Chapter 41


It's been almost two weeks since David's disappearance. Despite not wanting it and trying to avoid the duty, I am now a leader of his army, army filled with people looking up to me and expecting me to guide them, expecting me to win battles while leading them.

It's all good, I'm chill. No pressure, none at all, nope.

In all honesty, I don't think I'm capable of doing it, not like David did, not like most of these men or women could. But all of my friends, Elena, everyone is so entitled to show me I'm basically born for this part, I'm born to lead. I make sure to never show weakness when I'm in front of them, but Elena has witnessed it numerous of times, and she never gives up in trying to remind me of my inner strength and showing me I'm worthy, to give me comfort.

And when my friends realised she needed a bit of help in order to convince me, they all decided to help.

Ooh, they helped alright.

It's around four am, the only source of light in my training room being the moonlight seeping through the highly placed windows. I'm lying on my back on one of the thick mats, multiple breaths being the only sounds in the room, coming from all of my friends sleeping here with me.

Each of us is sleeping on a mat, scattered over the floor yet close to each other. Niall is to my left while  Liam is to my right, and Elena is beside Niall. Above us are Jess, Tori, Louis, and Alex, lined in that order. They all thought sleeping with me here would show their support and despite my apparent annoyance, I'm beyond grateful to have them as friends, the thought warming my heart a little.

Niall unconsciously reaches out and gropes Elena's breast, making me frown and roll my eyes. I'm forced to clamp my mouth shut with my palm when Elena removes his hand angrily, a cute little pout on her face as she grumbles something incoherent. She slaps his hand when he reaches out again, making him mumble a quiet "ow". All of this is happening while they're both asleep, making it more amusing.

Elena extends her arm in her sleep, making me believe she's searching for her knife, or Tinkerblade as she calls it. The girl never leaves her knife alone, it's like she's connected with the thing. I once found her cradling it to her chest. Luckily, it's a folding pocket knife, so it's impossible for her to hurt herself with it unless she has a really vivid dream and uses it to "defend" herself. In that case, I might be dead. . .

Ugh, this is what happens when I can't sleep. Stupid thoughts.

I sigh when I realise I'm fully awake and I sit up, running my hands through my messy hair. When I hear shuffling behind me, I turn my head, seeing Louis pulling Tori closer to him, burying his face into her hair. It would be cute if it weren't for Alex, who suddenly wraps his arm around Louis' waist, moving closer to him, spooning him closely. I snort, a wide smile spreading over my lips.

"Cute, aren't they?" A voice asks quietly and I realise it's coming from Jess. "I can't sleep on this and that's saying something. I can fall asleep everywhere. What's your excuse?"

"Yeah. . ." I mumble, watching as she sits up as well. "I guess I'm worried about the future of this base and all the people in it. You know, typical deep after midnight thoughts."

She rubs her tired eyes. "Hm, I have those when I drink too much coffee. Look, it's going to be fine, whatever it is that you're planning. If you need any help, you have all of us to help you."

"I just don't want to fail," I admit quietly. "David would know what to do, I have only one chance left for fixing things and it's a hell of a lot of pressure."

"So are you settling on Elena's idea then? The Wildfire deal?" She asks, tilting her head aside.

"No, actually I have something better in mind," I lie. I remember having a traitor in the base, so I think it's better if I keep the whole Wildfire deal just between Elena and me. Everyone else will find out about it when we're done with forming the plan, even my closest friends.

"Hm, alright." She stands up, stretching her arms up in the air. "Time for my early morning run, there's no use in sleeping anyway."

"What's with you and running so early?" I ask with an arch of a brow. "Even I'm not that dedicated."

"Various reasons. There's almost no one outside-" she lifts one finger "-I can make myself a mean cup of coffee in peace-" she adds another one "-and someone needs to make sure the punished ones are doing their punishments." She lifts a third finger.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those morons," I mumble, a smirk curving my lips. They have four weeks worth of punishemnts, for each hour Elena and the rest had to spend locked away. Cleaning the toilets with toothbrushes was week one, Alex's idea. This week is taking care of each of Elena's knives, her idea. If she finds as much as a small stain, she's allowed to use them as targets while trainees practice. Spoiler alert: she always finds a stain.

Next week, they'll be forced to move their mattresses in the patio and sleep there until early dawn then run with them all around the base until I say it's enough. While doing that, they'll have to recite how stupid they are for making stupid choices. And the final week is reserved for Niall. We have no idea what he has planned since he's keen on keeping it a secret, but I'm pretty sure it will be brutal knowing him.

