Chapter 17


My body plops down on my bed as Elena boldly enters my bedroom, her eyes curiously taking in its plain decor. Why is she here? Why did she come this late? Why did I even let her in? All those questions are bothering me, not helping my sudden annoyance. I simply dislike unexpected situations.

"Do you live alone?" She asks as her hazel eyes finally look at me. 

My chest tightens, my features hardening. There are some things in my life I don't want to be reminded of and this is one of them. "Yes."

"Want some?" She lifts the bottle in her hand and shakes it lightly.

"I rarely drink, Elena," I reply, my eyes narrowing slightly as I try to determine if she's drunk already. "Why did you come here? I'll pretend I'm not pissed you've broken the rules again and came here, in my room, in the middle of the night."

Her light pink lips pull in a playful smile. "No rules, remember? I know what will cheer you up." Her hand unscrews the bottle cap as she tentatively takes a few steps toward me, handing me the bottle.

I stare at it in annoyance for a few moments before taking it in my hand, my eyes locking with hers. It appears she's slightly tipsy, but her mind is still clear enough. "You didn't answer my question."

She ignores my statement. "Why didn't you join us? Everyone would've been so glad had you decided to come."

"This might be shocking to hear, but I don't really socialise, so. . ." I answer, bringing the rim of the bottle to my mouth and taking a sip. Since she's here and it's so early in the morning, I might as well drink to relax. It's not the lack of sleep that's playing with my nerves, it's her. "Sit here." I jerk my head toward the empty space next to me.

Elena nods, slowly approaching me and lowering herself beside me. Her arm brushes against mine ever so lightly, the coincidental move sending shivers throughout my body. "Is this about what happened today?" I break the silence.

"What do you mean?"

I remain silent for a few moments, debating whether or not to tell her. "Some soldiers had attacked your brother earlier today, but no one got seriously hurt. They were claiming you two are traitors," I tell her, watching as anger overtakes her expression. 

"Those bitches, I'll find the largest knife there is and cut-"

"Easy there, Tiger," I interrupt her. "I set them straight since we don't just accuse people here without any evidence. Also, I heard Tyler confronted you today. Care to elaborate what happened?"

"You set them straight, I set him straight. Nothing major happened." Her shoulders lift in a shrug, but I know better.

A smirk tugs the corners of my lips. "Mhmm. Knowing your violent nature, you either punched him in the face or used your knife."

"I don't have a violent nature, I just have a low tolerance for some things," she defends, her hand reaching for the bottle to take a swig before she returns it to me. I shake my head in amusement, taking a few smaller sips of the burning liquid. "And I used a knife," she adds, making me laugh.

"Do you have a knife now?" I ask, my eyes taking in her clothing, moving down her legs, noticing trainers on her feet. Ha, no place to put a knife.

She raises her eyebrow, eyeing me. "No. But you know that."

"What if something dangerous were to happen?" I tease, a playful smile on my lips.

"I have more hidden skills, don't you worry." She winks, patting my shoulder.

I shake my head, letting out a breathless chuckle. "You're drunk."

"Aw no way, sugar, it takes a lot to fuck me up, I'm not even buzzed."

I purse my lips. "Whatever, if you throw up I'll make you lick it okay, I won't be cleaning your bodily fluids."

"Ew, that's nasty." Her face scrunches up and she takes another swig. "Haha, bodily fluids." She smirks knowingly, nudging my shoulder.

I sigh deeply and grab the bottle from her, taking a few swigs. I'll need it if she's planning to stay here for much longer. I should throw her out and punish her, but I'm weak and lazy after midnight.

"Thank you," she says, smiling. "For the sandwich."

"Oh." I clear my throat awkwardly. "Yeah, nutrition is important and I love to make sure all of the soldiers are well fed and prepared for any-- uh, anyway it doesn't matter." I quickly take another gulp to prevent myself from blabbering.

"Do you ever go out?" Elena suddenly asks, my eyes looking at her in confusion. "I mean, you're alone most of the time and I've never seen you leave the base to go on missions or similar. Not once."

Her question throws me off for a moment and I take another sip, larger this time. "I haven't left the base in two years. It needs protection and the best way to do that is to stay here at all times. I have a strong sense of duty."

Her hand takes the bottle from mine, her lips enveloping the tip as she takes a sip. I frown and shift in my seat, my gaze falling on the floor as I lean forward, my elbows resting on my knees. "But don't you ever feel trapped?" Elena asks.

My eyes snap at hers again, finding nothing but genuine curiosity in her hazel eyes. I want to tell her I feel trapped because of my guilt, but I don't. She doesn't need to know that, I don't want her to. "No. I do miss the adrenaline rush that comes with being on the field, though."

