Chapter 21


"Do you know any stories, H?" Alice asks me, eagerly leaning forward. I smile when I look into her innocent eyes, suddenly remembering the day David had found her while driving through the North and brought her to the base. She was five at the time, alone and unprotected, her parents dead. From the moment I saw her, she's become my Little Dove, a little sister I never had. 

"I'm afraid I don't, why?" I ask her, trailing my glance over the children sitting on the gym floor in front of me. I've decided to visit them now that I have some free time considering it's Sunday, besides, I've been neglecting them lately and I know how much they love when I pay attention to them.

Her face falls, her shoulders lifting in a shrug. "Ellie always tells us stories. About princesses saving their kingdoms and far away lands."

"I'm sorry, maybe I can ask her to help me come up with a story so I can tell it to you." I reach and pinch her cheek, making her smile. Maybe Elena's stories are the reason she's calling me Charming and the thought makes me smile.

Tommy perks up, pushing his frizzy dark locks from his face. "Like now? Yeah, now would be good. Call her."

"Forget it, kid, I know your plan. No knife tricks for you today." He smiles smugly and I narrow my eyes. "She's shown you some already, hasn't she?"

"With plastic knives, don't punish her," Tommy quickly says. "I promised not to tell, but I didn't pinky swear it so it doesn't really count, right? I'm twelve, but even I know you never break a pinky promise."

I sigh. "Right. Don't worry, I won't punish her, I promise." I won't pinky swear it, though.

"Hey, tiny people," Niall's loud voice is heard throughout the room, making the children wave at him enthusiastically. "And one freakishly tall, rude, cranky person," he adds and I feel him pat me on the back.

"Everyone is tall next to you, Cupcake," I say flatly, lazily standing up. "Is something wrong?"

"Why do you always assume bad shit?" He asks, pursing his lips. "David is gone, so you're in charge now. He once again decided to try to make an alliance with Ace since Vortex is now a common enemy."

I frown, my light mood disappearing. "I hope it'll work, but since he denied it the first time, I wouldn't count on it."

"Did I ever tell you how much I love your positivity?" Niall says.

"It's called being realistic." I force a smile and turn, looking down at the children. "I have to leave, but I'll come back soon, okay?"

Their faces fall slightly and Tommy rolls his eyes. I frown, extending my pinky finger. "Pinky promise, kid."

He circles his finger around mine, grinning happily. "I believe you."

I feel Niall's hand on my shoulder and I quickly turn. "H, it's Sunday, there's nothing that requires your presence in the office. Stay with them," he tries to persuade me.

"You never know when the enemy might attack," I say firmly. I make sure to greet the children, giving them hugs and ruffling Tommy's hair like I always do, making him smile.

"Don't forget my story!" Alice calls as I begin leaving, smiling widely.

"Never, Little Dove," I call back before leaving the room.

. . . .

A few knocks are heard, pulling me from my nap. My head is tipped backwards, my arms hanging on my sides, my lips parted. I jolt up quickly and knock a few papers off the desk, cursing under my breath as I bend down to pick them up. Before I can let the person in, the door opens and I accidentally bang my head against the edge of the desk as I straighten up, tossing the papers on it in anger.

"Ouch! That's rude as hell," I snap at the person, my brows pulling in a frown as I rub the back of my head.

"I knocked," Elena says, shrugging. "Wait, I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" She smiles suggestively.

"What, no!" I reply, outraged. "I didn't-- I wouldn't-- who do you think I am, I take this position seriously--"

"Alright, you weren't petting the junior, I get it!" She interrupts. "It's too easy to mess with you."

"What do you want?" I ask, plopping back down to my seat.

"Well, apparently I need your permission to operate a vehicle on my own, so I came here to ask you. I wouldn't drive, but Louis wants to race so--"

"Wait, hold the fuck up." I raise my hand, standing up again. "What vehicle, what race? Are you planning to leave the base?"



"David allowed me already, besides, it's Sunday. I worked my two required hours and now I'm free. I've been locked in here for three weeks."

"No," I repeat, sitting down again.

"Okay, Alex will probably drive another car, I hope you have insurance," she says, turning around.

I stand up for the third time, pacing after her. My fingers wrap around her arm, pulling her back. "I said no."

"Good thing I don't need your permission to go," Elena fights back. "I fail to see the problem here."

"It's just-- I-- no."

"So you want me to stay here with you?" She asks with a smile, tilting her head aside.

"Y-- no. No, I'm here to work and replace David. I'm currently the leader, Sunshine, so don't test me."

"Not anymore, Sunshine," David says as he enters the room, looking tired, but smiling nevertheless.

"Hey, how did it go?" I immediately ask, frowning.

He sighs. "Not as I'd planned. Ace is not interested in making any alliances with us. He's made it very clear he likes to work alone and under his own terms. Without him, we don't stand much chance against the army as big as Vortex."

