Chapter 35


Just like every morning after spending the night with Harry, I wake up in an odd position, this time being literally trapped under him, his body pinning down mine. His head is placed on my stomach, his strong arms tightly wrapped around my hips while one of his legs is hooked over both of mine, disabling me from moving.

I'm too hot and his grip is making it hard for me to breathe, but he looks so cute with his silky messy hair covering his eyes and puffy warm face. Okay enough admiring, I need air. I try to wiggle out of his grip, but he only tightens it, making me huff, a light laugh escaping my mouth. I shake his shoulders to wake him up, but he doesn't respond.

"Blrshsghk," he mumbles incoherently.


He only turns his head, lying to his other cheek, the one he was previously lying on branded with slight red marks from the pressure. I take some time to reminisce the events from last night, a wide smile spreading over my lips. It almost feels like a dream, to have this man sleeping in the same bed with me after we shared something that brought us even closer together last night, surely this can't be real. Only now it dawns upon me how happy Harry actually makes me without even being aware of it.

"Come on, sleeping beauty," I say, trying to untangle myself from his grip.

"I thought I was prince Charming," his sleepy and deep voice slowly says, his eyes still closed.

"Yes, a sleeping one, everything is messed up when it comes to you and me apparently."

"Only a kiss can break the spell," he says dramatically.

"Then what? You turn into a frog?" I tease.


I burst out laughing, throwing my head back. "How am I supposed to kiss you when I'm trapped?"

He lifts his head and removes some of his weight off me, his eyes closed with a cute little crease between them, lips slightly puckered, honestly making him look absolutely adorable. I roll my eyes playfully and with a bit of struggle lean forward, pressing my lips to his. He cracks one green eye open, staring at me.

"Another one, I'm still sleepy."

I quickly kiss him again, a smile forming on his lips, his eyelids opening to the half, pretty green irises coming into my view. He lifts his weight off me, shifting onto his back lazily and we groan at the same time.

We're definitely not morning people.

"I'll have to leave soon," I mumble sleepily.

"Tsgsjhskggs," he mutters.

"I know right?"


"Yes, we'll see each other soon. After breakfast maybe?"


"Okay." After spending so much time with Harry, I've got used to his "morning language" and I'm actually able to decode it now without much struggle. I don't know when did we turn into an old married couple, but-

A loud alarm starts blaring, warning us we're in some kind of danger. I sit up abruptly and Harry falls out of the bed from shock, his body hitting the floor with a heavy thud. He quickly stands up, now being fully awake, widened panicked eyes looking at mine.

"We're under attack," he says in horror. "Oooh, shit shit shit-"

"Maybe it's not-"

"Shit this is all my fault!" He shouts, grabbing his locks. "I should've known, who knows if David's even back, I shouldn't have been with you the whole night, I should've stayed alert! Good fucking job, Harry."

A pang of hurt rushes through me, but I ignore it. I won't make this about me, besides I understand his point even though him staying awake probably wouldn't change a thing. You can't predict the exact moment danger might catch up on you, but this is simply how Harry copes when things get out of control.

Both of us begin throwing our clothes on, jumping and limping over the room as we collect our articles of clothing. As soon as we're done, we run out of his room, not caring someone might see us leaving it together. Everyone is too busy with focusing on the potential attack to notice anyway, so Harry and I just blend in the crowd of running men, making our way through the maze of bodies.

"You go and make sure the children are taken care of," Harry orders me firmly. "You know the procedure, I trust you with it."

The word 'trust' inflicts a positive feeling inside me and I decide not to protest since I know it wouldn't be smart, even though I would be more at ease if I knew what's going on and could be a part of it. I nod and as soon as I leave the building, I run toward the children's building, avoiding bumping into soldiers running in different directions. I enter the building, immediately going toward the staircase leading toward the safe rooms in the basement, using walls for support as I take sharp turns. When I arrive, I see two soldiers block my path, stern expressions on their faces.

