(Chapter 30)
Lovingly gifted

Author POV

Location: Batia

Jimin had just put the pouches into his bag to leave and find the princes to gift them too.

He had already given one to Claeg, who had given him one made of a yellow material that was now wearing on his belt. It was traditional to do after all. Claeg was proudly wearing the one Jimin made as well. It would be the only one he received that day, he wasn't one for friends, so it was nice to know someone cared.

But before his backpack could leave the counter, the very people he wasn't about to leave to find entered the shop. They were bickering quite loudly, many customers, particularly older ones directed disapproving glances at them for interrupting the calm atmosphere of the shop.

Jimin winced, he muttered apologies to each of the shoppers, approaching the princes.

"Can you please stop arguing" his voice was calm and commanding.

The princes stopped to look at him.

"Stop arguing your affecting the customers" he gestured around to the disapproving gazes of the shoppers around them.

Then to his shock the princes all bowed and stated apologies in complete honesty. The shoppers seemed to appreciate that, smiling and returning back to their business.

"Why are you all here?" Jimin asked curiously.

He knew the princes all had friction, hence the arguing as soon as they entered the bakery, they were probably doing through the streets on the way here as well.

"We came to see you" they all said roughly the same thing, but all with the same message, their voices over lapping with eachothers, making it hard to decipher.

There was a body guard dressed in Crouris green. Jimin nodded to him, he recognised him when he went flower picking with Hoseok. The guard nodded back, he looked haggard and exhausted.

Jimin walked over to the counter and grabbed him a freshly baked bun, it smelt of cinnamon an imported spice from Kador.

He handed the bun over to the guard, who took it thankfully, taking a bite and smiling to himself.

The prince's eyes had followed him all the way through his kind act, smiling softly as he showed care to the Crouris guard.

"I'm Jimin by the way" Jimin introduced himself.

"Kwan and thank you" he stated simply and took another bite of the cinnamon bun.

"What is that?" The red haired prince, Jungkook, pointed to the pouch on his belt.

"Does it have something to do with today's festival?" Namjoon inquired.

"Yes, today is Donum amoris. It is a day of love an friendship. We gift these pouches to each other to wise luck and love upon eachother" Jimin explained.

"It is so beautiful" Jin leant down so he could look at the one on Jimin's belt alittle better.

"I made some for you" Jimin told them.

With that, he got them out of the shop, which was convenient as they had been blocking the entrance for other clients.

They followed him like eager puppies wanting to see the pouches that Jimin had crafted for them. They would follow him anywhere happily.

Yoongi recognised where they were going when they got to the tree he had read the story to the orphaned children at. It was as quiet and peaceful as it had been then. It seemed like a small secret place hidden in plain site within the capital city.

They took seats in a ring beneath the tree. It was blossomed a beautiful pink as the season of spring was currently present in the permanently day kingdom.

Jimin opened his backpack and carefully pulled the handcrafted pouches out, handing them to each of their respective recipients.

Each of them took it with as much care as Jimin had put into making them.

"Inside is a precious petal it is from a tree we call the Miraculum tree. The tree only flowers on this day every year. So it is believed to have magical properties." Jimin told them, the looks on their faces when they had seen the petals had spoken their confusion.

Now with the explanation they looked at the petal with more care and clearer understanding.

"Apparently according to legend if your petal disappears by the end of the day, it means you will find the love of your life in that year. It is a good omen" Jimin smiled, he had heard of it happening to some people.

He wondered what it would be like to be the love of someone's life or to have someone like that in his own life, someone he would love and cherish till their last.

"I'm sorry we do not have pouches to return to you" Jin apologised, holding his own pouch in his hands.

"It is alright, this is a Batian holiday, how were you to know. I must confess I do not know any of your people's festivals, so there is no reason to apologise" Jimin dismissed the apology.

The princes smiled,

"At least let us buy you something from the market to commemorate the day" Yoongi asked, fixing his shaders on his eyes, as the sun was glaring into his sensitive eyes.

So that is how Jimin ended wandering around the market, 6 of the most powerful people following behind him promising anything he wanted almost as if he was their deity to worship.

Jimin ended up with a new tunic to be made in the Kadorian fabrics as summer was to come soon. Namjoon had insisted. He even offered for his personal tailors to make one for him, Jimin had refused, taking the premade one instead.

Then there were 3 new books, 2 in languages he was yet to learn to read, and one in his own native tounge. There was a bracelet and some sweets to snack on, Taehyung had insisted upon the food, where he was it was difficult to acquire, so he insisted Jimin have food stashed about incase a harsh winter hit. Jimin knew the reasoning didn't apply to the Batian kingdom but he let the Aureathen prince do what he liked.

None of them noticed by the end of the day that the petals had disappeared in the pouches like a miracle.


I hope you liked the chapter.

The people of Aureathen stash food around their homes like squirrels incase they need it over harsher winters

Who would you like to see Jimin interact with next?

I just realised I should probably do some actual plot chapters soon.



