

Welcome to my new book Well sugar!

This is a medieval au revolving around a baker and 6 princes.

I sincerely hope you enjoy.



Name: Kim Seokjin
Kingdom: Voucaea
Status: Prince


Name: Min Yoongi
Kingdom: Norus
Status: Prince


Name: Jung Hoseok
Kingdom: Crouris
Status: Prince


Name: Kim Namjoon
Kingdom: Kador
Status: Prince


Name: Kim Taehyung
Kingdom: Aureathen
Status: Prince


Name: Jeon Jungkook
Kingdom: Rikelux
Status: Prince


Name: Park Jimin
Kingdom: Batia
Status: Apprentice baker


7 Kingdoms.

One apprentice baker.

One dead bakery owner.

And one ceremony that needs the baked goods of said bakery.

The ceremony to celebrate the 7 Prince's coming of age and choosing their husbands or wives to share the throne during their rule.

Cue one very stressed Baker.


I hope you enjoy this new book and world.

Happy reading