"Have all the kids been sent into the safe rooms?" I demand.

"What's it to you?" One of them asks, doing a once over.

"I have direct orders from H to make sure all the children are safe," I say firmly. "Now you either move aside or I'll make you move."

They exchange looks and reluctantly step aside, my body pushing between theirs, beginning to descend the stairs hastily. I curse myself for not having any weapons with me, well, except my pocket knife I never ever leave behind.

There are a few soldiers roaming the hallways, stopping to look at me and give me report when I ask them, letting me know all the children are safely locked. As someone who had to grow up at the time when the war had been worse than it is now, I know very well how scared a child is when something like this happens. Especially when you have no idea what type of danger is out there or if you're going to survive. It's horrible having these thoughts when you're only seven years old.

"Lenny, I'm scared," Alex whimpered as he scooted into the corner of a dark cold room, shrinking slightly to make himself even smaller as he brought his knees to his chest, his brown eyes big and filled with terror.

A lot of screaming, terrifying explosions, and loud gunshots could be heard from the outside, something we had got used to by now. At least, I had, it didn't scare me as much as it had before. Mean people in ugly brown uniforms would come and yell at us to stay here whenever it happened. I wanted to help, but I couldn't leave my brother. He always cried in these situations and I didn't like it.

I put my arm protectively around his shoulders, smiling and hoping it didn't look fake. "Remember what mummy told us. Think about bunnies, fluffy ones, with big long ears."

He sniffled and wiped away his tears, his eyes glossy. "Okay." He closed his eyes.

It had to he this day. Out of all days, it had to be this one, the one that was supposed to be happy. I was angry and I wanted to scream, but I didn't want to scare Alex more. I didn't cry. I would never cry. Daddy made me promise I will be brave and strong and I never break my promises.

Whenever a harsh blow from the above would come, Alex would wince in fear and I would only hold him tighter. I promised mummy and daddy I will take care of him forever, and I won't laugh at his reaction when he sees blood.

The last time he saw it was when daddy was lying in his blood. I tried to wake him up, but he never did.

"I promise I will give you a bunny one day to always keep you company when I can't," I told him as I held him tighter, trying to distract both him and myself.

He smiled and sniffled again, looking at me. "Happy Birthday, Lenny."

I smiled back. "Happy Birthday, Alex."

I begin checking each room, seeing groups of children, some having an adult with them, mostly their trainers while some are left alone. I make sure to give the alone ones encouraging words, telling them it will be over soon and we'll protect them with all we've got. When I go through every single room, I return into the one where Tommy and Alice are, huddled with a few more kids of their age without any adult to watch over them. When I enter inside, I notice Alice and Tommy are holding hands, sitting on one of the beds.

I smile gently at them, watching as their faces light up at the sight of me. "Ellie!" Alice says enthusiastically, running toward me to give me a hug, my arms immediately welcoming her.

I motion for the rest of the kids to join us, knowing how some comfort will make them feel better and relieve some of the stress and anxiety they must be feeling. "Want me to keep you company for a while?"

"Yes!" They all chorus happily, each of them sitting where they can in a small room. It has everything they need, beds, some canned food, even toys and books, but none of it is enough to distract them. I should know because I went through the same thing countless of times.

"Can you tell us a story?" Alice asks me, big brown eyes looking at me innocently, her fingers fumbling nervously.

Tommy scoots closer to her, poking some other kid to move so he can sit beside her, casually placing his arm over her shoulders. "Yeah it's not like we got anything better to do with the possibility of all of us dying-"

Everyone gasps and I just give him a look. "Just kidding!" He says, lifting his hands in defence, a smile on his face. "Come on, smile. We'll live, I told you one day all of this will be over and we'll have a house and a turtle." He looks at Alice, grinning widely.

"A turtle named Alex because he kind of reminds us of them," Alice says and glances at me, to which I burst out laughing.

