Chapter 36


"Liam, I left you there to keep me updated, not to sing in my ear," I snap at him as his voice comes through the earpiece I'm wearing. I mean the lad is talented, I admit, but I don't give a damn when I'm in the middle of lecturing my soldiers and giving out orders.

"Well, excuseee me for trying to make you feel better when I know you're being tense as shit," Liam replies.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and mentally counting to ten. "Just. . . just keep us updated on relevant issues."

"I think it was absolutely lovely and you should do it more often," Niall comments, a teasing grin on his face as he looks at me, earning a hard glare from me.

"Thank you, Niall. It feels nice to be appreciated," Liam answers. "El, join me in this verse, come on."

"Liam, I won't sing- stop nudging me!" There's a clattering sound and some kind of struggling in the background.

"Oh shit, she has a knife!" He yells. "Okay okay, I'm quiet, put that thing down- noo not that low move it away from my jewels!"

I let the two bicker and turn off the connection, turning around to the soldiers I was previously talking to. I begin explaining to them what I expect them to do. "Jess, are you listening to me?" I ask as I snap my fingers in front of her blank face, her arms crossed. "I need you to be focused."

"That's just my face, I always look bored," Jess replies flatly.

"Classic bitch face," Niall says. "Styles here has a magnificent one- oh there it is right now! Oh wait, no that's just his 'I'll smack you' face."

We've stopped the vehicles a few kilometres away from the base, hidden in the depths of the trees. I have decided to put my soldiers on a few key points in case Vortex attacks us. I'll leave some of my soldiers here in the woods in case something happens to us or the enemy tries to trick us so they can prevent them. The next stops are a few kilometres away from the base and in front of it, and the final stop - my stop - is in the heart of the base, right where I'll meet that fuckface Seth. It's all about strategy, and I hope mine will work.

We leave twenty of our vehicles on the first stop. On the second stop, which is out of the woods, where the base is visible standing a kilometre away, I decide to leave thirty. The rest - fifty vehicles in total - are coming with me right in front of the base, where I'll leave them and get inside that hellhole. One wrong move on their part and there won't be a battle here, it will be war.

"We'll help you investigate," Niall says. "As soon as we get David back, we're focusing on finding that betraying fucker and when we find them, I'll let my imagination go wild with their punishment." He smiles mischievously, his eyes holding some kind of evil glint.

Niall may seem cute and all, but there's a killer inside him just waiting to spill blood. Not to mention he's one of my best friends.

"I need coffee," Jess suddenly says, making Niall and I just look at her with blank faces. "With whipped cream, ahh yes some whipped cream would be nice."

"You're so worried about the traitor yet you can't see them when they're right in front of you." I recognise Lia's accented voice and turn around to face her, seeing her arms crossed over her chest, dark eyes finding mine.

"First of all, choose your words carefully when you're talking to me," I warn her, taking a step closer and looking her in the eyes. "And second of all, who are you talking about?"

She snorts, shaking her head. "You're so blinded, it's ridiculous. I'm talking about your little girlfriend back at the base." 

My fists clench, but I let out a forced laugh. "I'm assuming you're referring to Elena? What proof do you have, besides the fact she bothers you and you're jealous of her so you'll make up anything to prove your point?"

"Damn," Niall comments with a smirk, enjoying the scene.

"Do you think if I ask Vortex soldiers for some coffee, they'd give it to me?" Jess asks Niall quietly, completely uninterested in my discussion with Lia.

"Get over yourself, precioso, I've found someone else." Lia rolls her eyes. "I'm saying all this because I don't have a death wish, therefore I want Hazard to stay safe."

"I don't care, just get to the point."

"I saw her sneaking around the base and talking to some random soldiers away from anyone on various occasions. If that's not enough for you, she looked rather agitated while talking to some man on the day Vortex attacked us and we won. Niall here can confirm it, he saw their exchange."

I take a few moments to process her words, shooting her a final glare before directing my gaze at Niall. "Is that true?"

He looks uncomfortable, blue eyes widened slightly. "No- well yes, I saw that, but that doesn't prove anything. That man could be anyone."

"Is that why she looked so nervous? Open your eyes and face the truth. Traitor or not, she is hiding something, and she doesn't want anyone to know about it. The same goes for her brother."