"I love it as well. There's something strangely addictive about it, the thrill you get when you realise you're so close to death," she says, eyes trained on the wall. "But what gets to me is when I focus on people dying all around me and it seems all of it is in vain. The war should've ended a long time ago like in most of the world, but it appears it's only getting worse here. All of it seems pointless to me."

"It's just how things are." I shrug, a sigh pushing past my lips. "You can spend your life fighting or give up. Many had chosen the latter, but you and I are still here." My gaze shifts on her again. "You're a fighter. I don't really know you or why are you here, but I've been observing you these past few weeks, and I saw that spark in you. You may not be a leader or a follower, but you're a fighter."

"So are you," she says quietly. "You're fighting your own battles every day."

I gulp, surprise taking over me. Is it that obvious? Or she's spent just as much time observing me as I did her?  I almost roll my eyes at how slow I am; she's talking about my episodes since she has witnessed them twice by now.  I don't like the fact she was there when it happened, but if I had to choose someone to see me in that vulnerable state, it'd be her.

Her eyes glance down at my lips and only now I notice the proximity of her face to mine.  I don't know which one of us shifted closer, it might have been both of us. I dislike this, I'm never in control when I'm with Elena and I don't even have an explanation for it.  I fail to see why am I attracted to her or I simply don't want to admit the reasons to myself.

"Try not to take advantage of me if I get drunk," I say jokingly as I pull away, tipping the bottle and letting the liquid flow into my mouth. "I know I'm attractive, but it'd never work. I have principles."

"Oh, how am I supposed to keep my hands to myself?" She asks dramatically, playing along.

I laugh harder than I probably should, the alcohol already having its effect on me. "I'm no rebel like you."

"I recall you kissing me on various occasions and breaking the rules," Elena says playfully, a light chuckle leaving her mouth. "I reckon you're just like me, if not worse."

"Rules seem to cease to exist when you're around," I comment, my tongue swiping over my lips, the cool temperature of my lip ring in contrast with my warm tongue.  Like a magnet, her lips gain my attention, my own itching to feel their smooth surface. A thick tension always seems to appear between us whenever we're together for longer than five minutes, pulling us together, and no matter how much I want to resist it, I never do.  Maybe I'm not trying hard enough, but right now, I don't care. I'll just blame it on the alcohol.

"Do it," she whispers. "Kiss me." Her fingertips gingerly brush against my cheek, the now familiar sensation rushing through me, almost forcing me to listen to her plea.  I catch a hint of disappointment in her eyes when I pull away to put the bottle on the floor, but it disappears as soon as my palms cup her soft cheeks.

There is barely any space between our faces, our breaths mixing together. My heart is thudding in my chest and I'm positive she can hear it.  I make a move as if I'm going to kiss her, but my head ducks at the last moment and my lips press against the skin below her ear. A soft exhale leaves her mouth, one of her hands pressing to the nape of my neck, sliding into the curls at the back of my head while the other one is resting on my thigh.  My lips slowly begin leaving a trail of kisses along her jaw and down her neck, her head leaning to the side to grant me more access.

It's been two years since I did anything with a girl and my overall experience with girls is limited to heavy and touchy make out sessions and that's about it.  I was always too focused on the war or was too busy training to be able to inherit my father's position one day. I was going on missions, learning how to fight and kill, and there was simply never enough time for girls.  My friends would usually spend their Sundays chasing them around and sleeping with them, and even though the idea seemed appealing to me, I've never felt any connection with someone to go through with it.

I suck on the skin of her neck, my tongue poking to wet the area. I observe the red mark I created, a smirk curving my lips.  Before I can process it, Elena stands abruptly and lowers herself onto my lap, my body temperature suddenly increasing drastically.  Her lips soon find mine, moving with such intensity and passion, a moan escapes my throat. My hands slowly slide down her waist, all the way to her bum, gripping the soft flesh.

She adjusts on my lap and moves closer to me, our chests touching, one of my hands boldly reaching underneath her shirt, settling on the smooth skin of her waist.  When her teeth grab my lip ring, I tightly grip her thigh, causing her hips to move against me. The unexpected action makes me groan in pleasure, our mouths detaching for a brief moment so our eyes can meet before she pulls me back to her.  My response to her action seems to give her some kind of courage, her hips beginning to move against my crotch repeatedly, rolling back and forth in slow motions. My breaths are coming out in pants, my boxers suddenly becoming too tight.

