicking as the water reaches my ankles, running back on the beach only to decide to man up and go back in. I repeat the process a few times, going back and forth until I finally enter the water as Elena pretends she's having a cramp and drowning, making me realise how dumb I am to actually fall for that trick.

"Please don't let me drown, don't let me drown, shit shit shit," I panic as I cling onto her back like a koala, my arms around her shoulders and legs around her waist as she stands straight, water reaching her collar bones. "You know you love me, you can't let me die. Not like this."

"Harry, you can let go," she says, looking at me over her shoulder. "I'll be right beside you, just trust me."

"Okay, but stay with me," I say as I insecurely let her go, my feet touching the sand.

She smiles as she turns around to face me, pushing my wet hair back with her fingers. "Always."

. . . .

My body is jolted awake as I feel Elena abruptly leave the bed, making me sit up and rub my tired eyes. I immediately reach out to turn on the lamp beside me, causing her to jump up, looking at me with frightened eyes. "Did it happen again?" I ask gently as I quickly get out of the bed, walking toward her.

"It's fine, it wasn't that bad," Elena tries to assure me, but a slight layer of sweat over her forehead and anxious expression tell me a different story.

Both of us have been dealing with rough consequences of our horrible experiences during the war. I still tend to have my episodes, but luckily the serious and intense ones where I attack if feeling threatened are rare and Elena knows what to do when they occur. I sometimes zone out as a minor thing such as doors slamming shut reminds me of a gunshot or if I accidentally cut myself and see images of dying soldiers, being in my own world until someone snaps me back. It's hard to live like that, I never know when it might happen and my emotions are overwhelming after each of my episodes.

Elena occasionally has nightmares and even though they're not that frequent, they're incredibly intense. Sometimes she dreams she's being whipped again or she has to save me from drowning and she fails, or she watches her brother die from the injuries during our last battle. Sometimes they're memories and sometimes they're cruel images her mind creates. She's trying to appear as if they don't affect her, but I notice dark circles underneath her eyes, the result of her trying to stay awake. What worries me the most is that she's started to develop all the basic symptoms of PTSD and I know she's aware of that.

We're there for each other though, both of us reminding the other of what's real and pulling them back into our peaceful reality when the past tries to crawl back and ruin it.

We've had rough times, both of us so overwhelmed with the consequences, we'd avoid one another for days and just deal with it on our own.  Such a strong sorrow would sometimes take over me, I couldn't do anything but cry. I'm certain Elena has had similar moments as well, she just hides that part of her very well.  Once we both realise we can't possibly function apart, we run back to each other, hug, apologise, make love and find our moments of peace. We won't give up no matter how hard it gets, that's what we keep promising to one another.

My lips press to her forehead as I wrap my arms around her tightly, palms rubbing soothing circles over her back. "What was it this time?"

"Your death," she mumbles as she hugs me back, hiding her face into the crook of my neck, leaving a kiss there.

"I'm here for you, this is real, alright?" I say quietly and she nods, only tightening her hold over my body. "Everything will be okay."

"I need you, you know that?" She says quietly as she pulls away enough to look me in the eyes.

"You mean you need my help?" I tease her, reminded of our first conversation when she broke into Hazard with her brother.

"Just you." She smiles and kisses me on the lips.

"Well, you have me, I'm not going anywhere," I say reassuringly, my palm pressing against her cheek. "I love you."

"And I love you," she replies. "Could you read just one part to me? You know the sound of your voice helps me sleep better."

The corners of my lips tug in a dimpled grin, nose brushing against her cheek as I kiss it gently. "Of course. Which part?"

"Your choice," she tells me and takes my hand, both of us going back to bed again. I sit with my back pressed against the headboard and take the book I always keep nearby whenever she needs me to read it to her, opening it and finding the right part. Elena lays her head on my lap and curls her body, making me smile as one of my hands holds the book, the other moving to her hair, fingers slipping between the strands as I start reading out loud.

"'Be the change you wish to see in the world,' Gandhi once said. I aspire to live by these words now, but I learnt that's anything but easy during my time spent fighting in this war. It was my fear and inability to let my past go that stopped me from making a change in my life let alone the world. But with the right motivation and people by your side, it's possible to reach almost anything. Because I did, I made a change, I left an impact. I'll forever be grateful for making all the choices that led me to where I am today and shaped the person I've become."

"War changes you, it completely changes your perspective on life and death, making you appreciate one more and lose the fear of the other. It makes you see how truly vile humans can be but it also shows you their kindness and loyalty in the time of need. If you're a survivor just like I am, then I congratulate you for never giving up and fighting. Being your own hero is what truly matters."

Half an hour later, she falls asleep and I close the book, gently moving her body in a way I know won't wake her up. I take a few moments to look at her sleeping face, feeling absolute admiration and love for this girl. My lips press to hers in a gentle lingering kiss and I take the book, placing it back on the nightstand. Before I turn the lights off and make myself comfortable beside her, I smile as I read the title of the book and my name written underneath it.

Wild Side.

The End

a/n: I really hope you're satisfied with this ending! Sorry for not letting you know the book was ending, I forgot at first then I realised it might be better if it comes as a surprise :) I'll post a small bonus chapter with my final note soon, thank you so much for reading! x