A speck of doubt plants itself inside me, bothering me like an itch I can't get rid of. I don't want to doubt her, not after I finally gave her my trust, not after everything that's happened between us. I'd like to think there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this, and she'll give it to me once I get back into the base. I won't jump to conclusions.

"Get back on your position and focus on your assignment," I order Lia, turning my back on her and motioning Niall to follow me. 

"Yo, what about me?" Jess calls and I turn my head to look at her, signalling to her to stay in the group with Lia. "Oh great yeah, leave me with her! That'd require at least five cups of coffee- aaand he's gone."

I'm quiet as I drive toward the base, a line of vehicles behind me suddenly making me realise this is how it's going to be if something happens to David. I would never want that, but I have to be prepared for the worst. However, I'm not prepared to be a leader, I've already messed up once, but this time I could mess up to the extent where we could lose the war. I can't live with that burden, not now not ever.

"H, it will be fine, I have your back," Niall says in a comforting tone, placing his hand on my shoulder.

I manage a small smile despite the situation, giving him a quick glance in appreciation. "Thank you for not being annoying and not at all helpful like you tend to be, it means a lot."

"That means "I love you, Niall you're the best" in your language, don't worry, I see you." He nudges me teasingly, actually succeeding in making me feel better.

"Had a fun night?" He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. When I cast him a questioning gaze, he points at my neck where a few purple marks reside.

My cheeks turn red. "Shut up."

"Look at you, growing up so fast, finally stickin' it in, aww." Niall reaches out to pinch my cheek, but I smack the top of his hand.

My happy mood falters when I see lines and lines of Vortex soldiers standing in front of the main entrance and protecting their base. They're only staring at us in their creepy way, not attempting anything, but there are loaded rifles in their hands, just waiting for us to as much as look at them in a wrong way.  I feel absolute disgust to be here and I hope to leave as soon as possible, this place is worse than hell for me.

My soldiers begin to stop their vehicles in the lines of ten like I told them to do, until there are only Niall and me still driving. When we're a few metres away from the main entrance, I stop the vehicle, casually getting out of it, Niall following my example.

Niall tries to give them a death glare, putting his foot forward and doing a quick movement as if he's about to jump on them, making a few of them flinch. He smirks, adjusting his collar and craning his neck from one side to another. "That's right, fear me bitches."

"Only you are allowed to enter, your mate will have to wait outside," one soldier tells me firmly.

Before I can reply, Niall steps in front of me. "No way, I am going inside with him or things will get real ugly, and I'm sure your little boss hiding inside doesn't want any trouble, am I right?" He smirks when the soldier looks at him in annoyance but doesn't say anything. "Thought so, now step aside."

I barely stop myself from laughing, now being grateful Niall is here with me. The soldier reluctantly does as he told him, motioning for the rest of them guarding the entrance to move as the door slowly begins opening. He leads the way and we follow him, getting harsh glares from every enemy soldier, keeping our heads high, probably pissing them off with every breath we take on their territory.

Aw, too bad we have zero fucks to give.

Chills run down my spine as I enter the base, my whole body tensing. I can't believe I'm walking these hallways in the base I hate with every fibre of my being. My fists are clenched at my sides, eyes narrowed and lips pressed into a tight line. I hate them all.  I'm well aware being this tense means the encounter I'm about to have with Seth won't exactly run smoothly, not that I expected it. The bitch has my father, after all.

The fact Elena had to grow up in this place and go through all kinds of punishments before she ran away only fuels my anger. Now that I think about it, I feel bad for Alex as well. The lad is so clumsy, awkward, and innocent in a way, I have no idea how did he survive here or managed to stay that way.

"I'm gonna ask you to give us all your weapons," the soldier who was leading us says, making Niall and me snort at the same time.

"It's stupid enough there's just two of us in this hellhole, we won't enter the room where nothing but armed soldiers will welcome us," I say. "But then again, I can't expect people like you to understand the concept of being fair."

His eyes narrow. "Your weapons. Now."

Niall and I end up giving them the weapons, for our and David's sake. We walk through another short hallway, coming toward white polished doors with soldiers standing in front of them. Pretentious, just like I imagined the fuckface is.