"You do," Elena says firmly. "Trust me, you do, I'll make sure to help you. With the right plan, you'd be able to cause serious damage. It doesn't matter you're outnumbered."

David smiles. "Alright, you two should put that aside for today and enjoy. There's plenty of time to worry about the war during the week." I open my mouth to protest, but he points a finger at me. "Go."

Elena snickers and leaves the room, me trailing behind her. We reach the lift in silence, her hazel eyes looking at me. "I heard my left profile is amazing, you should look at that one, too."

"Don't worry, I already have," she says and steps inside the lift as it opens.

I want to argue, but then realise there are a few soldiers inside, murmuring their greetings to us. Since the two of us stand behind them, I carefully move to the side and approach Elena, catching a sly smile on her face.

I lean down, levelling my lips with her ear. "Boxing," I whisper, deliberately brushing my lips against her earlobe. When I pull back, her smile is gone.

She nods and the lift opens, all of us ushering outside. She keeps her distance as we walk so it appears we're not going in the same direction. I look ahead, my face blank, hands clasped behind my back casually. I debate whistling but then I remember I can't whistle for shit.

When we enter my training room, I make sure to lock the door, spinning to face her. "And now, you're not leaving."

"So you'll keep me locked here as if I'm a child that needs to be punished?" Elena says. "Should I start calling you dad? Tell me why is this such a problem for you?"

I scoff. "It's sir for you. And I just feel like maybe it's better you stay here where you can be monitored. I don't want to make it sound like you two are prisoners in here, but you leaving the base could draw suspicion--"

"Wait, this is about your trust issues, isn't it? H, I thought you were starting to trust us, what happened?" She asks, her hazel eyes large and focused on me.

I gulp, raking my mind to give some plausible explanation, but I have none. I don't even know if it's about trust or not, but I believe it's mostly because of the possibility of an attack at any given second. "We might need you here if Vortex attacks. Your brother and you have become valuable to us because of your previous link to them."

Elena sighs. "That won't happen and I'm going. If, however, the attack does happen, I'll make myself useful and fight them along with everyone else."

She tries to walk past me but I quickly step to the side, blocking her path. She then tries the other side and I'm quick to stand in front of her. We do this a few more times, a satisfied smile on my face as I take in her annoyed expression.

"Get out of the way, H," she says calmly, but I hear a warning in her tone.

"No." I fake a smile.

She purses her lips, looking up at me, very carefully taking a step forward. I smirk, expecting her to argue, but instead her face leans incredibly close to mine, my heart immediately picking up its pace. What is she doing? Her palms gently press to my chest, sending jolts throughout my body, her teeth capturing her lower lip.

My lips part and I instinctively lean forward, caught up in the moment. Her hands slide over my chest, shoulders, finally settling on my biceps, gripping lightly. I'm completely focused on her eyes, her lips, her touch. I'm abruptly pulled from my daze when she quickly pushes me aside, running past me, her hand unlocking the door.

"Ha! See you later, Charming," she says with a smile, sending me a wink. I flip her off, but she closes the door, leaving me stunned.

. . . .

I walk toward the garage wearing a frown on my face, my body tense. I want to see who exactly is leaving the base and what are they planning on doing. I'm not doing this because of Elena; every Sunday I make sure to know the exact number of soldiers who are planning to spend their free day outside, so I can react if something dangerous were to happen to them. We take care of each other here, after all.

I'm not paranoid or anything, nope.

"Oi, Styles!" Louis greets me. "You comin' with us?" He asks as he pushes his handgun into its holster. I know he's joking since I never leave the base, it's too painful.

Tori, Alex, Jess, and Elena are grouped around two vehicles, chattering among themselves, but when they notice me, their heads turn to me. My arms fold over my chest as I take a few more steps, wetting my lips. "So the five of you are the only ones leaving?" I ask.

"It could be six, but you playin'," Alex says.

I ignore him. "You have one hour and not a second longer, or you will face the consequences this time. I'm completely serious about this, I won't let anyone take Seth's threat easily. Is that clear?"

They all nod, obviously not expecting my firm tone. Elena tells something to the group before they all enter the vehicles, slowly making her way toward me. I furrow my eyebrows, surprised with her action, but completely prepared to fight her on this matter if she dares to make any comments. I won't let her fool me once again.

Come at me, Tiger.

"You know, if you want to make sure everything is going to run smoothly, you can come with us," she says, her tone friendly and soft, no sarcasm detected.

"I thought we have already established that I never leave the base."

"Well, maybe you should," she replies. "I mean, it's only one hour, right? You can do this." She gives me a supportive smile.

I actually contemplate her words. "Sorry, but you'll have to be deprived of my presence, no matter how painful that might be for you."

"Let's just hope I won't break any rules, then," she taunts, her lips forming a smirk, but it doesn't really work since she's too cute to pull it off.

Shit, my feelings are working against me. God dammit.