Jess glances at Alex and walks toward him, crouching down beside him. She gives me a shy look and I pretend to look away, noticing how she leans down and kisses his temple.

I smile and she quickly walks out, leaving me awake on my own. I groan in annoyance quietly as Niall once again reaches for Elena's breasts, this time deciding to take action and stop him. I stand up and take my mat with me as I walk toward Niall, placing the mat aside and crouching down. I grab the edges of his mat and pull him away toward Liam, placing mine between him and Elena.

I glare at Niall's sleeping form, the bastard looking peaceful and innocent, making you think he wouldn't hurt anyone. Elena's arm reaches for something again and I move closer to her, letting her arm lock around my shoulders, holding me tightly. A relaxed expression settles on her face, making me smile softly knowing it was me she was looking for.

I don't know why yet, but all I know is that I'm grateful that she appeared in my life when I needed saving the most, when I needed someone to pull me away from my past. A lot of people tried, but only she succeeded, and all she did was listen; really listen. My eyes take in her features, face soft with sleep, slightly parted puffy lips, eyebrows scrunched in a faint frown as she clutches me closer as if I might slip away.

I shift closer to her, not caring about all the others in the room, I believe it's more than obvious we're together and I'm not planning to hide it anymore. As the matter of fact, I don't want to hide anything anymore, starting with my feelings.  I've known from the moment I was ready to give myself to her that my feelings are much deeper than I wanted to admit to myself, they take over me whenever she looks at me, touches me, does any small gesture directed at me.  From the moment I saw her for the first time, she has gained control over me. I am now more than certain in what I'm feeling for the sleeping girl in front of me.

I'm completely in love with her.

. . . .

My hands grip the phone in my hand tightly and I slam it against the desk, almost breaking it I'm sure. "No!" I shout, waves of anger coursing through me, making me want to punch a hole through the wall. "Who the fuck does that bitch thinks he is." I run my hand through my hair as I circle the desk in my office, stomping toward the door and yanking it open.

"All I'm saying is, I woke up and you were all over me, mate," Liam says with his hands raised as Niall glares at him, both of them standing in front of the office. "Not everyone can have a piece of this, there's a line."

"Oh really? Where?" Niall snaps. "Hear that? Those are crickets."

"Hey hey, don't hate me cause you ain't me." Liam winks.

I ignore them and push them away angrily, making my way down the hallway as I hear their haste footsteps behind me. "Make yourselves useful since you're here and call Elena and Alex to the conference room, it's time for me to get shit done."

"Yes boss, but could you maybe tell us why are you angry so we know what exactly are we dealing with here?" Liam says.

"Seth," I say his name through gritted teeth. "His soldiers are occupying the entire eastern border, killing anyone who shows any resistance. He's slowly infiltrating our territory, preparing everything for a direct attack on our base, and despite any precautions we might take, he's still in advantage. I need to get my plan into action."

"It's so satisfying to hear you talk all leaderly to us," Niall says, patting my back. 

"Listen, guys, I'm completely fine now and I don't need you to follow me when I take a piss or eat or do any of the basic life needs." I sigh in annoyance as I walk over the patio, making sure everyone is doing their duty. I have to pay more attention to it now that I'm the unofficial leader.

"We just want you to know we're here for you, honestly I prefer it when you call us stupid nicknames or you're just plain mean," Niall says. "You know, the usual self."

I glance down at the ring with a golden 'Z' engraved on it, my heart aching a little. "I'm better now, don't worry."

Niall and Liam must've noticed my glance, both of them hugging me, Niall being on the front and Liam on the back. I just stand limply in the middle, letting out a sigh as they tighten their grips, making it hard for me to breathe.

"Seriously, now get off my back," I snap as I wiggle myself out of their grip, a small smile appearing on my lips.

"He's moody, yay he's back!" Niall cheers.

I roll my eyes. "Just call Elena and Alex for me and tell them I'm waiting for them." With that, I dismiss them, walking with shoulders pushed back and tense posture, earning a few respectful glances sent my way. Ever since I've taken this position, the soldiers admire me and pay more attention to me, especially after what I did when the rebels had captured my friends and threw them into jail. Everyone realised how persuasive and dominant I can be when I'm provoked, showing them it's not smart to go against me.

After entering the conference room, I walk toward the far end of the table, standing straight and clasping my hands behind my back. It isn't long before Alex and Elena walk into the room, each of them taking a seat and scooting away from the other. I realise they both look pissed, exchanging glares. This has actually become pretty common lately, for some reason they've been fighting and avoiding one another, making Elena irritable when she's surrounded by other people and anxious and strangely quiet when she's with me. I can't understand why and she constantly refuses to tell me, finding ways to distract me and unfortunately succeeding.