The soldiers open the doors for us, allowing us to enter inside. I expect to see a room filled with armed men and weapons pointed at us, but I see no such thing. It's a tacky conference room with an enormous mahogany desk in the centre, monitors on the wall, and maps scattered over the surface of the table. After a quick glance around the room, my eyes stop on the person I've been waiting to see - the supreme asshole himself.

My first thought when I see him is: fuck you.

He's standing on the other end of the rectangular table, with a straight posture and amused smirk plastered on his stupid face. He motions for the soldiers to leave and close the door, leaving the three of us alone in the room. I'm surprised he's not surrounded by his men, but he probably has a trick up his sleeve.

Seth slowly approaches us, his blue green eyes fixed on me, shaggy blonde hair falling over his forehead just like I remember. The scar on his face is more visible in this light, head titled aside in amusement. "Welcome."

"How cliché," I comment. "The only thing left for you to do is the evil laugh."

He raises his eyebrow, his smirk widening. "I can do that."

"Cut the shit, where is my father?" I demand.

"He's. . . away." He shrugs nonchalantly.

This bitch, I swear.

I force out a laugh, walking toward him abruptly and leaving only a small gap between us as I stare into his eyes. "Don't underestimate me. I will kill you if it's the last thing I do. Where is he?"

"How about you first tell me how is Elena?" He asks, his smirk widening. "Is she still feisty? Mm, I bet she is."

"I see you're trying to provoke me. How typical." I feign a smile. "Hiding in your pathetic base and kidnapping our leader to get some information about a girl who imagines trash when your name is mentioned."

"Ah, so she's mentioned me before?" I notice my words pissed him off, but his self-control is spectacular, I had the chance to see it during our first encounter. "What did she talk about? My undeniable good looks?"

"Something about small packages, up there-" I motion to his head "-and down there." I glance at his pants.

"I don't recall her complaining about neither before," he tells me with a fake smile.

"Rest in peace," Niall whispers and takes a step back.

I stretch out my fingers before forming fists again. "You're trying to distract me for whatever reason. Just tell me what the hell is it that you want so I can leave this hellhole with David."

"It's annoying, isn't it? Wanting something but unable to get it or get simple information about it," he says, placing his arm over his chest, faking a sigh. "We're in the same situation, mate. You have something of mine while I have something of yours."

My eyebrows furrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Not what, who." He rolls his eyes. "Elena, you moron."

"She's not some kind of possession."

"You see, H- that is your name, right? The other letters of the alphabet were taken or? Ah, whatever, I'm not judging." He lifts his hands briefly. "You see, H, Elena is. . . let's just say she's very valuable to me. I'd really love to get her back, so all of us can get on with our lives in peace. Because that's what I'm offering for her, peace, truce or whatever you want to call it. Peace, harmony, rainbows in the sky, blah blah blah."

Niall laughs before his expression turns blank. "Fuck off."

Seth only narrows his eyes at him, looking back at me again. "And you know what's the best part? You can keep the clumsy blabbermouth, her brother. Never liked the lad, he messed up my best shoes once, threw up all over them, tsk tsk."

"The amount of bullshit that just left your mouth. . . wow, remarkable I'm shocked," I say. "That's never going to happen, so I suggest you stop mentioning her."

He smiles widely. "Or what?"

I laugh and turn around only to face him again swiftly, punching him straight in the face, probably breaking his nose. "Or my fist hits- oh wait, too late." I fake a gasp, covering my mouth.

Seth wipes the blood leaking from his nose, sniffling once and smirking again, quickly licking his lips. He looks calm, too calm. He suddenly lunges at me, grabbing my collar and slamming me into the wall, pain rushing through me as the air gets knocked out of my chest.  Before he can punch me, I stop his fist with my palm, twisting his wrist painfully and kicking him away from me.

He stumbles backwards, his back hitting the desk behind him while I rush at him, throwing another punch at him. We keep beating each other even though I manage to avoid most of his punches; they're too predictable and I'm slowly getting bored with this.

"You go H! Use the chair, the chair!" Niall cheers me on.

His soldiers burst into the room, grabbing me by my arms and barely dragging me away from him while I struggle against their grip, my eyes glaring at him with pure hatred. This is the man who ruined my mission two years ago, this is the man responsible for my brother's death. Not more than I am, but equally guilty.

