Chapter 43


I find it surprising how relaxed I am. I thought I would be having a fit and imagine worst case scenarios like I usually do in these situations, but none of it came true. It might be because I'm confident enough in this plan, it's something I've been working very hard on, and I had Elena to help me. She has played an important role in all of this, especially in helping me build up my confidence.

But now that I look at her, someone who is usually the one who has everything figured out and is completely calm and tactic, I'm wondering if I should get worried. Elena looks like she's about to have a panic attack. She's hiding it very well, I admit, but I know her well enough to be able to tell that. She's constantly wiping her palms against her uniform, shaking her knee nervously, and glancing at me from time to time, only to quickly look away when I look at her. Our earlier conversation today might have contributed to her current mood and I begin replaying it in my head, searching for some kind of clue.

"Harry?" Elena said quietly as everyone left the conference room, her bottom lip between her teeth as she gazed at me with some kind of indecisiveness.

"What is it?" I immediately asked, hoping she would finally clarify what's been on her mind for so long, making her distance herself from everyone, from me.

"Remember how I told you I know for certain Wildfire is functioning?" She asked, making me nod, a small frown drawing my eyebrows together as I concentrated on her next words. "My uncle was the one to teach me all I know, including the fact Wildfire is anything but done with this war. He used to spend hours observing the enemies and collecting data, which only brought Vortex more victories and made the base what it is today. He made sure to give me lessons every day so when I take his place one day, I can continue his work. That's how I know so much about each base, including Wildfire."

"Their current leader might be working on something big, destroying anyone who is against them and ultimately win. That's why it's important for us to get on their good side, not only to defeat Vortex but to ensure your- our survival. I'm sure something will have to be sacrificed in order for that to happen."

"I understand, but why are you telling me all this now?" I couldn't help but worry, especially since she had waited until the last moment to reveal all this.

"I haven't told you anything before because I needed you to trust me first, Harry, and with all that mess about Alex and I being traitors, I was afraid of your reaction. Besides, if you'd known the risk before, you wouldn't have said yes to this so easily. I have a feeling that's the reason David had been so against this deal, but we have no other choice. Now it seems like a good time to prepare you for what might be there," she explained. "I just want you to be careful with who you trust and don't just accept their offers without thinking about consequences. We might be the ones inferior to them in a way, but they don't need to know that."

I nodded, taking a few moments to analyse her each word. "There's no need to worry, I don't give my trust easily, besides I have you to help me decide. I wouldn't want anyone else to be by my side."

She smiled, but I noticed a flash of some kind of emotion just before the smile. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" I inquired, searching her face and paying attention to her body language.

"We just wanted to be free," Elena said, confusing me completely. "Alex and I. When we escaped Vortex, that's all we wanted. We wanted to be away from all this, from death and pain, and this destruction around us. I would manage to survive in Vortex, all that gruesome acts of violence and innocence being taken away from children. Maybe I'm like those people in a way, it's what they made me be; cold, selfish in a way. But not Alex, not my brother. I couldn't watch him die a little every time he had to take away a life or watch as others die. No, he didn't deserve that life."

I could hear the pain in her voice as she told me one part of her life she has been keeping away for so long. Her expression remained blank, but like she said; they taught her to be that way. I had a difficult time understanding why did she choose now to reveal that part of her past with me, what was the trigger?

"He always talked about leaving, about freedom, about the two of us going far away where the war is over, where people live in peace. You could say he's a dreamer and I'm a realist, but I still had a promise to keep. When I'd found a solution for him to leave that place and finally have a life he deserves, he didn't want to go without me. He's so stubborn, that stupid kid." She laughs a little. "There was a deal involved. . . I wasn't supposed to leave, it was supposed to be just Alex. But I realised he needs me and I need him, so we'd. . . altered that deal and we both ran away. Long story short, now we're here."

"It's not exactly ideal for Alex considering we're still in the middle of all the destruction, but at least he's happy here. He's genuinely happy." She smiled. "I know you might not understand this completely, after all, my decisions mostly make sense only to me."

"I understand you more than you'd think. First of all, you're far from selfish," I told her, moving to stand a bit closer to her. "You think you are, but if anyone is, it's me. My selfish mistakes made me who I am and brought nothing but suffering. But you. . . you wanted to save your brother at your expense, you were ready to let him go. That's selflessness, Elena." 

She shook her head, letting out a breathy, humourless laugh as if what I said was ridiculous to her. "You don't know what you're talking about, Harry."

I debated going into an argument about it, but there was no time, besides, we both needed to be calm and put all our efforts into making this deal, not pointless debates.  My palms gently clasped her cheeks, tilting her head up slightly, making her look at me. "Chin up, Tiger, time to do business."

"What's up, buttercup?" I ask her after moments of silence. We've been sitting in the vehicle not too far away from the entrance of the base, giving ourselves some time to prepare properly.

"What's the word, hummingbird?" Alex says, making me give him a look. "Oh, I thought we're making up fun rhymes- right, I'm silent."