"Let's put your sibling differences aside for a while and focus on why you two are here," I say calmly. "I need you to help me finalise the last stage of our plan; the Wildfire deal. I want us to strike the deal this week, as soon as possible."

A slight panic crosses over Elena's face and if my eyes weren't so focused on her, I would surely have missed it. "This week? Are you sure?"

"There's no time to waste, didn't Liam and Niall tell you about Seth's attacks on the eastern border?" I ask, narrowing my eyes slightly, trying to figure out why is she like this. She used to defend her idea fiercely, even arguing with David over it and now she looks uncertain. 

"I think we should do it as soon as possible as well," Alex pipes in, clapping his hands once. "Yeah, tomorrow! Maybe even today, like let's just get into the vehicles and drive away, and not overthink this too much. The sooner the deal is on, the better. Everyone will get what they want and la di da, happy life for all of us." He sends a look at Elena, making her frown.

"I feel like we shouldn't rush into things, especially since this is our final shot," she says while glaring at him, directing her gaze at me. "We should wait for a little while and just keep fighting Vortex soldiers until we go through every tiny detail."

"Like Harry here said- wait are we allowed to call you Ha- oh, okay you're giving me the death glare, I get it, that's a no," Alex rambles nervously and sends me a weak smile, clearing his throat. "Like H here said, there's no time to waste, dear sister, I even have a few ideas that could speed up the whole process."

Elena's hands tighten into fists. "Well, you don't have much experience with planning the attacks, so let's just stay realistic. This is war, not a game."

"War is a game of strategy, actually," Alex retorts, flashing her a satisfied smile. "And I have a mighty one."

"That's enough," I demand gruffly. "What's going on between you two, there is something you're clearly not telling me regarding this Wildfire thing, so let me hear it."

"It's nothing, I just want the plan to be flawless," Elena tells me with a shrug, her eyes focused on the table as her fingertips absently brush over its smooth surface. 

"Alex, could you leave us alone for a few minutes?" I say while keeping my eyes on Elena.

"Are you asking me or ordering me because- aaand there's that death glare again, noted." He points a finger at me briefly and nods, standing up. He looks at his sister, a flash of sadness appearing on his features, making me realise their feud is worse than I thought. He leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I approach Elena and pull out a chair beside hers, turning to her and directing my gaze at her, observing her anxious expression and rigid posture, not liking she's like that with me. I would never want to make her feel this way. "What's wrong?" I demand softly, taking her hand on the table in mine, making her finally look at me. "Tell me, whatever it is, I can handle it. Do you think the deal is a bad idea after all? Because if that's so, it's alright, we will find-"

"No, the deal is the best option, the only option," she cuts me off. "It's just. . . I have no idea if their leader might use us in some way when he or she realises how much we actually depend on Wildfire's help. I just don't want anything to happen to this base, to you." She squeezes my hand slightly, glancing away from me.

"That's why I have you to help me strike that deal, I've seen you negotiating and I'm impressed," I say honestly, smiling at her. "We'll go through everything and stay up until next morning if necessary, but we're doing it this week."

She forces a small smile, unable to look me in the eye for longer than a second. "Alright, yeah. I just didn't want to rush into things. . ."

"Is there something else bothering you?" I raise my eyebrow, placing my index finger below her chin. "You just seem off, this is so unlike you. I know this is a lot of pressure, but we're all in this together."

Elena nods and surprises me when she leans forward, my face clasped between her palms, lips pressing to mine. Before I can react properly, she pulls away, looking into my eyes. "Alright. We're going to Wildfire this week."

. . . .

A smile curves my lips as I make my way to one of the rare places where I feel most at peace. I grin when I pass by one of the classrooms, seeing children listening to their teacher intently. We've organised classes for them since we're unable to send them away to some town or city since they wouldn't have a place to stay. It would be much safer for them all somewhere in the North, away from the warzone, something I'm going to work on.

Keeping them safe is the other, and most important part of my plan. I want to find a safe place where I could take them all when the real war begins, because the innocent ones are always the ones to take the worst hit when something like that happens. I'm not planning to let it happen, the army base is not a place for children, no matter if their parents are here.

I ruffle Tommy's hair as I approach him from behind, making him turn abruptly, deep brown eyes resembling his father's looking up at mine. "H, you're here!" He says excitedly. "You came on the best part!" He grabs my hand, pulling me toward the centre of the gym where children are running around, some of them lying on the ground.

