Bonus Chapter & final note

Elena and Harry are sitting on enormous chairs on a grand stage with lights pointed at them, Elena sprawled like a cat with her legs dangling over the armrest while Harry is in a more sophisticated position, his ankle resting on the knee of his other leg. Each of them has a script in their hands, looking up at the audience and smiling, giving you a small wave.

"Hello," Harry says. "We know, we'll miss us too. Allow us to read a few lines to you written by yours truly aka the author."

Elena clears her throat. "First of all, hiii. For those of you who might be confused with the last part of the epilogue, Harry wrote a book about the war, describing it and its consequences, along with some personal experiences. And yes, it's called Wild Side. This is it, it's over. There won't be any sequels, Elena and Harry's story ends with the epilogue."

"I'm not planning to write a sequel because I feel like I did everything I wanted with the story and I'm satisfied with how it ended. (But never say never ;)) As to the possibility of me writing another book, the answer is yes, but it won't happen for a while considering I need a break."

"After Elena is finished reading, Harry takes over- oh wait, that's not what I'm supposed to say." He smiles nervously at the camera. "Sorry, here we go."

"I just wanted to give each of you a massive thank you for sticking with this book and reading it all the way to the end, I truly hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it! Even if you didn't like it that much, I'm glad you're reading this right now. Your support was my biggest motivation to finish it hence why it took me less than a year and the updates were frequent. So thank you once again, you're all amazing!"

"Wait a minute, it's over?!" Alex says as he shoots up from his seat, running toward Harry and ripping the script from his hands, releasing a scoff as his eyes skim over the paper. "What does she mean it's over- I... I'm not ready, I don't want to go anywhere."

"You're not going anywhere, don't be dramatic," Jess tells him flatly. "The story is still here. Here, it's your turn to babysit." She pushes two small bundles in his arms.

"But- but I... I'm so young, I still have so many years to live and so many moments left to embarrass myself!" He complains, looking angrily at the audience. "Look, you don't just ditch a character like me and move on-"

"Tragic," Harry says with a blank expression, checking his nails as if he's bored. "Just let it go, drama queen."

"Yeah, listen to Elsa over there," Elena says, nodding toward Harry. "It's time for us to move on, Alex."

"They won't see me father my children!" Alex says dramatically. "And I'm such a cute dad, come on man."

"You have six puppies," Harry states blankly.

"Exactly!" Alex looks down at two small sleeping puppies in his arms, swaying them gently. "This one is Harry because he stares at people in a creepy way and this one is Elena because she bites people."

"Excuse me?" Harry and Elena say at the same time.

While they're busy arguing, Liam takes the opportunity to pull a rope hanging from the ceiling, the bucket attached to it leaning to the side and the water in it pouring all over his body. He smirks and looks at the audience, his defined muscles visible through his wet shirt now sticking to his body. "Hey there, ladies. Just to give you a little something to remember me by." He winks, dragging his palms over his wet chest.

"Liam, can you for once focus on what's important-" Louis starts.

"Excuse you, I am important." Liam flicks his wrist and slaps his own ass.

"Tori, what are you doing?" Louis asks as he sees her eyes are glued on her phone, thumb scrolling over the screen.

"Shh, reading our story!" She waves him off.

Louis stands behind her, peering over her shoulder. "Oooh, read me the part where Alex and I keep the cooks hostage!"

Alex gives one puppy to Harry and the other to Elena. "There you go, practice for the future." He winks, making them exchange awkward looks.

"If I'd known about this, I would've prepared my goodbye power point presentation!" Alex suddenly shouts, throwing his arms in the air. "I'd add my pictures and some melancholic music, probably See You Again or something and it would be all sad yet beautiful and powerful-"

"It's okay, there there." Jess reaches up and pats him on the head. "I'll make you cocoa later."

Alex opens his mouth to protest then stops himself, a small pout forming on his face. "I do like cocoa... and hugs..."

"Wait, we're not all here," Elena says, counting and pointing fingers at everyone, the pup in her hands trying to bite her finger. "Where are Niall and Zayn?"

Niall bursts into the room on cue because this is a book and things happen on cue. Anyway, he enters inside, a pissed expression on his face. "I never get to have any fun!'

"Niall, you can't just carry weapons around children you irresponsible little psycho!" Zayn shouts as he marches into the room after him.

"But it was so cool!" Tommy shouts as he also appears.

"Yeah it was!" Niall complains. "Those kids worship me, it's not like I'd shoot anything, it was just to show off my weapons!"

"Uuh guys, we kind of have our final chapter here so... wouldn't it be better if we said goodbye nicely?" Harry reprimands them, still holding Harry the pup in his arms. "Maybe you could give a speech or something-"

"Okay, bye!" Tommy says and waves at the camera before storming out of the room, mumbling something about sleeping.

"O-oh, hiii..." Zayn mumbles, his cheeks flushing red as he looks at the audience. "I was never good with speeches in front of large crowds so..."  he waves with both hands, quickly disappearing from the camera panel, hiding behind Louis, but then realising it's a bad idea since he's short.

The camera focuses on Niall, who smirks slightly. "I'm not that good with words, I prefer to use my tongue for better purposes." He winks, a "ding" being heard as he does so. "Thanks for loving me- that is if you do love me-" he throws his head back and laughs before looking back at the camera with a calm expression. "Of course you do." He takes out a gun, bringing it to his lips and kissing it. "Ciao."

While Niall speaks, Harry is standing beside him, turned toward him with his arms crossed over his chest, bending his knees so his head is levelled with Niall's shoulder, his lips pressing a small kiss there.

"Can I use my condomfetti now that we're all done?" Liam asks, not having any pockets or anything, literally pulling the colourful packages out of nowhere which no one questions, his hands stuffed.

Everyone just gives him a blank stare and he shrugs, starting to throw them in the air. "Free protection for everyone!"

Music starts playing in the background as everything begins to fade, bolded words appearing on the screen. This was all folks, thank you all once again and goodb-

"Wait!" Louis shouts, a record scratch being heard as the music stops.

"Let's not forget about my cakes I made for this special occassion!" He announces as he brings a tray filled with brownies, everyone quickly surrounding him, digging in excitedly.

Many cakes later, Tori freezes, her eyes widening. "Wait a minute... Louis, are these brownies clean?"

He just grins devilishly and Elena lifts her hand, the two of them high fiving each other. "I hope you're not weed virgins," he says and winks at the screen while everyone looks at the audience with terrified expressions before shrugging carelessly, laughing as they engage in a banter.

Alex suddenly grabs the camera and kisses it, pulling back and grinning. "Bye bye!" And everything fades to black.
