Chapter 45


I knew this would happen. I was prepared for it. But nothing could prepare me for the look on Harry's face when his mother walked into the room and he looked at me with such pain and disbelief, my heart almost broke.

I didn't know his mother was the leader, I didn't know anything about Wildfire, actually. All I know is that when Alex and I needed our uncle's help the most, he found a way to use us in order to get what he needs so we can "earn" his help. And there was nothing we could do about it except agree or get back to Vortex, which was not an option.

"Just go to David, bat your eyelashes and use your innocent eyes and smart mouth to get him to come to me and seal this deal. When you do, I'll help you. It's a win-win situation, Ellie," Isaac said.

Just like that. Manipulate, lie, act. I could've easily done that, but none of it was necessary since our problems were real, there was no need to act them out. When we came to Hazard seeking for help, we truly needed it, we needed them to help us. We needed Harry to help us.

It was supposed to be simple, just bring them to Wildfire and get the hell away from this place. Just Alex and I, away from all this. I never had bad intentions, I wouldn't bring Harry here today if I thought this would harm Hazard or him in any way. I knew I would lose his trust, but I'm sure the deal would've been made anyway had it not been for his mother.

Our uncle had to fake his death when there was a mutiny in Vortex which resulted in Seth becoming the leader. I'm sure he wants to use Wildfire and Hazard so he can get his position back, he needs them. That's why Harry has the upper hand in this, the alliance can happen under his conditions, especially with his mother being the leader. The only problem is that knowing Harry, he won't agree to it now.

"Explain yourself," Isaac orders when Harry and his mother storm out of the room, making me shoot him a hateful glare.

"I'm asking the same from you," I say, my voice raised. "Why didn't you tell us who is the leader? And why have you exposed us like that in front of him?"

"Is there a reason you walked in here hand in hand with him, hm? I thought you will do your duty with ease like you always do, but nooo, you had to fall in love with the pretty boy, right?" He says accusingly. "You did what I spent years teaching you, Elena, you gave in to your emotions and made yourself weak and vulnerable. One look at the two of you and everything was clear to me. For God's sake, good thing you didn't wear matching couple shirts! That's the reason I've exposed you, my dear niece." He looks at my brother then back at me. "You two weren't even supposed to be here."

"Bullshit, you did it because you didn't want me to stop you from manipulating him!" I shout, stepping toward him and straightening my back, my eyes looking straight into his, their colour resembling mine. "Tell me what is it that you really want to accomplish with this deal. Tell me what does his mother want? Surely she doesn't want any motherly bonding with her son all of a sudden, she left him years ago. You obviously found a way to manipulate her as well since she has let you stay here for so long."

Alex starts pacing back and forth, releasing a frustrated huff. "This is stressing me out."

Isaac laughs lightly and raises his hand, patting my cheek. "That's none of your concern, darling. Because you'll take your brother with you and you'll go like we had agreed."

"Fuck no," I snap. "First of all, my brother has a name, don't ever pretend like he's not in the room, I'm not the only capable of speaking here. Alex-" I turn to my brother, now speaking to him "-you are too." I know how ignored he felt every time our uncle would praise me for my achievements when he was the one trying really hard to be the best he can in everything, no matter how many times he would fail.

Alex looks at me for a few moments with his innocent brown eyes and gives me a warm smile, making me smile back at him, knowing I've made him feel better.

"Wow, what a heartwarming scene," Isaac says flatly with a straight face.

I turn to my uncle now, a frown resting on my face again. "And I'm not going anywhere, I have a promise to keep." I promised Harry I won't leave and I intend to keep it, whether he wants it or not.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but a certain promise to my brother, may he rest in peace-" he connects his palms and fakes a sigh "-is why you wanted to leave in the first place." I tense at the mention of my father and my heart sinks in my chest, my eyes glaring at him. "Ah, I see you still think it's my fault he died even though I wasn't even there or knew about the attack."

"Things have changed. We were six when he died and we're not children anymore, I'm sure dad would understand my reasoning. I can't stay away from this war and I can't run away, we can't." I cast a look at my brother, who frowns and looks away.

"Oh, how tragic and beautiful, I'm touched." Isaac rolls his eyes, placing his palm on his chest. "Spare me of your newfound sentimentality, Elena, and get the bloody hell away from here before I change my mind. This is your final chance."