Niall and Elena are running with them, their guns in their hands, making my eyes widen. "What's going on here-"

Elena lowers her gun and turns to look at me while Niall ignores me, being too invested in the game they're playing. "Oh no, she's been shot!" Tommy dramatically exclaims.

Elena's eyebrows furrow and Tommy gives her a look, pointing to her abdomen. "Wha- oooh, right right! Oh no, the pain!" She drops to her knees, tucking her gun safely and clutching her stomach. She lies on her back, feigning dying.

"Well this game is not at all morbid," I murmur under my breath.

"Move people, doctor coming through," Alice shouts and makes her way through the crowd. After a few seconds of inspecting Elena, she shakes her head as if to say she's not gonna make it. "Say your goodbyes brave soldier."

"H," Elena says in a quiet tone, extending her arm toward me. "I don't have much time."

I give her a look, but Tommy clears his throat, expecting me to play along. I sigh deeply and step closer, kneeling beside her and taking her hand. "No no, you're so young. Don't leave me, no," I say in a flat tone.

"We knew it will happen once." She starts wheezing and even adds a cough which is a bit overdoing it in my opinion, but whatever. "I just wish we had more time."

"Oh me too, me too." I cradle her body in my arms. "Just stay strong! Who did this monstrosity? Who?" She looks at Niall.

I pull out my gun and fake shoot him. "Hey man, what the fu- fudge?" Niall says in disbelief. "Bros before-"

"Niall, you're dead, shut up," I interrupt.

"H?" Elena says and I look down at her. "I left one billion pounds in-" she falls limp in my arms.

I snort and barely keep myself from laughing as I bow my head in fake sadness. "We've lost a brave soldier today. Let this be a lesson to you kids, war shouldn't be a game, this happens in real life."

"Of course he turns this into a lecture," Niall comments and I fake shoot him again.

"Okay, this was fun," Elena says with a wide smile and stands up. "I have to go, see you later everybody." She waves at the kids and starts leaving, some of them following her, Alice included.

I turn to Tommy, crouching in front of him. "Listen, I have to talk to you. Remember how I keep reminding you this place is very dangerous and our enemies attack us often? Well, I feel like it's time for you to move away to a safer place-" his eyes widen in horror "-but just for a little while! Tommy-"

"No!" He shouts. "You promised, H! You promised you would protect us, you promised you wouldn't leave me!"

A wave of pain soars through my chest and I grasp his shoulders, looking up at his dark eyes. "And I'll keep that promise. That's the only way to ensure you and the rest of the children are safe. Alice will be with you, don't worry."

He frowns, his fists clenching at his sides. "That doesn't make it any better! I don't want to go, I want to stay here and learn how to fight, just like my dad did."

"Tommy, once I deal with this problem, I'll start training you myself," I say honestly. "This is only temporary."

He stands back, my hands dropping from his shoulders. "Dad said the same thing and he never came back again." His eyes fill with tears, which only seems to fuel his anger.

"I'll come for you, I promise." There's a plea in my voice.

"H!" Alice's cheerful voice echoes as she runs toward us, her arms soon wrapping around my neck. I smile, her hugs always making me feel better.

"Don't bother, Allie," Tommy says angrily. "He's a liar."

Alice pulls away hesitantly, giving Tommy a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Tell her. Tell her how you want to get rid of us, so it's easier for you," Tommy harshly accuses. "Tell her how you're going to fight in a war and die and never come back for us. Tell her!" He wipes away the tears that have started to flow down his cheeks.

Alice's frightened gaze drops on me. "Why is he saying all that, H? Are you leaving us?"

"No, I'm protecting you, Little Dove," I tell her gently. "You will have to leave for a little while, but in the end, I'll come for you."

She stares into my eyes for a few moments before giving me a small smile. "I believe you."

I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to me, looking at Tommy's angry face, his arms crossed. "Come on, grouchy." I wave him over.

He steps toward me and extends his pinky. "Pinky promise or it's all fake."

I smile and circle my pinky finger around his. "Pinky promise, kid. Now come on."

He hesitantly caves in, basically tackling me and giving me a bone crushing hug. "Don't you dare break that pinky promise, people go to hell for stuff like that. I wouldn't mess with the devil, you know."

I laugh as I hug them both tightly, making a promise to myself I'll do everything to come back to them, I'm going to win this war, I'm going to fix things. I refuse to accept this desolate world is all we have left, I'll make sure to change our little piece of it to make our future a big brighter.