When my eyes open at one point, they catch the sight of the tattoo on her bicep, a shoot of panic washing over me. A few unclear images of my past flash in my mind, making me forget about the reality for a few brief moments, reminding me of the pain. As much as I want to, I can't do this right now.

My hands still Elena's movements, her head pulling back, her eyes confusedly searching my features. "We're drunk," I manage to whisper, my green eyes finding hers. "I mean, I know you want to do this every time I'm in the room with you since no one can resist this fine piece of--" I pause, suddenly remembering why I drink so rarely. I talk. . . a lot. "Basically, what I'm trying to say is maybe we should wait until our heads are clear, yeah?"

Her eyes stare into mine intently for a few seconds, but she breaks the contact at last, dropping her gaze, her head nodding.  A moment longer and my cheeks would blush; I have no idea where did this sudden shyness come from.  I'm a damn superior in this base, just below the leader, I should really pull my shit together.

"Yes, sir," Elena finally replies, a smile on her lips. Her body lifts from mine, moving back to its previous position beside me. I'm surprised and glad she's not feeling rejected or anything, even in her drunken state, she's understanding. "You're awfully condescending, did you know that?"

"So I've heard," I mumble, shooting her a wink.

I forget about the unpleasant memories as I take a few more swigs of the drink, noticing how there's already more than half of the bottle missing; it was full when she came here. I place the bottle back on the floor, covering my face with my palms to gain composure, hoping my "little big friend" trapped in my boxers will take a hint and leave.

"What does H stand for?" Elena suddenly asks me and I look at her, watching as she absentmindedly fiddles with the bed cover. An amused expression settles on my face, my eyebrow raising as I debate how to answer her question. Her eyes snap at mine as she waits for my reply. She's awfully curious when she's tipsy.

"H stands for Hazard."

"That's pretty clever, but I don't buy it," she notes, pointing a finger at me. "I won't force you to reveal it to me, though. I like H, it's simple and different."

I smile, grateful for her words. Neither of us says anything anymore, letting the surprisingly comfortable silence surround us.

. . . .

A loud shrill sound of the alarm pulls me from my slumber, my hand reaching to turn the bloody thing off, my ears feeling blessed soon after. I barely open my eyes to the half, my vision blurry, my lips slightly parted. Something or rather someone shifts down on my body, their weight pinning me to the bed. I don't remember falling asleep, or what happened after Elena and I were done with our-- holyyy shit. Elena!

My eyes widen suddenly as I prop myself on my elbows, realising I'm lying vertically on my bed with my legs dangling over the edge.  But what baffles me is Elena's head placed on my lap, her body curled as she remains asleep.  Now, the fact she's here when she shouldn't be and the fact she's sleeping in my bed when she shouldn't are both upsetting, but I can't focus on that.

She's literally lying on top of my crotch, which is rather hardened if I may add, and her proximity is only making my problem worse.  I panic as I try to find a way to move her so she doesn't notice it. My hips awkwardly wiggle to the side while my hand grabs a pillow, wanting to replace my lap with it.  Unfortunately for me, she inhales deeply and her hazel irises come into view, her eyes blinking a few times.

"Oh, you're-- you're awake." I laugh awkwardly, my voice deeper than usual. I'm screaming internally. "I, um-- I have to pee, so could you. . ." I motion for her to move, hoping she won't notice the bulge.

Her eyebrows scrunch in confusion as she takes a few moments to register where is she, to which her eyes widen and she sits up abruptly. Her eyes then fall down on my lap and she pulls her lips into her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Annoyance shoots through me as I quickly stand up, awkwardly holding the pillow, shielding my crotch.

"You need to leave right now," I say firmly, trying to make the situation more serious. "You're lucky I always wake up earlier than everyone else, so no one will see you leave. Otherwise, we'd both be in trouble."

"Yeah, sure," she mumbles, clearing her throat as she tries to hide her amusement. She slowly stands up, stretching her arms up in the air, yawning shortly. "We should talk later," she says in a tone that is telling me that is not a suggestion, so I end up nodding so she can finally leave.

When she turns her back on me and her body moves to the door, I release a breath of relief. "Oh, and it's nothing I haven't seen before," she adds amusedly and gives me a thumbs up as her eyes drop to my lower region.

Wait did she just compliment my--

"Good luck," is the last thing she says before leaving the room, her laughter echoing from the hallway.

I make a face and groan loudly, throwing the pillow at the door, my head rolling back in embarrassment. Bloody fuck.

a/n: idk how many of you like some comedy in books, but I personally enjoy it, so I had to add some in mine. Don't worry though, things will get real dark :)