"No," Alex suddenly says firmly, standing beside me. "Excuse me, evil bitch, we have some things to take care of." He grabs my hand and turns around, pulling me out of the room, a smile forming on my face.

"Oh, I see you've grown some balls there, miracles do exist!" Isaac says.

"We need to find Harry," I tell Alex when we leave the room, walking down the hallway without really knowing where to look.

"I know," he replies, a deep frown on his face. "I think this is a bad idea and you're the queen of reckless choices, but I'm agreeing to it because you're my sister and I kind of fancy the idea of you being with the dimpled prince Charming, after all."

I can't help but laugh, stopping abruptly and pulling him into a tight hug, my arms wrapped around his shoulders. His arms sneak around my waist and he sighs heavily, surprising me when his hand comes up to ruffle my hair, making me groan and push him away.

"You just had to ruin the moment, huh?" I ask and start fixing my hair. Before he can reply, a soldier walks toward us, seemingly without any intention to talk to us. I bend down and pull out my pocket knife impulsively, blocking the soldier's path and grabbing a fistful of his jacket, the knife blade pressing against his throat. "Tell me where to find your leader."

"Christ, let the poor lad go," my uncle says behind me, his presence pissing me off.

I lower my knife and step away from the soldier, watching as he runs off in the other direction, stumbling and almost falling over his feet. My body swivels and I face Isaac, taking in his relaxed posture, a small, tight smile playing on his lips. "If you want to find your pretty boy, I believe he's with his father."

"David is here?" My mouth gapes, a sense of relief washing over me. It feels good to hear he's alive, Harry will be thrilled to hear the news if he already hasn't. "I want to see him."

"What?" Alex and Isaac ask at the same time.

"I have some explaining to do. Take me to see him." I'm more than determined to try to explain my reasons to David, hoping he'll understand. He's the one that believed in us the most, defending us even when his son was against us. If anyone deserves an apology, it's David.

To my surprise, Isaac complies and leads us all the way to David's room, telling us we have a lot more to discuss once we're done. Before I can open the door, a soldier runs toward us, quickly telling something to Isaac. "Oh, it seems the pretty boy has left."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What do you mean? Where is he?"

"He's left to his base, there's some problem or whatever." He sighs. "Oh, drama."

"Shit," I mutter under my breath. "We need a vehicle."

"And what makes you think I'll just let you follow him, hm?" Isaac asks, raising his eyebrows. "I want you two gone or. . ."

"Or what?" Alex snaps, taking a few steps toward him.

"Or you could stay with me and help me." He smiles, hazel eyes observing the two of us carefully.

"Whatever it is that you have planned, the answer is no," I quickly reply. "I'm done with following your orders and playing your games. I belong to Hazard now."

He rolls his eyes. "Go talk to David then, let's see what he has to say about your plan to stay in his base after screwing them over."

I shoot him a final glare before opening the door and entering inside with Alex following behind me. David is lying on his bed, the woman I now know is Harry's mother standing beside him. They both have tense, angry expressions on their faces, seemingly being in the middle of some argument.

"Excuse me," I say, my voice surprisingly small and quiet. "I need to talk to you, David."

His blue eyes meet mine for a brief moment before I cast my gaze down, unable to look him in the eyes properly without feeling a sense of shame and guilt crashing onto me. Harry's mother slowly approaches me, making me lift my gaze to look at her, bright green eyes resembling Harry's looking into mine. Strands of shiny black hair frame the stony expression on her face as she takes a few moments to observe me from head to toes, her eyes narrowing just slightly. It's not hard to conclude she doesn't like me. At all.

Oh well, the feeling is mutual.

She doesn't say anything as she circles around me, leaving the three of us alone. Alex and I stand at the doorway for what feels like hours as David merely observes us in silence, his face not showing any trace of anger or disappointment I know he surely feels for us. He slowly sits up, using his uninjured arm since the other one is wrapped in bandages.

"You wanted to talk. So talk," he says, his tone cold. "I listened to what you had to say the first time you came looking for me months ago, I don't see why I shouldn't listen to you now. I'll just be careful with what I decide to believe in this time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice. . ."