A few soldiers grab Niall as well, restraining him completely while he tries to break free. Seth suddenly takes his brown jacket off and casually lays it on the table, craning his neck and rolling back his shoulders as the soldiers holding me tighten their grip on me. He swings his hand and punches me straight in the stomach, a loud grunt in pain leaving my mouth. He does it twice more, making me bend slightly, my stomach throbbing.

He grabs my jaw and lifts my chin so I'm forced to look at him. "I really didn't want this to happen, H, I kind of fancy you, you know?" He sighs. "Do you know why are you here? I wanted to prove and remind you once again I'm the one with the real power here. If I was to unleash my army on yours, I can assure you we would win and all of this would be over real quick. But then again, where's the fun in that? Do you see how I made you come to me, to my territory, to basically beg for your father's life? Now that's fun."

"Bitch," Niall says, glaring at him.

"By the way, I have no idea where is he." He releases me, taking a step back. "We kicked him out very late at night, he may or may not be alive considering he has no vehicle and is most probably hungry and thirsty-" I try to lunge at him in anger, but his soldiers pull me back "-but maybe if you leave now, you can find him. Let's just hope he's not on my territory, but just because I'm feeling generous, you have my permission to look for him. Four hours to be precise, not a second more or less. I'm such a saint sometimes, wow." 

He places his palm on my shoulder and leans down slightly so his lips are near my ear. "Send my regards to Elena and tell her I'm looking forward to seeing her soon."

I grit my teeth as he steps back with a pleased smirk, my eyes catching the tattoo on his bicep. My eyelids screw shut at the same time the soldiers release me and I drop down to my knees, clutching my head. A few images flash before my eyes, making me shiver.

"What's the matter with him?" Seth asks harshly. "He better not mess up my floor or anything, it's been polished recently."

I feel someone's hands pulling me up, faintly hearing Niall's desperate voice. I manage to stand on my feet, my eyes opening to the half, seeing blurry images of my surroundings. Again, flashbacks kick in, altering between that tattoo, my brother's face, my dead friends, and for the first time, Elena's face.

I remember her words in that moment, my hand reaching for my necklace as I glance down at it, seeing the ring she gave me to remind me what's real. Her soothing words echo in my mind and I take a deep breath, calming myself down slowly. This is real, I'm okay.

I snap out of my trance, noticing we're not in the conference room anymore, but on our way out of the base. Niall is supporting my weight, one of my arms thrown around his neck. The mere thought I'm still in this place angers me and suffocates me as if I'm drowning. I need to get away and I need to find David.

"Buddy, you okay?" Niall asks me, worried icy blue eyes searching my face. "You almost blacked out in there, you scared me shitless."

"I'm fine, don't worry," I tell him, pulling my arm back and standing on my own feet firmly, glancing at the soldiers following us. A beeping sound screeches in my ear and I sigh, pressing the button.

"Liam, not now-"

"H, it's urgent. The soldiers. . . there's a mutiny, they think Elena and Alex are traitors. Shit, we can't calm them down, we need you here as soon as possible."

Niall and I exchange concerned looks. "I'll- I'll be there soon," I inform him, cutting the connection. Without any word, I leave the base, taking long strides over their patio, ignoring the glares I'm receiving, completely lost in thoughts.

"H, wait up." Niall clamps my shoulder, standing in front of me. "You can't be in two places at the same time. What about David?"

I run my fingers through my hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I- I don't know. Shit, none of this was supposed to happen! I can't- I'm not a leader, I can't make all these decisions."

"Yes you can," Niall tells me firmly, looking me straight in the eye. "You will take a deep breath, weigh your options and choose the best solution to this. You know you have it in you, come on mate." 

I look at him for a few moments, taking a deep breath and pondering my options even though I know what am I supposed to do. "I'll go back to the base with one half of the army while the rest goes and looks for David," I finally decide, my heart clenching painfully at the hard choice I had to make.

I know David, if twenty years of war hasn't killed him then being alone out there sure as hell won't. I frown deeply as I make my way toward the vehicles, prepared to give out the orders to my soldiers. They see a leader, Hazard currently needs one more than ever, so that's exactly what I'll be for the time being. I'll be the leader everyone needs.

a/n: I know it's still a bit early, but if you're celebrating, Merry Christmas! x
