(Chapter 29)
Donum amoris

Author POV

Location: Batia

Donum amoris was almost upon the Kingdom of Batia. The day had come about when the Kingdom noticed that there was a special tree type that only blossomed once every year, it happened without fail on the same day every year.

Miracles began to happen on that day, so the kingdom found room to celebrate. The towns and cities were decorated with banners and flags in preparations.

It was traditional to hand sew pouches for your loved ones, then some trinket or charm to be placed in the bag and given as a gift.

Jimin often gifted one to Claeg, he was surprised when Claeg had given him one after his first year of working with him as his apprentice.

Jimin had worked harder this year, making not one but 7 pouches, one for his boss and father figure Claeg. Then another 6 for his new found friends the princes. Jimin thought it would be a nice way to include them into the Kingdom's culture.

He had chosen the crafting cloth carefully from the silk stalls, he had tried to match the cloth patterns to that of his friends and father figure's tastes and fashion styles so the pouches wouldn't look out of place.

It was traditional to sew a lucky stone, usually one of the receiver's birthstone or the colour from a family crest if they were of nobility. The pouch had a flapped lid that fell over the top of the opening to the pouch, the strings were long enough to rap around the gem stone sealing the bag closed securely.

A petal from the Miraculum tree was placed inside the pouch to wish and bring good luck to the receiver.

Jimin looked over his collection of donum amoris pouches. The first one was a deep maroon, with a small red ruby sewn into the front for his mentor and father figure Claeg.

The second was one for the Voucaea prince, Jin. It was a light pink material not unlike the blossom from the Miraculum tree. He had chosen a small blue diamond for the gem.

For the Night Prince, Yoongi, he had chosen a dark blue almost black material, that appeared to change colour in the light of the sun. It had a small white diamond to hold it shut.

Namjoon was to receive a light blue pouch with a topaz stone to close it. Jimin hoped he had mimicked the sea well as he had never had the opportunity to visit the shoreline of Batia.

The Crouris Prince, Hoseok, was to receive a forest green bag with a white gem stone to close it, the colours much like a daisy flower.

Taehyung was going to receive a leather pouch, it was sturdier and Jimin hoped it would hold up well when he had to return to the frozen tundra of Aureathen. He had chosen a blue gem to mimick that of the Prince's bright blue eyes.

And finally Jungkook was to receive an orange pouch decorated with the falling leaves of Rikelux. Jimin had found it at a Rikeluxian stall, and was very pleased with his find. The gem stone was a shimmering red that matched well.

Jimin only had to hope that they liked them, he had gone out early in the morning to collect the Miraculum blossom to place it inside the pouches for good luck.


"What is the festival happening today?" Hoseok turned to look at his bodyguard Kwan.

"How should I know, I'm not from Batia. I am just as clueless as you, your Highness" Kwan responded dryly.

"Kwan must you always be like this?" Hoseok sighed.

Kwan said nothing in return, he knew he wouldn't be faulted for his 'insolence', he merely gave Hoseok an unimpressed look that spoke all of his words. It was a resounding 'yes'.

"Well I want to find out what it is, so we are heading out into the town." Hoseok declared.

Kwan trudged out after him, not bothering to call upon another guard to come with them, as the moment they stepped out the door, Hoseok had collided with Namjoon.

Both princes had become sprawled upon the floor due to their collision.

"Watch were you are going" Hoseok scowled.

"I could say the same for you" Namjoon replied sharply.

Kwan merely rolled his eyes at the over dramatic royals.

"Your Highness didn't you say you wanted to go to the town" Kwan asked.

"Yes I did" Hoseok stood up, brushing imaginary dirt from his green tunic.

"You going to check out the festival?" The Crouris prince was surprised when Namjoon spoke in his native tounge, he knew the Summer prince was blessed with intelligence beyond his years. He didn't expect him to be so fluent.

"Yes, I am curious and there is not much else to do in the palace" Hoseok replied politely, more welcoming now that the younger prince was trying his best to speak to him in his own tounge.

"We both know where you are heading, so we might as well go together" Namjoon proposed.

"Fine" Hoseok agreed, they walked shoulder to shoulder, Kwan trailing behind them.

Not speaking a word.


Kwan swears he didn't know how it happened. But some how he had become the bodyguard to 6 princes in the space of leaving the palace to the town square.

Each of the princes were heading to the same place, Kwan assumed it was to the bakery boy his prince had taken out a few days ago.

They argued the whole way down, the Crouris guard was sporting a headache from the dramatics of the royals and needed a good long nap to recover.

But he remained with his impassive facade as he tried to tune out the incessant complaints of the prince. He appreciated the Norusian prince at least, he was silent not bothering to input into the pointless arguement. He kept his arms crossed, eyes forward as if he could already see where he was going.

By the time they reached the small bakery Kwan could scream, and it would be one full of despair. But then again that would just make his headache worse.


Sorry this kinda turned into a filler chapter, but I hope you like it none the less. The Princes will receive their lucky pouches next chapter.

Also since so many of you seemed to love Kwan's personality, I decided to make him more prominent in this chapter. Since he is an important part of Hoseok's childhood.

The Miriculum tree is the tallest type of tree in Batia, so much that no one has ever climbed to the top of one, since it is so dangerously high

That was by far the most random fact so far, I would say.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.



