Chapter 29


I can't stand children. I really can't. They're loud, obnoxious, very small and blunt. Kind of like Louis.

But I like Louis. Lou is my mate, my sidekick. Why sidekick? Because I'm a god damn hero for putting up with this shit.

"Oh come on Barney, give it back!" I shout at the kid who's stolen my shoe. I look at the binder filled with papers where I'm supposed to write down the progress each of the kids makes, but now I debate using the pen attached to the binder to stab myself. I wonder if I could bleed to death- wait, ew blood.

That Styles guy or H, or whatever letter he wants us to call him, is a natural at this. Kids worship him and so does everyone else apparently. I wish I could borrow some of his natural charisma because I'm stuck being confused, annoyed, and tired 24/7.

But hey, at least I'm hot.

As a bunch of kids ages ten to fourteen make a mess around me, I simply sigh in resignation, lowering myself onto the ground. There are more trainers on duty, but of course they put me with kids in their preteen and early teen years whose hormones are raging. My shoulders slump as I sit in the criss-cross position, groaning in annoyance. Fuck. My. Life.

Someone pokes my shoulder and I turn, looking up at Barney's scared expression, with his shaggy ginger hair and freckles all over his cheeks. He hands me back my shoe and I sharply rip it from his hold.

"Yeah you better give it back you little sh- shampoo." I glare at him.

"I'm sorry," he squeaks and glances behind him nervously. "I won't ever do that again." He then runs away like a little shit he is.

My eyes narrow, looking at the doorway, seeing none other than my sister standing there with a smug expression. She says something to the kid and he nods vigorously, running away from her like she's a demon (I still have some theories about that). No wonder the kid was scared. Elena gives me a wave when her eyes lock with mine, and she walks over to me, her lips pulling in a soft smile.

"Hey dork," she greets me, crouching down beside me. "Did he apologise? If he didn't, I'll-"

"It's fine, he did," I mumble, putting my shoe back on. "Little spawn of satan."

"Wait how did he even get your shoe. . ."

"Little bastards have their ways okay?" I grumble. "Wait, why are you acting all normal? We had a fight, we're supposed to be pissed and ignore each other and like glare when we make eye contact and then frown and look away, maybe cross our arms and call each other names- hey ouch!" I stop my rambling once Elena smacks the back of my head.

"I sometimes wonder if we're even related," she says flatly.

"Same, considering your face and all."

"And considering your microscopic brain and all."

"And I'm still smarter than you." I smirk, trying to tie my shoelaces and failing, starting to curse under my breath.

Elena sighs deeply and swats my hands away, tying them for me. "You were saying, oh wise one?" I frown at that, ignoring her. "Anyway, I came here to apologise, I said some harsh things the other day."

"Yeah you did, that comment about my fear of certain wild beasts was unnecessary."

"Alex you need to understand that squirrels aren't dangerous, they're little fluffy rodents who hide from people, like what is it with you and rodents in general-"

"You don't know them like I do, you don't know my story," I say. "But other than that, I should be the one apologising. I was just worried you'll get in trouble. Now tell me if it's true."

"If it's what true?" She asks, pretending she doesn't know what I'm talking about. Classic.

"That you have something with prince Charming aka H," I say sarcastically. "You promised, Lenny."

"Wait how do you know about the nickname?" She asks, eyes slightly widened.

"Wait what?"


"What nickname?"

"Uuh, I don't know- hey you look nice today."

"Thanks, I actually tried something new with my hair- wait! Don't change the subject, just answer my first question." I frown, pointing my finger at her.

She pretends to be confused. "What was the question again?"

"Lord. . ." I look up at the ceiling, waving. "It's me. Alex. Please give me strength and I'm talking about inner strength because physical would send me on a killing spree. Amen."

"Always so dramatic." Elena rolls her eyes. "Since you want to know the answer, the truth is. . . I don't know." She sighs, scanning my face, searching for anger probably.

"Look I get it, he has that luscious curly hair that honestly looks soft as fuck, he's got those deep dimples and sparkling green eyes, not to mention his toned body, so I get it why you have a thing for him. Hell, I find him attractive, but that's beside the point," I ramble. "The point is, you're getting sidetracked."

"You made a promise too, Alex, and how's that working out for you?" Elena says accusingly.

"Wh- what?" I mumble. "I don't have anything with anyone, you know my routine. I sleep, eat, work, complain, and sleep again. No time for funny business."

"My twin senses are tingling," she says, eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What about Jess? And Louis? And Niall? And-"

"Okay, first of all, Jess and I are just friends," I interrupt. "Oh wait, I see how this sounded, Louis and Niall are just my friends, too of course," I clarifly awkwardly. "And don't involve the squad into this, you know damn well you're a part of it, too."

"Don't worry, we'll work this whole thing out and we'll finally be free," I add softly, poking her cheek to make her smile. "It'll be you and me, just like always."