"Everything's okay," Elena replies, still not looking at me. "I'm chill, totallyyy chill. You know me, I don't get nervous. Nope, I'm cool as a snowman."

Alex raises his index finger. "Um, I'm not sure that's a real saying-"

"It's my saying!" Elena interrupts him.

"Mate, what date is today?" Alex asks me.

"Uh, I'm not sure, why? It's almost the end of the month."

"Ahhh yes, thought so."

"Alex, are you implying I'm on my period?" Elena asks him in an icy tone, honestly scaring me a little.

"I'm not implying, I'm saying it," Alex boldly replies. "Actually, that's the time of month you're nice to me, so that's saying something." He looks at me. "I'm not kidding, that's her calmest period-" he laughs at his pun "-and she tends to stay away-"

Elena stabs her knife into the backseat, right between Alex's legs. Both Alex and I cover out crotches instinctively, eyes completely wide.

"O- on the other hand, I m- might be wrong. . ." Alex mumbles. "Yep, explains why you were avoiding me last week."

"Uuuh, we should go," I say. "Every second counts."

Elena glares at Alex briefly before grabbing her knife, but I see a small smile form on her lips. Anyone who doesn't pay attention would think these two do nothing but fight and hate each other, but that's far from the truth. Elena's revelation has made me realise their bond is almost inseparable, something I had with my brother, and the sight of them being like that makes me sad and warms my heart at the same time.  

I drive us all the way toward the base and I'm not surprised to see a few vehicles lined in front of us, blocking our path with soldiers standing in front of them, their rifles hanging from their shoulders. I exchange glances with Elena and she nods, the three of us stepping out of the vehicle, simultaneously slamming the doors shut.  I look at the base, noticing how it doesn't look any different than any other base. Acres of forest surrounding the base grounds? Check. Huge, high walls hiding and protecting it from intruders? Check. Armed soldiers guarding the entrance? Check.

Two female soldiers approach us, looking at us curiously. Before I can say anything, Alex steps forward, clearing his throat, running his fingers through his black hair. "Heeey ladies, what's up?" He winks at them, his lips pulling in a charming smile. Elena and I roll our eyes. "So, you must not get a lot of visitors around here considering you're not a part of the war anymore and no one really knows the base is actually functioning, but my mates here and I were wondering if we could get inside and have a tour around the place, you know, see what has changed, maybe talk to the leader on our way-"

"The leader is expecting you already," one of the girls says, casting a wary look at Elena. "You may enter."

"What do you mean the leader is expecting us?" I ask in confusion, but my question is left unanswered. "Is the leader some kind of psychic or what?"

The girls ignore me and step aside, expecting us to enter through the gates. They signal to the soldiers in front of them and the doors open for us. Elena grabs my hand, pulling me through the doorway, a couple of buildings lined on the cement patio coming into view. It appears I'm the only one confused with this whole thing, Alex looks completely relaxed while Elena looks even more nervous, but obviously not for the same reason I am.

"So, you're saying you have no idea who's leading this place now?" I ask the twins, watching as both of them shake their heads in denial. "Alright, let's hope it's someone very pleasant and friendly, someone who might offer us a cup of tea while we discuss destroying the enemy in the most brutal way. Ah yes, sounds perfect."

"You're actually starting to sound like Niall," Elena points out. "You know, creepy smile, distant look in your eyes, blood urges? That's Niall for ya."

"I'm not- I- let's just get this over with," I mumble and begin glancing around me, taking in my surroundings.

"Ah hello there, we've been expecting you," a tanned older man approaches us, casting a look at Elena that matches the one the girl on the entrance has given her. When I glance at her, I see no recognition in her eyes, a stony expression now resting on her face.

"How did you know we'll come here?" I demand.

"Let's just say we assumed it was bound to happen at one point," the man replies and turns around, beginning to walk toward one of the buildings.

Egoistic and pretentious as fuck if you ask me.

I lean slightly toward Elena. "What if they've been watching us? I feel so exposed suddenly," I whisper, finding everyone and everything suspicious.

I follow the man with reluctance while soldiers dressed in grey uniforms I haven't seen in years walk in various directions, tending to their duties.  How come this place is reeling with life yet none of us knew about it? When Wildfire had retreated from the war, we all automatically assumed the place is shutting down, especially with their leader's death and all.  It appears the new leader has made sure that the base grows and the soldiers get stronger, their number most probably increasing drastically over the years. Elena is right, what if the leader is planning to make a comeback and destroy anyone they feel is the enemy?

"Harry." Elena suddenly stops walking, pulling me back slightly. "We need this deal, okay? It's the only way to win against Vortex, so no matter what happens inside, I want you to remember that."

My eyebrows draw in a confused frown and I manage a small nod, continuing to follow the man, deciding to hold onto Elena's hand. Her touch brings me comfort, but I can barely ignore the trepidation radiating off her. What is going on with her? This was her idea, after all.

"Lena?" I whisper as we walk, gaining her attention. "What's wrong?" I slip my fingers between hers, my thumb circling the skin of her hand, hoping it will make her feel at ease.

