Chapter 9


"We need to fight back asap," Louis deadpans as all of us look at him.

We're gathered around a table in a huge conference room, monitors, computers, and all kinds of technical devices surrounding us. H has called a meeting to plan his next move since David is gone to handle the situation on the field and he needs to act quickly to prevent more victims. I wasn't formally invited, but no one has complained about my presence yet, besides, this incident with Rogue can be to my benefit, so I wouldn't miss it for the world.

"Yep, blowing shit up sounds perfect," Niall adds. "I volunteer."

More voices chime in, agreeing with him and Louis. There are dozens of us in the room, Tori and Jess included. I believe all the people in the room are people closest to H, or in some way superior to the others; whether it be in skills or experience. H is quiet, standing at the head of the table, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he thinks.

"No," I blurt out, everyone's attention now set on me, H's included. "I know Ace and I know how he handles things. He always gets even, but never attacks first."

"So you're saying we attacked him?" H asks, his tone laced with anger.

"No, but something must've triggered his attack. Attacking him would be a huge mistake, you'd officially be in war with Rogue."

"Well, he asked for it," Louis says. "We never attacked them, they obviously did it first. And it's our turn to strike now."

Murmurs fill the room, everyone agreeing once again. I notice a few glares sent my way, surely because they think I have no right to meddle in their business. "The best way to deal with this would be if you send someone to talk to him. Think about it, why would Rogue attack so suddenly? There has to be an explanation."

"Since when do we listen to Vortex scum and let them on our meetings?" One of the soldiers asks. I'm not surprised it's the same one that punched me when we were exposed a week ago.

"Since they actually offer solutions rather than being a waste of space," I tell him, my eyebrows drawing together. "And I don't belong to Vortex."

He steps forward, but Louis places a hand on his chest. "Don't start shit, Tyler."

"So talking? That's your solution? Really?" H asks in a mocking tone. "Fantastic."

"Ace never denies meetings or peace offerings, so yes, that's the best and the only solution," I reply calmly. "I've been in a similar situation and I had a chance to meet him and talk to him. I'm sure this would work."

"Your word means nothing here, you're a traitor for all we know," Tyler snaps. I notice a few soldiers nod in agreement, murmuring he's right.

"Be quiet unless you have something worthy to say, which I highly doubt," H warns him, placing his palms on the table and leaning his weight on them as he looks at me. "Talking, you say? He killed dozens of our men, no talk could fix that."

"You're right, but it wouldn't hurt to ask him why he did it. Dozens of men will be nothing compared to hundreds that will die if you start a war with them," I reason, earning a smile from Jess and a thumbs up from Tori.

"And who you suggest should go speak to him?" Niall asks. "David? H? They'd walk right into a trap, babe."

"I could." That would be perfect. If I manage to bring back the truce between them again, I'd be on Ace's and H's good side, which opens so many opportunities for my brother and me.

Shocked expressions surround me, looks of suspicion and disapproval being sent my way. It's obvious no one trusts me, the permanent mark on my skin I never asked for being the only thing they use to judge me. None of them would give me a chance, but maybe H can be convinced.

However, a firm and loud "no" is his reply. "I don't trust you, especially not with something this delicate. Leave the room, now."

"Sir, I can help you, if you would just give me a chance-"

"That's an order!"

I grit my teeth and stand straight, catching Tyler's smug expression on my way out of the room, making sure to bump my shoulder into his.  I don't bother to close the door, stomping down the hallway. I know what would this potential war bring and I'm not going to let that happen. I'm confident enough in what I claimed back there that I'm going to try to leave the base and talk to Ace.  I know this can be fixed without anyone else dying and if H won't give me a chance, then I'll do it myself.

After checking the gym and not finding Alex there, I decide to go on the west side to look for him. Since I'm planning to break the rules anyway, one more won't do any more harm.  I get stares as I shamelessly step onto their side, making my way toward the army building.  I can see the soldiers don't exactly know what to do considering ever since everyone found out about our tattoos, they've been either avoiding us or trying to insult us. Unfortunately for them, Alex and I don't care.