A quiet sigh expels from my mouth as Alex closes the door and I approach David's bed, still unable to look him in the eyes. "There's not much I can say after what we've done, I know that. But believe me when I tell you we in no way had any intentions to hurt anyone. I know that's hard to believe considering we basically led you into a trap, but we would've made sure Hazard stays safe. I thought about doing this long and hard after you'd welcomed us to your home and this seemed like the only option for the base. Vortex is so much stronger and has powerful allies, I just. . ."

"I know that," David speaks. "Maybe your intentions weren't exactly the best in the beginning and they have surely changed over the time, but it does not diminish what you've done. Maybe I could've looked past it, but after talking to my son today, I'm not sure I can. I watched as he slowly began to open up with your help, I watched as he started to act like a leader again, I watched him smile for the first time after years. And today I had to watch all that basically shatter after he found out about all this. Maybe it would've been easier if you'd just left rather than came here with him, Elena."

The emotions I'm trying to hold back start having an effect on me, my chest tightening at his words. He's right, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't leave Harry, I can't. I don't want to.

"I think we did the right thing by staying here," Alex finally speaks. "Yes, we screwed up, yes we maybe altered the truth a little, said a few lies along the way, set this whole thing up- now that I say it out loud, we honestly sound like assholes, wow." He pauses for a few moments. "What I'm trying to say here is that it's ultimately up to you. It's up to you whether you agree to make this deal or not, it's up to you whether you fight for your base and in this war this way or that, or if you give up. We helped you. Maybe we haven't done it in the best way, but we helped, my sister helped. We gave you your best chance and now you decide if you want to take it. The reality is that you don't have enough resources nor soldiers to win."

David and I both stare at Alex for some time, obviously impressed with his speech. He's said everything I wanted to say and more, better than I would've done it. For the first time, I see some kind of leader capacity in my brother, a slight dominant streak I haven't been aware he has. He was always in the back, following orders given to him and rarely saying something against his superiors while I was the rebellious one, always getting in trouble. But maybe Alex isn't so different than me, he just rarely shows that part of himself.

"Perhaps," David mumbles. "I don't like to admit it, but I'm still weak and not ready to lead my base yet, so it's ultimately up to Harry what happens next. I'll ask to be taken back to Hazard so I can convince him into agreeing to this because I realise this is our best shot, even though I don't trust Isaac. He used to lead Vortex for so long and he had made the base what it is today."

"I wouldn't trust him either," I tell him. "But I'm sure you'll manage to decide what's best for you, I never doubted that, I never doubted Harry either. He may be hurt now, but I'll have one final conversation with him about this."

"Don't you two have a plane to catch, though?" David asks me suspiciously, his eyebrow raised.

"No, we have a ride to catch," I say as I step back, preparing to leave as I grip my knife, ready to fight for a vehicle if it won't be provided for us. "A ride to Hazard."

. . . .

The drive seems endless and a tension filled silence stretches between my brother and me as we near Hazard in the stolen vehicle, none of us able to form words after today's events. Alex may have agreed to stand by me and support my choices, but that doesn't mean his wish has changed. His expression is unreadable and for the first time, I'm having troubles deciphering how he feels or what he might be thinking. I've always been quite good at it, maybe it's a twin thing.

The moment Alex and I approach the main entrance of the base, the soldiers standing in front point their weapons at us. My heart sinks in my chest, but I don't show it, my exterior completely calm. "What's going on?"

"We have direct orders from the leader not to let you inside," one of the soldiers says. "I advise you to leave."

I know whatever I say will be in vain and they might even have orders to shoot if we try anything. "Alright, could you at least call Niall, Liam or-"

"Lower your weapons," Louis suddenly says, making his way through the crowd preventing us from going inside. "H's orders, they're allowed to come in." When the soldiers give him questioning looks and don't listen to him, he gives them a hard look, which makes them lower the weapons and step away.

"You came at just the right time," Alex says, allowing himself to smile for a moment.

"I'm not doing this because of you two," Louis says harshly, but a hint of sadness flickers over his features for a brief moment as he looks at us. "I'm doing it because I don't want more troubles. Guess what, while you were gone to finish your little game you've been playing for the past few months, Vortex intercepted the vehicles driving the children toward the safe zone and took most of them away. We managed to save some, some are injured, and some. . ." he pauses and frowns deeply.

