(Chapter 7)
The Prince of Rikelux

Author POV

Location: Rikelux

Red and brown leaves fell in spiralling circles to the ground. Some brushing along branches and trees as they went. Some brushed along the cheeks and torso of the young man lying beneath the leaf shedding tree.

He was donned in a deep red tunic, brown trousers that were beginning to fray at the knees and scuffed boots that were dangerously close to getting a hole in the sole. Peachy red hair shimmered in the setting sun, splayed out like a halo around the man's head.

His eyes were closed as he slept, eyelashes fluttering against full cheeks as he dreamt. He was entirely at peace in his home in the kingdom of Rikelux.

Rikelux was the kingdom permanently stuck within the season of autumn, trees in multicolored shades of reds, oranges, yellows and browns. The occasional ever green found, but they were uncommon and often seen as a sign of wealth as green aside from the grass was an uncommon colour to find in the kingdom of autumn.

There was an abandoned lyre in his slack hand, the real reason why he had ventured out into the grounds surrounding Foliorum castle. He had been sent out to practice playing the instrument as he was to provide the entertainment from Rikelux when the kingdoms met up for the day of Pax in Batia. Though Jungkook knew that is was just his parents trying to show off their son and his multitude of talents.

"Your Highness" a woman in a light brown tunic leant down. Her bright red hair tangling with the leaves as they tumbled from the safety of the branches.

Jungkook merely roled onto his side, a soft smile on his face. The woman reached out a hand, pushing against Jungkook's shoulder. The peachy red haired prince's eyes flutter against his chest briefly before opening to show his warm hazel eyes.

"Sienna!" Jungkook exclaimed. Eyes widening when he saw his lyre teacher standing above him, an unimpressed expression on her face.

He scrambled to his feet, lyre in hand a guilty expression appearing on his previously relaxed face.

"Sleeping during practice will get you nowhere young one" Sienna was a woman in her late 60s, despite her age her hair remained the same fiery red that it had been in her youth. Her eyes were a dark hazel and currently they were fixed upon the sheepish prince of Rikelux.

"I know, but it was warm. I only ment to sleep a few minutes" Jungkook tried to defend his actions.

"A few minutes more than planned will you no favors in the future" Sienna responded.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook bowed slightly to her to show the sincerity of the apology. It wasn't common for a Prince or any of the royal family to bow to anyone, so Sienna knew that Jungkook ment his words.

"Well to apologise I am sure you can show me that you have perfected the song your going to play on the day of Pax" she crossed her arms and leant all her weight onto one foot, so that her hip jutted out alittle. A knowing smile on her face.

"Uh- sure" Jungkook scrambled to put the lyre in a comfortable position to play.

He looked up, Sienna merely gave him an expectant look. Flicking her eyes down to the lyre as if to say 'well get on with it'.

Jungkook began to play, in the beginning he fumbled abit, distracted by the intense look on Sienna's face. Struggling under the weight of her judging gaze. But soon he got into the rhythm and began to play to his normal standard. Eventually the song came to it's close and he allowed himself to breath for a moment before looking up. Waiting for the feedback.

"That sleep did you no help Jungkook. You we sloppy in the beginning, I taught you better than that. If you struggle to play infront of me, how will you play infront of the 7 kingdoms?" Sienna spoke, Jungkook felt the weight of her words weigh down his shoulders.

His head dropped in shame. Tears pooling in the corners of his eyes. But he refused to let them fall, a prince had to be strong for his kingdom. A prince's tears were priceless and Jungkook had been instructed never to let them flow.

"Hey" Sienna's voice was soft, almost grandmother like in its tone. Her slightly wrinkled hand reached forward latching under his chin so she could pull his face up to look her in the eyes.

"You didn't let me finish silly boy" Sienna spoke in a teasing tone. Jungkook looked up hopefully, his eyes still alittle glassy from his unshed tears.

"The ending was very good. Once you got into the rhythm of it. You forgot I was there and you played better. I want you to do that when you perform on the day of Pax. Forget everyone is in the room, and just let yourself fall into the rhythm as you did today" Sienna told him.

Jungkook looked down, bashful at the praise.

"Can you do that for me? Can you play as well as you did just now?" Sienna asked him.

"Yeah, yeah I can try" Jungkook responded truthfully.

"Good, that's all I can ask of you" Sienna responded.

She let out a huff of breath as she tried to sit down next to Jungkook. He offered up a hand to help her, she took it gratefully. Landing with a huff of breath onto the soft leaf covered ground beside the prince.

"Now would you like some soup?" Sienna asked.

"Yeah" Jungkook replied as his stomach made a faint grumbling sound. He blushed alittle. But Sienna payed him no mind.

She waved a hand at one of the servants who had followed her out before that Jungkook hadn't noticed until now. She bent down offering a tray with 2 bowls on it. It was full of a hearty broth. Sienna took them both, thanking the servant and dismissing her back to the castle.

Handing Jungkook a bowl, they ate in silence. Teacher and prince side by side as equals.


So that is the kingdom of Rikelux. I really like Sienna she is one of my favourite side characters I have created for this book.

So now that you have seen all of the Kingdoms, you will get the overview of Batia in the next chapter, but you've kinda already seen it abit.

Which Kingdom would you want to live in?

Also I made a map so that you can see how I imagine the country and the placement of the kingdoms.