Luckily, I went to check his flat on Sunday when we're allowed to visit each other, so I know where to look for him.  I ignore the looks sent my way, making sure to glare at anyone who tries to approach me. After a short ride in the lift, I make my way down the empty hallway, reaching Alex's flat.  He's sharing it with Niall since it's big enough for more than one person.

I begin knocking on the door repeatedly, knowing it will piss him off and he'll open it faster. I hear him curse loudly, telling me to piss off, which makes me knock with both hands.  After a few seconds, the door flies open, Alex's annoyed expression coming into view.

"Whaaat, how are you here?" He asks in confusion as I step inside, closing the door behind me.

"I need your help." I look him in the eyes, pulling my lips in a tender smile. 

He looks at me for a few moments before bursting into laughter. "Oh, no no no. I know that look," he points a finger at me, "and that look means trouble, and it means I'll have to do some shit for you, and it won't be pleasant. So, nope. Nein. Niet."

"So, here's what I'm thinking," I start, ignoring his statement and earning a groan from him. "This attack might be our chance, Alex. I go talk to Ace, get on his good side, become a messenger between the two bases, and in a couple of months, maybe weeks, we'll be good to go."

"You make it sound so bloody easy while in fact, you're talking about befriending a leader of another base. You're not the greatest at making friends, in fact, I think you'd actually help start a war."

"I talked to him once, I can talk to him again. We need their alliance, Alex, and you know it."

"Yes, but that's because you were doing it in the name of Vortex. We kept his soldiers as hostages for fuck's sake, of course he had to agree to listen to you."

"And he'll do it now," I insist. "You know I can do it. I convinced David to let us stay here, I convinced H to let us move into different buildings, I can do this. If Hazard gets in war with Rogue, Vortex will seize the opportunity and we're as good as dead. I'm not going back there," I say the last part quietly, my tone pleading.

He stares at me for a few moments, determined look in his eyes gradually softening. At last, he groans loudly in resignation. "I hate you, Lenny, I really do."

I smile, knowing I've won. But before I can tell him my plan, Niall walks into the room, his icy blue eyes flicking back and forth between us.  "Okay, it's obvious who's the intruder here," he says. "Alex, get out." He winks at me, a cheeky smile stretching his lips.

I roll my eyes and I notice Alex doing the same. "But on a serious note," Niall continues, "what are you up to?" When I open my mouth to reply, he's quick to cut me off, "and don't even try lying to me. One word from me and H would have your ass. Not that I'd literally let him have it since I quite fancy it." He grins, walking beside us and plopping onto the couch. "Talk."

. . . .

"I sure as hell hope you know what you're doing, El," Louis says. "If David finds out about this, we'll get punished. But if H finds out, we'll get punished, he'll kill us then punish us again."

"I mean, he will obviously find out, but once we come back with good news, he won't be harsh on us," I say, smiling at him. "Well, that or I hope you can run faster than him."

The moment Louis realised Niall, Alex, and I are planning something, he's decided to join us, talking Jess and Tori into it as well.  The six of us have managed to muster up a plan to leave the base and reach Rogue. Niall, Alex, and Jess will stay here to help with distractions while Louis, Tori, and I will go and talk to Ace.  Sounds simple, but it's going to be tricky to leave the base, let alone without H noticing our absence.

"Okay, you two know what to do," I tell Alex and Jess. "And you," I look at Niall, "go and deal with H."

"You owe me big time for this, babe," Niall tells me. "We'll talk payment later, yeah?" He grins sheepishly.

Niall walks toward the main building to take care of his part of the plan while the rest of us head toward the gates.  Louis jokes and chats with the soldiers guarding it shortly and they end up opening the gates for us, the five of us ushering outside. We're heavily armed, just in case.

We round the high walls circling the base, reaching the other side with a bunch of warehouses that serve as food storage, vehicle garages, weaponry storage, and similar.  There are soldiers lined in front of the warehouses, making our job harder. In order for us to sneak into the garage and steal one of the vehicles, Alex and Jess will have to distract them.