I manage to make her smile, but somehow I feel like her priorities have changed, it feels like she wants something else. Something or rather someone. But I know our future isn't here, we can't be a part of this war anymore. We deserve something better and I'll make sure we get it.

. . . .

"Fina-fucking-ly." I let out a sigh of relief as I realise it's lunch break. One more minute with these kids and I'd really stab myself with a pen. In front of them. I'd be so worth it.

I skip - yes skip - down the hallway of the children's building cheerfully, fist pumping the air before collecting myself, putting on a serious face and pulling the door open. I immediately notice greyish clouds scattered over the sky, meaning it's going to rain. Again. I see Jess waiting for me at the entrance to the mess hall, waving at me.

"Alex!" That famous deep voice I know too well by now and actually sounds really scary because the person owning it usually has bad news for me, calls.

I quicken my pace, pretending I didn't hear it. Maybe he'll let it go, just keep walking. I let out a not so manly shriek when a hand is placed over my shoulder, stopping me from walking further.

"Wow people sure want to socialise with me today," I mumble, turning around to face his green eyes. "Yes, master?"

H stares at me with a blank face as if he's done with me before letting out a sigh. "Can I have a word with you?"

"Are you actually asking me for permission because I'm really hungry and if I come late for lunch all the meat will probably be gone and I'll be stuck with some gooey soup-ish stuff and-"

"I was just being polite, drama queen," H interrupts me in his usual rude manner. "Let's have a chat." He places his hand on my shoulder and starts walking, guiding me with him back into the building.

But my lunch. . .

I look at Jess who only gives me a sympathetic smile and a shrug, my eyes sending her a silent plead to help me. But she can't. I'm a lost cause. . . and so is my food.

"I'll be going to a meeting with Ace and since I know Elena and you are very familiar with how he works and his base, I would like you to give me some information," he explains.

"Why don't you just ask Lenny, she's good with that stuff," I say. "She's ace." I start laughing at my own joke.

H struggles to keep his face serious, but ends up letting out a few chuckles as well. "I'll remember this one. . . anyway, I'm asking you, not her because I find it easier to talk to you at the moment."

I sigh deeply. "What did she do now?"

"She didn't do anything, just tell me what I want to know, my time is very precious." He points at his imaginary wrist watch.

"Well shit, so is mine, my lunch will be gone," I say, copying his action. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I add, lifting my hands defensively as he gives me the look. The one that can almost kill.

We enter the building and he leads me down the hallway with classrooms on each side, taking a sharp turn and entering one of the empty classrooms. He sits down at one of the chairs and I almost burst out laughing because the chairs are designed for seven-year-olds, not adults. He looks like he's crouching awkwardly instead of sitting, using his knees as armrests. He looks up at me, expecting me to do the same. I do as the master silently ordered, lowering myself on a tiny chair.

"Okay I didn't really think this through, shut up," he snaps at me when I give him a funny look.

"So. . . Ace." I scratch the nape of my neck. "Yeah, he's, uh. . . he's tall and scary. And makes evil jokes."

He rolls his eyes. "What about his weaknesses? Something we can use that might make him reconsider our offer?"

"Umm, I remember Lenny telling me something about delivery routes?" I shrug, trying to jog my memory. "Apparently Vortex has taken most of the routes that used to belong to Rogue and they had a few battles because of that, but Vortex won at the end."

He nods. "What else do you know?"

"I might know a few very important things," I say. "But, in order for me to tell them to you, you have to tell me something, too."

"This is a serious matter, I'm in no mood for some child's play where we exchange secrets or something." A frown is etched into his features, making him look rather dangerous, but I know he's all soft inside, I've seen it.

"Ugh, children." I groan. "I'm triggered."

"Alex I swear to God-"

"Just tell me one thing," I interrupt, pausing for dramatic effect. "Does my sister still sleep like she's dead, like no movements, barely breathing?"

"Actually yeah- wait what?!" H exclaims, standing to his feet. "I, uh, how am I supposed to know that, man, she's your sister not mine. I don't even know her name, I call her Leonard." He lifts his hands defensively and takes a step backwards.

"I can't believe she lied to me!" I exclaim dramatically, standing up as well. "I asked her about your relation and she basically denied it! What's real? Maybe her name is Leonard. God damn it."

"Even if I had something with your sister - which I don't - why does it matter to you?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"Because I don't feel like that's a smart decision is all," I reply, crossing my arms as well, trying to appear intimidating, but failing at it I'm sure. I'm as scary as a bunch of fluffy kittens.

Aww kittens.

"Care to elaborate?" He presses, looking offended, it seems.

"For one, we came here from Vortex and that can't change. People don't like us and I bet we'd be long gone if it weren't for David's efforts to keep us here," I say. "If you, the leader's son, actually fell for her - someone who was supposed to lead that damn base - not only would you lose their trust but they'd consider you a traitor. It's simply how the army works."