"I just want this to work. . . that's all I want. I want you to win."

"Why wouldn't it work? Is this one of your attempts to remind me you're a realist and don't like to hope and all that? Because my inner optimist - and trust me, even I'm surprised I have one - is telling me everything will be okay." I purposely use the words she always uses to calm me down.

Elena doesn't say anything and we follow the man in silence, entering one of the buildings. He leads us through one of the dimly lit hallways, the whole place giving off a prison vibe, our boots clattering against the floor as I glance at the various doors on both sides of the hallway. "Here we are," the man announces as he grabs the handle of one of the doors and opens it, beckoning us to follow him.

When we enter inside, I notice it's a typical office, a wooden desk filled with papers standing a few steps ahead, windows settled on the wall behind it. There's a leather chair behind the desk, the person sitting in it spinning around, standing up slowly. I notice it's an older man, also wearing a grey uniform, turning toward the windows with his hands clasped behind his back, staring outside. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, why is everyone so dramatic?

"It looks like it's going to rain, damn there goes my plan to have a picnic in the woods, don't you just hate it when that happens?" The man says, slowly turning around to face us. His hair is dark and trimmed, with a pair of light brown eyes and a short stubble dusted over his cheeks. He takes a few moments to inspect us, his gaze sliding over Elena and Alex before his lips tilt up in a smirk. "Hello there."

I don't fail to notice the change in the atmosphere, Elena's body has grown so tense, her hand basically crushing mine. Alex is looking everywhere but at the man, seemingly interested in the boots he's wearing, shuffling his feet. The man's gaze drops to our joined hands, his head tilting aside as if that's some mystery he can't solve.

"We've been told you've been expecting us," I say, his eyes meeting mine.

"Ah yes, but I've been expecting only you, to be honest," he replies. "Not such an interesting company. . . oh well, the more the merrier, right?" His lips pull in a smile, but I can tell it's not genuine. "Can I offer you a drink? Something from my picnic basket?"

"Let's just cut to the chase," Elena says in a firm tone, catching the leader and me off guard. "The reason why are we here."

The man narrows his eyes slightly. "Why are you here indeed. . ."

I frown and glance between them, watching as they have some kind of stare down. "Wait, what's going on here?" Do they know each other?

"That's- wow, you- uh you have a nice uniform!" Alex suddenly blurts out, making all of us look at him. "It's so grey and. . . I bet it keeps you warm when the weather is chilly, right? Is that cotton? Is it soft? I bet it is." He smiles nervously.

"I asked you all a question," I say, my tone on edge. "How did you even know we were coming?" I try to release Elena's hand, but her grip only tightens, refusing to let go. My heart rate quickens, a bad feeling settling deep within me.

"Assumptions," the leader replies smoothly with a shrug. "My name is Isaac, by the way, how rude of me not to mention that," he adds with a snap of his fingers, estimating me as if that name should mean something to me.

What the hell? 

"So Isaac, hi how are you? Don't bother to reply, I don't really care." I raise my palm, faking a smile. "Unlike you, I'll cut to the chase. I'm H and there's one thing you should know about me. I've never been fond of stalling, it makes me very irritable, and when I'm irritable, I tend to be very unpleasant. Also, I think you're lying."

He lets out a laugh, amused with my brief introduction. "I'm terribly sorry, H, I have to stall a bit before the leader arrives." He approaches us casually.

"Wait, I thought you're the leader?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Oh no no, I'm just. . . an adviser, for lack of a better term." He forces a smile. "So, I guess you don't want any drink?"

"I'd like a bottle, actually. . ." Alex mutters, now looking nervous, hooking his finger beneath the collar of his shirt and pulling it slightly.

Isaac suddenly grins. "Actually while we wait, maybe my niece and nephew would like to share what have they been up to for so long. It's been months, hasn't it, Ellie? Alex?"

Elena goes absolutely still, her grip on me loosening. I pull my hand away and stare at her wide eyed, unable to say a word. Niece and nephew? I thought their uncle was dead, or at least that's what they made me think. A pang of hurt courses through my chest, mixed with utter confusion and a sense of betrayal. I should be angry, but I'm not. Maybe I'm simply too shocked to react in a proper way.

Elena's hazel eyes meet mine, the same fear I've seen when she saved my life is now visible in them, a heavy lump forming in my throat. "Harry, we need this deal."

I almost laugh. That's the only thing she has to say? I glance at her brother, whose gaze is directed at the ground, shoulders slumped. I don't know what to think of this, are they really traitors? And why? What's their goal? Too many questions and possibilities are running through my skull, making me dizzy, a slight panic starting to take over me, but I manage to keep myself calm enough not to provoke another one of my attacks.

"Ah, I guess our emotional bonding will have to wait for a while," Isaac says, looking at something behind us. "The leader has arrived."

We turn around, all the colour draining from my face at the sight of the person standing in the doorway. I take a step back in shock, the backs of my thighs hitting the edge of the desk, the impact causing a few items to fall down. It can't be.

. . . .

a/n: ah, I love drama. Thank you for reading x