"You wouldn't dare." I narrow my eyes, taking a step forward.

"Are you willing to take that chance?" She copies my movements.

"Listen, honey, I'm your superior."

"Yes, sugar, but David is yours."

I groan inwardly. I really hate how she always has a response to everything I say.

"It will be okay," Elena says softly.

An uneasy feeling settles within me, my eyes glancing at my friends sitting and laughing in the vehicle then back at Elena. Should I do this? It's been two years since I have set foot out of this base and I'm scared shitless of the possibility of having to face what's out there. Thousands of memories. Painful memories ridden with guilt. 

Ah, fuck it.

"Let's go," I say quietly before I can even process it. I'm really doing this.

She looks at me in surprise. "Wait-- you're-- what? That worked? You're going?"

I smirk. "It's on, Tiger."

. . . .

This was a bad fucking idea.

My eyes are screwed shut while we drive down a bumpy road, my fists firmly clenched at my sides, palms coated with sweat. My breathing is fast and I'm trying to convince myself I'm dreaming, I'm still in the base, I haven't left. With every passing second, I'm starting to regret my decision more and more. I'm nowhere near ready to be outside, to see all the places I used to know like the back of my hand. It hurts.

I feel someone's warm hand over my fisted one, familiar sensation rushing through me, my eyelids slowly lifting. I glance down at the hand covering mine then at Elena, her eyes showing worry. A smile paints her lips as our eyes meet and I unclench my hand, allowing her to take it properly. My fingers squeeze it instinctively and I know this will help me to get through this drive. Something to keep me in reality, to distract me. 

She always knows what to do and the thought makes me smile.

I feel myself relax slightly, ignoring the fact Tori and Louis are sitting in the front seats and they can see us. Luckily, they seem to be talking or arguing, I'm not sure.

"It will be okay," Elena whispers so only I can hear. 

I nod, moving my eyes forward, enjoying the feel of our joined hands. "Where exactly are we going?" I ask Louis, but he doesn't hear me.

"Oh shit, do you have that car sickness again?" Louis asks Tori, his tone genuine. "Remember, you feel better when you open the window a bit and rub your stomach."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, I just have to look straight ahead," she replies quietly.

"Do you need me to slow down? Yeah, I'll slow down. And avoid bumps. I can pull over if you'd like--"

"Lou, it's fine," she interrupts him, flashing him a smile. "I shouldn't have drunk that can of soda Liam brought me--"

"Oh, so Liam brought my soda to you," Louis says flatly, letting out a fake chuckle. "I was-- I was saving it for later, ha, funny. I love Liam. I'll show my love later."

"No need to overreact, he said it's been in the fridge for over a week," Tori says. "Besides, he was just being nice.

"Please, that horny little shit is never nice, he just wants your pu--"

"Wait are you talking about Liam or yourself?" She interrupts him.

Tori gasps and slides down her window completely when Louis decides to drive over every single fucking bump in the road. "No need to overreact," Louis repeats her words. 

"Are they always like this?" Elena asks quietly.

"Not when they're asleep," I reply, watching the "happy couple".

"You know, I'm surprised you have enough time for this," Tori tells him in a sweet tone, "considering the line of your naked fangirls waiting for you back at the base."

"It sounds to me like you're jealous," Louis answers in the equally sweet tone.

"Of what? Potential STD's?" She smiles.

He's silent for a few moments, slowly pressing the brake. "Get out."

"I'd say make me, but we both know you're not capable of that mister 'my shoelaces were untied and that's why you won'," Tori says in a high-pitched tone, imitating Louis.

Shit, here we go again.

"They were untied and you know it," he argues.

"Shut up, both of you!" I interfere.

"She started it!" Louis yells at the same time Tori yells, "he started it!"

"I don't care, both of you are an example that maturity has nothing to do with age," I tell them. "Where are we going?"

"Rock stream," Louis mumbles.

I tense. "But the closest village is kilometres away, not to mention Hazard."

"Mate, stop worrying so much," Louis tells me. "If tension was a person, it'd be you."

My panic slowly starts kicking in. "It takes us half an hour alone to get there, I thought you were just going to drive around the borders or something! I feel so cheated, fuck! I swear if someone attacks us you're all fucking punished forever--"

Elena suddenly squeezes my hand tighter, stopping my rambling. I can hear my pulse in my ears as if I've just run a marathon, my widened eyes meeting hers. There's something very calming in them, so real and reassuring.

"It will be okay," she says and I immediately know she means it.

There's a long silence and Tori turns and I quickly let go of Elena's hand, but it's too late. She looks at us and smiles faintly. If this was a cartoon, fucking hearts would be all around her head.

"El, you're new here so you need to know one thing," Louis breaks the silence. "My shoelaces were untied."

Tori groans loudly and throws her hands up in the air, Elena laughs with that ridiculous laughter and I just smile.

It will be okay.