"Can't argue with that, princess," I say. "And yes, I can tell you a story. I think I know just the one."

. . . .

About an hour later, there is still no news of what's going on outside and I'm getting very impatient. No sounds of gunfire or bombing could be heard so far, so I dare to hope there wasn't any direct attack on the base, maybe just some trouble around the borders.

"Jason, you're cheating I can see a card up your sleeve, Clark stop trying to peek at the others' cards, Tommy try to focus on the game, Jane if you're sleepy just lie down on one of the beds because you're swaying on your feet, and Alice-" I raise my eyebrow "-wait you're okay, you keep drawing."

"I'm actually writing my own story," she tells me, not lifting her gaze from her notebook.

"If you need characters, I volunteer. Make me rich in it and oh, give me the flying ability!" Tommy says.

"You know what, same here, maybe you can add a pet dragon, I've always wanted a dragon. . ." I trail off.

A knock on the door interrupts us and I quickly jolt up from my seat on the floor, opening the door. A soldier is standing there, looking rather relieved to see me. "Ah, I'll live!" He exclaims, placing his hand over his chest. "Uh, I mean-" he clears his throat "-excuse me, your assistance is needed in the conference room."

"Alright, give me a minute," I say and turn to the kids, giving them a smile. "See? Everything is okay. I'll go up now and all of you will be able to leave the room soon."

"Bring us some snacks if you find some time," Tommy tells me.

"I will," I say with a smile and leave them, basically sprinting outside and toward the main building. Just like I hoped, it seems there was no direct attack on the base, but whatever it was, it was still urgent enough to make them sound the alarm.

"Where is H?" I ask when I can't see his face among the ones in the conference room, my heart thudding from the run I've just had.

"He had important job to take care of," Tyler snaps at me, turning around to face me, stepping out from the crowd. "It's none of your business. This is all your fault anyway."

I'm slightly taken aback, but a frown takes over my features and I step toward him, ready to fight. "You-"

"Watch your mouth," Niall snaps at Tyler and stands beside me, this being the first time I've seen him angry like this.

"Why are you defending her?" He motions at me angrily. "You all know the attacks hadn't been so serious until she and her brother came along, and now this David thing, come on!" He says in exasperation, hatred radiating off him.

"What David thing? Is he not back yet?" I ask.

"No, we couldn't contact him," Louis tells me. "Well. . . until Seth told us where is he."

My blood runs cold at the mention of his name, my face getting pale. "Seth has him?"

"Oh don't act so surprised," Tyler says bitterly. "We have a traitor in the base, you need to be a fool to think she's on our side. That tattoo is their mark, she belongs with those dirty rats and all of you are acting as if she's our saviour!"

He gets mumbles of approval from a few soldiers in the crowd, but I don't show them his words got to me. Why should they, when I know what's the real truth?

"Okay it's time to take out the trash," Liam says, cracking his knuckles as he glares at Tyler, standing on the other side next to me.

Louis, Tori, and Jess do the same, a smile spreading over my lips as I look at my friends, ready to stand in my defence despite being in the minority. I've never had someone stand up for me, besides my brother, of course.

Tyler stares at us for a few moments before scoffing. "This isn't over yet." With that, he walks toward the exit, leaving the room as if he has some kind of private mission to fulfil.

Tori sniffs the air. "Ah yes, I don't smell bullshit anymore."

I notice a few wary looks from the soldiers in the crowd, deciding to ignore them and turn around, facing my friends. "Where is H?"

"He's getting ready to leave to get David back," Liam says.

"Wait, he is?" Niall gasps. "Why haven't you told me?"

"Because we've got specific instructions not to," Louis tells him flatly.

"There is no way in hell I'm letting my best friend just leave without me, he can't get all the fun, besides, someone needs to take care of the bitches while he's taking care of the main business," Niall rants.

"And this is exactly why he didn't want you to know, you always get these psycho blood urges." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Guys let's focus," I say. "Where is he exactly now?"