"Oooh shit," I say in horror when I realise what have I just revealed to him. "Is this how I die, hungry and stressed, oh shit."

"Calm down, I know about that already," H says calmly. "I have to say, you're smarter than you look."

"Thanks- hey!"

"I know everything actually," he continues, tilting his head aside as his eyes pierce into mine.

My eyes widen. "Y- you do?"

"About Seth and all." He narrows his eyes as if he's testing me.

"She rarely speaks about him, even with me, so you two must've got pretty close," I conclude, my tone slightly bitter. "Backstabbers don't deserve to be talked about anyway."

"Backstabbers? Yeah, I mean, yeah pfft, I know what you're talking about. But just to be clear, could you explain it?" He clears his throat awkwardly.

"When our uncle disappeared, it was her turn to become a leader, and let me tell you, she'd be a great one, she's smart and makes grown men cry. But she's never got that chance, someone we considered our close friend has taken over it and turned the army against her. Let me give you a hint: his name starts with S and ends with eth." I realise I'm revealing a lot about our past, but that won't matter later anyway. Besides, maybe it will help convince him we're truly on his side in this war.

"Insert bitch in there somewhere," H says, referring to Seth. He then frowns slightly as he ponders my words. "And does she want it back? That position?"

"Lenny? No. She can't stand rules or this war, much less being responsible for people's deaths."

"But that might be the solution. . . if someone like her takes over the base, I'm sure the war would be over in less than a year or two." His eyes light up in excitement.

"That won't happen, trust me," I say honestly. "It sounds too good to be true anyway."

He looks at me angrily. Man, he sure hates being told he can't do something. I wonder who does that remind me of. Oh, that's right, my sister! "What? It just won't. Lenny doesn't want to lead."

"We'll see about that," H says. "Wait, did you say she made grown men cry?"

"The guy was like ten feet tall with muscles the size of a rock and she straight up made him cry when she was "practising motivational speaking"-" I use air quotations "-as she'd put it."

"That's nice."

"You should know. . . I think you're scary and I'm still slightly creeped out by your glare, but if it weren't for this situation, I'd actually like to see my sister with you," I say honestly. "Compared to her past choices-" I roll my eyes "-you're great. Unfortunately, that's simply not acceptable."

He frowns, looking away for a few moments. "Tell me what else do you know."

"Yeah about that. . . I lied so I can find out what I want, so uh, sorry?" I chuckle nervously, just like I did the first time I saw this guy. He was scary then, he's scary now.

He inhales deeply, pulling his lips in a fake smile. "Let's sit down then. I'm sure you know plenty of things, your lunch should be a good enough motivation for you to freshen your memory, hm?" He speaks sweetly, patting the empty chair beside him.

Lord, we'll be here all day and I'll starve.

I plop down beside him, grunting in discomfort. "I'll do it, but I'm not happy about it."

He smirks. "I'm listening."

. . . .

My heart pounds in my chest and I burst into the room, my lungs tiring as I breathe heavily. The mess hall is almost empty, annoyance and disappointment coursing through me as I realise all the good food is gone. All food is gone basically.

The horror.

My shoulders slump as I walk toward our table defeated, lowering myself onto a chair. Louis is sitting beside me, but I'm too sad to look at him. Suddenly, someone pushes a tray filled with food in front of me, my eyes widening, my stomach doing a happy break dance while angels descend from the above to play their harps.

"I saved some for you," Louis, my saviour, says. "I can't say it didn't look tempting, but I managed to resist."

I wind my arms around his body tightly, hearing him laugh then wheeze in the lack of air. I quickly let go of him, grinning brightly at him. "My hero, aw."

"Where were you anyway? Stuck in the loo or?" Louis asks, an amused expression on his face.

"Hilarious but no," I say as I grab a knife and a fork, beginning to eat my well-deserved lunch. "H wanted to interview me, it was horrible."

When someone joins us at the table, I notice it's Jess, her hand placing a mug in front of me, lips pulled in a smile. "Here, since you were late. It's cocoa, I know you like it."

I grin, suddenly feeling so happy. These small gestures are why I appreciate these people and why it is going to be so difficult at the end. I feel a pang of hurt at the thought, but unlike Elena, I still have my priorities in check and don't let my feelings mess with me. We deserve better.

"Hey, Alex, check it out," Louis says and without any warning partially rips off a bandage on his hand, showing me a mild bleeding cut. "Liam thought it would be fun to play football with glasses rolling on the floor. Not so great idea let me tell you. Hey, you alright mate, you look pale."

My stomach turns and it feels like I'm about to throw up, my glare fixing on his eyes only to find amusement in them. "You bitch, you did it on purpose."

He smiles slyly. "Bon appétit."

a/n: lmao I enjoyed writing Alex's pov, I hope you liked it. This was a filler, drama comes back in the next chapter x