Some are dead. No.

"Tommy? Alice?" I ask, my lungs having troubles to function for a few seconds, my heart starting to beat faster.

Louis remains silent and complete dread courses through me, my throat tightening. I feel like throwing up. "Please, Louis. Tell me what happened to them." My voice is laden with pain and fear as I look into his cold blue eyes, silently pleading with him.

"Come on, mate," Alex says quietly, taking a small step toward him.

Louis shoots him a glare before his facade breaks slightly. "They were taken, so we don't know what happened to them."

A breath of relief is pushed past my lips, my eyes fluttering closed for a few moments. It means they're still alive. "I need to see H, I can help."

"Oh, you've helped, alright," Louis says accusingly. "Helped them to get us in this mess," he says through gritted teeth, his jaw clenching. "Both of you did." He glances at Alex. "You manipulated, you lied, you pretended to be something you're not. What's worst of all, we defended you when everyone kept saying you're not to be trusted." His voice cracks slightly at the end.

Alex and I don't say anything, there's not much we can say. We could apologise, we could try to convince him this wasn't what we wanted, but it wouldn't make a difference, it wouldn't change what happened. We can only hope we can reach Harry and offer him our help. "Louis, I need to see him."

"Fuck no," he immediately replies, his voice cold as he steps closer to me, looking over his shoulder at the soldiers who can surely hear our every word. "I allowed you to come in, but not to see him. Trust me, he's in no condition to see anyone and it could seriously backfire. You'll get inside, take your stuff and leave the base. That's it."

"Louis, please." I step forward, hoping he can see just how desperate I am.

"You'll under no circumstances go to the gym," he tells me after a few moments of contemplation, looking me straight in the eyes.

Confusion washes over me. "Why-" I cut myself off when it hits me what he meant. Harry is in the gym, he's just discreetly told me where to find him. I really want to hug him and thank him, but I stop myself, allowing myself to give him a tiny smile, hoping he can sense how grateful I am. "Of course. We'll just grab our stuff."

He nods and steps away, signalling to the soldiers to let us inside. Alex and I slowly walk in as the gates open for us, feeling numerous harsh glares directed at us, but we make no eye contact with anyone, keeping our faces emotionless. The base which has been my sanctuary, my home for the past few months feels so distant and foreign now, the people in it suddenly turning into strangers. We're nothing but enemies in their eyes once again, I know it.

"You pack up while I take care of Harry," I whisper to Alex. "We'll see how this goes. In case I fail, we're. . . we're leaving."

Alex gives me a small nod, surprisingly having nothing to say. He's as affected by all this as I am, I can see it. His brown eyes are filled with nothing but sadness, his body tense from the stress and fear of what's going to happen next. "Okay, but first, I have to talk to a few people." He glances at Louis. "You go, I'll be fine."

I hesitantly turn and allow my feet to carry me toward the gym at a quick pace, my heart starting to hammer painfully against my ribcage, knowing this conversation could take various turns. I'm more than certain Harry won't forgive me for what I've done. As I enter the building, I immediately head toward his training room, my mind feeling slightly hazy from nervousness, my insides turning.

"Hey!" Someone shouts, gaining my attention. I turn around, watching as a handful of angry soldiers start making their way toward me. Unfortunately for them, I'm in no mood to deal with them. "Where do you think you're going? We have orders to-"

Before they can step any closer, I grab the handle of my gun and pull it out, aiming it directly at them. "Take one more step and I'll shoot. Do not stand in my way."

They immediately stop walking, lifting their hands while pure hatred replaces their brief dumbfounded expressions. I take a few steps backwards while holding the gun pointed at them before quickly turning around and starting to run toward Harry. When I reach his training room, I abruptly stop and tuck in the gun, my palms coming up to cover my face. I take a few deep breaths as I feel my pulse thudding in my ears, my shaky hand reaching for the handle.

I open the door, internally grateful he left the door unlocked and step inside. He's facing away from me, his back turned to me as he's sitting on the floor, his heavily tattooed arms resting on top of his bent knees. The black punching bag hanging from the ceiling is swinging slightly, meaning he's just finished with his training.

"Harry," I say, my breath hitching in my throat as I prepare for what's to come.