After a brief discussion and Niall's constant pestering, all of us head toward Harry. He's down at the weapon storage, preparing himself and other soldiers accompanying him to confront with Seth. Unfortunately, reaching Seth is going to be a big problem, I bet he already has all of his troops available, expecting the attack from us, and Harry is falling right into his trap.

"Ahhh there she is, the apple of my eye, my lovely sister!" Alex exclaims when he sees me, opening his arms widely, and engulfing me in a tight hug. "Okay he's been scary as shit for the past hour, making me give him all the information about Seth and Vortex, this has been too stressful for me so early in the morning, so now is your turn," he rambles quickly, suddenly pushing me forward, almost making me trip over my feet.

"Elena," H greets me with a nod, not a trace of a smile on his face. He's in his full leader mood, ready to act. 

"Leonard, huh?" Alex mutters as he shakes his head and glances at Harry, making me look at him in confusion.

"You'll stay here while I go and set my father free," he says calmly as he cocks his gun, pushing it into its holster attached to his belt.

"Listen, I know you think that's a good idea, but-"

"And you won't try to talk me out of it," he orders, looking me in the eyes.


"Whether you like it or not, I'm your superior and you will do as I say!" He interrupts. "You will stay out of this at all costs, along with your brother."

"Why are you excluding us?" I demand. "We know more about Seth than this whole army combined."

"Because I say so. With every second I spend here, I'm running out of time to help David." He gives me a harsh look as he tucks in another gun.

"I call shotgun!" Niall shouts.

"Wait what, you're not going," Harry tells him.

"Aw, of course I am buddy." Niall pats him on the back. "Every hero needs a sidekick."

"Niall, you-"

"-are awesome," he finishes for him.

"No, what I'm saying is-"

"-you adore me and would love for me to join you."

Harry grits his teeth. "I swear to God-"

"-you're sitting next to me in the car."

Harry sighs deeply in resignation. "Fine."

"Alright, I gotta go and prepare all the weapons, this is going to be fun," Niall says cheerfully. "Of course, it's been a while since my last real mission, I should practice on someone. . ." he turns around. "Oi, Liam, Alex, Louis!" He runs toward them.

"Harry, this is exactly what Seth wants," I reason. "He wants you to come there so he can show you his power and attack you, maybe he even has a plan to attack the base while you're gone. I know him, I know how he thinks."

"And I know all that, which is why I won't attack him, this is simply going to be a small chat between the two of us," Harry explains, rolling his shoulders back and cracking his knuckles. "No fighting."

I push a heavy sigh past my lips, not liking this situation at all. I'm beyond worried for him, for this base, for the failure of everything I've been working on. This is all wrong and I've never been more torn.

I glance behind me, seeing everyone is too busy to pay attention to us. Tori is sitting on top of Niall who is lying on his back on the ground, Tori's gun pointed at his head, making him moan, a playful grin on his face.  Louis then snaps and pulls her up, grabbing the gun from her and pointing it at Niall. Liam smirks, observing the scene with interest.

Jess and Alex are standing away from them in a secluded corner, whispering something to each other, Alex's lips pulled in a bright smile as he stares down at her. It bothers me that he's so against my relation with Harry, yet he makes no effort in hiding his with Jess. Not that I mind it, I find them cute.

I shift my attention back at Harry and without much thought, I clasp his face between my palms, pressing my lips onto his shortly. "Take care."

He blinks in surprise and nods, clearing his throat as he looks down, his frown returning. "You too."

I walk back toward everyone who is not leaving, which is everyone beside Niall, Jess, and Harry watching as all the soldiers stuff their uniforms with weapons of all kinds, leaving the storage room to get in the vehicles. We follow them and I observe Harry as he gets into one of the vehicles, glancing at the small crowd of soldiers ordered to stay here, searching for someone. He then closes the door and leaves, leaving nothing but a trail of dust behind him.
