(Chapter 37)
A new world

Author POV

Location: Batia

Jimin clung to Yoongi's back. The Prince didn't seem to mind though. Allowing the servant to practically attach himself to him.

They had been riding for a few hours over the night. The sky gave no indication of change, but Jimin was silently counting the minutes in his head.

They were heading to the border of Rikelux. The other bordering Kingdom to Batia was Aureathen. They ruled off returning to the Wintery kingdom, their were people of many kingdoms in the travelling pack. None of which were prepared to enter such a hostile kingdom, well aside from the Aureathen people that was.

They were returning to Aureathen, however Lumi and Lixue had commanded Taehyung to travel with the pack. He was to act as a representative for his kingdom.

He was to relay messages from Rikelux to Aureathen of impending attacks and keep his parents in the loop as they were the kingdom under attack.

Taehyung had been reluctant to part from his parents, he worried for them as any devoted son would. But they had assured him they would be fine.

Aureathen was a hostile kingdom to any outsider. Unless you knew the tracks and roads you could easily get lost in the barren snowy landscape.

So if Batia were to invade it would take them several weeks to reach the capital of Frigus. They would be safe.

"We are at the border" someone shouted to the pack.

There were several cheers amongst the group. All Jimin could feel was fear. He was terrified, the hours of travelling over Batia's night period, had led to them reaching the border by early morning.

When he stepped over the border, that was considered magical. No one to this day was able to figure out how the kingdom borders worked. How stepping over a line could create a whole new world.

"You ok?" Yoongi whispered.

He had felt Jimin tense up against his back, he recognised the feeling when he first had to travel over the border of his own kingdom to travel for the peace talks and festivals.

"No" Jimin's voice shook, Yoongi could understand.

"I know it is scary, but I will be here with you the whole time." Yoongi reassured him.

"Thank you" Jimin muttered back.

"Hey! Kook" Yoongi suddenly shouted out. Startling Jimin in the process. His whole back had shook as he projected his voice.

"Yeah" Jungkook seemed reluctant to respond to the Norusian Prince.

"What time is it in your kingdom?" He asked the Rikelux Prince.

"What time is it here, it is the same for all kingdoms" Jungkook responded.

"What time is it?" He bent to ask Jimin.

"8 am why?" Jimin responded.

"It is 8 am apparently" Yoongi shouted.

"How is that helpful?" Jungkook had ridden his horse closer to the pair.

"Is that daylight time for you?" Yoongi asked.

Jungkook frowned, no doubt about to make a snarky comment. But Yoongi turned to look at a shaking Jimin.

Jungkook understood then, he wanted to be able to reassure Jimin, a Batia resident who had never experience the pitch black of night.

Who came from a Kingdom of pure daylight no matter the time. Pushing him over the border into darkness would terrify him.

"Yeah it is daylight, the sun will be on the rise. Not yet a peak, but still light." Jungkook responded truthfully.

Jimin seemed to relax at his response. For that Jungkook was glad. He rode back up to be beside his parents once again.

When they got over the border they would be safe temporarily, unless Batia tried to invade. While they had targeted all the royals in the attempt of assassinating them, they only seemed to be interested in picking a fight with Aureathen.

For what reason, was unknown to the royals. Aureathen was a hostile kingdom, very hard to attack and survive in. Rikelux would have been a more secure target, so they were thankful not to be the current targets.

An attack on Aureathen would give them enough time to prepare incase of an attack upon them.

"We all give you permission to enter Rikelux" commanded the Rikelux royalty.

"Ready?" Yoongi whispered.

"As I'll ever be" Jimin was putting on a brave face, he could tell.

He urged the horse forward.

Going through the barrier was a strange feeling, it was like walking through water, without getting wet. It was cold, but not unpleasant.

The world shifter around them as they faded through the barrier into a new Kingdom.


Location: Rikelux

Jimin couldn't have prepared for this. The whole world he knew faded away like water, as his world and sight became that of large trees.

They seemed to dominate the whole area, leaves of such vibrant colours lay in the canopies and across the forest floor.

It was beautiful.

The leaves feel around them as they rode further into the kingdom. It was quiet, peaceful, despite the murmer of the travelling crowd. Mostly it came from the outsiders, the ones unused to Rikelux.

While the kingdom residents closed their eyes and relaxed. Finally home and back to the comforts of what they knew.

Jungkook had been right, the kingdom had daylight. It wasn't as bright as Batia, but it was enough for Jimin to be comfortable with its appearance.

He caught a leaf falling from a tree, it was bizarrely shaped, he kept one hold on Yoongi's belt as he regard the leaf in his other hand.

It was just like the ones in the story books he read from Rikelux. The leaf was a vibrant orange, out of place in Batia, but perfectly at home in Rikelux.

Maybe this new world wasn't quite a scary as he imagined. But there was still the part of him longing to rush back through that watery barrier and back to the comforts of home.

But perhaps this was his chance, to travel the kingdoms, he had been too afraid before. But now he had been pushed from his comfort zone.

Travelling would be scary, but if it was all as beautiful as this, Jimin didn't think he would mind.


Jimin has made it to Rikelux.

How did you like the chapter?

Which kingdom would you want to live in?

The barriers are made of old magic that has now been lost to the world