"Okay, you two," Louis tells the two of them. "Make us proud."

They nod, beginning their act. Jess walks out at the clearing, gaining attention from a few soldiers. While they try to explain to her she's not allowed to be there, she acts being upset and wraps one of her arms around her stomach while placing the back of her other hand on her forehead, feigning sickness. I almost snort since she's using the oldest trick in the book. She drops to her knees, starting to wail dramatically, as if she's in severe pain.

Alex rushes to her side, kneeling beside her. "Step away from her! My love? Oh no! Why are you tossers just standing there? My girlfriend is carrying triplets, and I'm gonna be their daddy. Help me!" Jess subtly smacks him on the chest. "Uh, I mean, help her!"

"Aren't you the guy from Vortex?" One of the soldiers skeptically asks. 

"Yeah and? Want a piece of these?" He flexes his biceps.

"What bullshit is this, what are you two-" the other soldier starts.

Alex makes a half shocked, half disgusted face while scoffing. "I happen to be good friends with David and if you refuse to help my pregnant girlfriend, you can kiss your army career goodbye, okay, I'll make sure you work on some corn field all day-"

"Oh for the love of God!" Jess shouts, grabbing her weapon and pointing it towards the soldiers. "I'm hormonal and I need help. Now!"

Oddly enough, their poor acting has distracted all the guards as they rush toward them, allowing Louis, Tori, and me to run toward the garage, managing to sneak inside.  I'm amazed to see the number of vehicles and army tanks inside, some of them smaller but faster, the others bigger and more advanced, but surely slower.

"We're taking this baby right here," Tori says, stroking the hood of one of the vehicles. "So beautiful, I've always wanted to ride it."

"You should be doing that," Louis points to her hand stroking the vehicle, "and saying that to me."

I can't help but laugh at his innuendo while Tori glares at him, opening the door on the driver's side. "We're lucky there's always a key in each vehicle, so it's easier to react when it's urgent," she says as she sits inside.

Louis is quick to occupy the passenger's seat while I'm left to sit behind. However, before I do that, I walk back toward the doors, having to open them so the vehicle can get outside. I poke my head through the door, seeing a group of soldiers still gathered around Alex and Jess. Alex notices me, and I give him a signal to somehow get them away.

"Okay, you carry her," he tells one of the soldiers. "But be careful where you put your paws. And you two help him, she's carrying triplets after all."

I manage to step outside and fully open the door, my heart almost stopping when one of the soldiers almost looks my way. However, Alex reacts quickly, dropping to his knees and yelling he's feeling sick and seeing the light.

I run back inside and quickly jump into the vehicle as Tori presses the gas pedal, basically sending us flying forward.  She expertly operates the vehicle, taking sharp turns and driving down the dirt road, leaving shocked soldiers behind us. Nothing but dirt, sand, and a few ruins quickly surround us, the once lively city settled kilometres ahead of us.

Since Rogue is settled all the way in the South and Hazard is in the North, we have to drive through the remnants of the city. It's no man's land, meaning there is always a chance of getting attacked by one of the armies.

"We're close to leaving our territory," Tori says. "We might run into our scouting groups unless David has taken care of them."

"Maybe we should've taken the route through the woods," Louis says. "But that's also risky. It's been less than a minute and I'm getting stressed."

"You begged to come, Louis, suck it up," I say. "It will be fine, try to relax."

"Hand off my thigh, Lou," Tori warns him.

"I'm nervous and that relaxes me!"

"Well, it's distracting me and I'm driving!"

"You always find excuses, I swear to God-" Louis starts, but gets cut off.

"Now is not the time, why do you always do this?" Tori exasperates.

"So are you two a thing?" I ask, leaning forward so my head is between their seats.

"No!" They answer at the same time.

I smile widely as I lean back, shaking my head. The rest of the drive is mostly silent, with an occasional banter between the two of them. And as we leave the safety of Hazard's borders and cross onto the free territory, I can only pray we manage to reach Rogue without any casualties.
