(Chapter 9)
The first banquet

Author POV

Location: Batia

Jimin had returned to the shop after the parade. They after all had to  prepare the pastries and cakes for the banquet that night. He was thankful Claeg had allowed him a brief break to go and see the parade. To see all the new foreign people that all looked so different to his own people.

"Hurry up Jimin. There is no time to day dream" Claeg's cleaning cloth whipped out over the top of his head. It wasn't aimed to hit him, but it made a cracking noise that drew him quickly from his lethargic state.

"Yes, sorry sir" Jimin got back to work putting the pastries elegantly into the box so they could transport them without them begin smashed or damaged.

It had been a long morning and afternoon. But since Jimin was part of the catering team he was going to be allowed into the banquet room. He would get to see all of the foreign kingdoms up close. A rare privilege, granted to very few.

"Everything's packed up. Jimin go get your smart clothes on. I'm not taking you looking like you have been dragged through a bush backwards." Claeg instructed him.

Jimin quickly ran inside. They had been given uniforms to wear by the palace. They were to pass through as a rank just higher than the servants. They didn't have to serve the food to the royals but they got to eat at table lower than the nobles.

Dressed in the blue of Batia. He was wearing dark brown trousers and a light blue tunic. His best boots shined and polished upon his feet. He had tidied his hair so it was a little less fluffy and he had washed his hands and face, removing the layer of flour that had built up in the afternoon in the bakery.

"Took your time didn't you" Claeg stated. Jimin blushed, embarrassed under his mentors stare, but never the less he climbed onto the back of the horse drawn cart.

Together they head to Apricus castle in the centre of the city.


Everything had been prepared. The banquet tables lined, food all ready. The tables lined and cutlery out. All it needed was the guests and the royals.

"Jimin can you grab the last plate of shortbread from the kitchens for me" Claeg asked.

Jimin nodded, taking off towards the kitchen once again.

He was wandering through the corridors, the walls were lined with windows letting the permanent daylight in. Jimin basked in the light they offered in the otherwise dark corridor.

"Excuse me" someone called out to him.

Jimin turned. He noticed it was a potential noble, he was foreign.

"May the daylight shine upon you" Jimin bowed to him.

The man seemed startled.

"How can I help you sir?" Jimin stood up his gaze running along the man's frame.

His white hair and pale complexion immediately gave away that he was from Aureathen. The white clothing and thick fur cloak and boots were the next factor.

"May the winter protect you" the stranger responds. It was probably the greeting of Aureathen as the statement Jimin made was the one for Batia.

"I'm lost, I was trying to find the banquet hall" the stranger reveals.

"I was just heading to the kitchen then back to the banquet hall. If I can quickly go there I can take you to the banquet hall" Jimin suggested.

"That would be good, thank you" the stranger responds.

Jimin smiles and waits till the stranger approaches so they can walk side by side.

"You're from Aureathen?" Jimin inquired.

"Yes" the man replies.

"What's it like?" Jimin asks, making small talk. To pass the time as they walk to the kitchens.

"Cold, but it is home. There is snow everywhere" the man says, he gets a fond look when he mentions his home.

"It rarely snows here." Jimin responds.

"Yes it is most strange." The man replies.

"But it is always day time" Jimin reveals.

"You have no night?" The man looks concerned.

"No, the sky never darkens. It is always like this. Occasionally we have clouds and rain that makes it alittle darker. But apart from that we have no night." Jimin stated.

"I cannot imagine that." The man says. He looks out one of the windows, seeming to look at the daylight outside with curiosity.

"Well, I hope you can sleep well. Since  it isn't what you are used to. I would suggest putting up black out blinders. It is how we sleep at the times of night. Then pull the extra curtains over the top. It should make it dark enough to sleep" Jimin reveals.

"I will keep that in mind. Thank you" he responds with sincerity.

They arrive at the kitchens. The entrance is bustling with servants.

"Wait here I will grab what I came for. Then I will take you to the banquet hall" Jimin tells the man.

The man nods and Jimin slips into the kitchen through the bustling servants. Soon emerging with the requested shortbread. It still looks as good as when he made them in the morning.

"Got them, lets go" Jimin smiles when he approaches the man once again.

"What are they?" The man looks down to the shortbread on the plate.

"Shortbread. They taste good, they are biscuits." Jimin tells him.

The man looks curious.

"How do you know they taste good?" The man asks, looking to Jimin.

"I made them" Jimin stated.

"You made them" the man looks impressed.

"I'm a baker. I helped make all the cakes and pastries for tonight" Jimin responds.

"Thank you for your services. And for providing for my people for tonights feast" the man presses his hand to his forehead and bows slightly to Jimin.

Jimin looks startled.

"May I know the name of the man who provides food for my people tonight" the man asks.

"Only if I can ask for yours as well. I'm Jimin" Jimin replies.

"I'm Taehyung of Aureathen. I am happy to be in your company Jimin of Batia" Taehyung replies formally.

Wait if Jimin remembers correctly. The name Taehyung seemed familiar. Then it clicks the name of one of the princes in the history book he had read only a week ago.

"You're the Prince of Aureathen" Jimin blurts out before he can stop him.

"Yes, I am. Is that a problem?" Taehyung looks offended.

"No. I was incredibly rude. I am sorry. Please forgive me your highness" Jimin bows at a 90 degree angle. Holding the plate of shortbread out to oneside so they won't slip off the plate.

Taehyung looks uncomfortable at Jimin's apology.

"I will forgive you if you let me try one of your shortbreads" Taehyung stated.

Jimin looks up and sees the white haired prince smiling at him. He unfolds himself from the bow, he shyly holds out the plate.

Taehyung takes it with a grin.

"I like you Jimin of Batia"

That only makes Jimin blush harder. As the prince takes a bite from the shortbread biscuit.


So Jimin got to meet his first Prince. Did you like it?



