(Chapter 12)
The strange kingdom of the the day

Author POV

Location: Batia

Taehyung trudged through the grassy field. He had never seen grass before, at least not without a snow covering. The land was abundant with life and growth, it felt so distant and strange to the man who had only experienced ice and snow.

The sun felt hot and it was undisturbed heat, not like the cold winds that would blow with his sun, causing blizzards and snow storms. His furs immediately felt to warm, but he didn't own any outfits that suited the temperature of the day kingdom.

Batia was so strange, for only being a border away the contrast between his own kingdom and this one was vast. He walked in silence amongst his chattering people.

He was trying to dredge up as much knowledge as he could about the Kingdom of Batia that he had learnt in his studies. He knew it was the kingdom of the day, the texts mentioned that they never experienced night. That would be a strange experience.

They often traded food with other kingdoms as their food grew faster due to permanent sunlight. They occasionally traded with Aureathen, but the relationship between Aureathen and Batia was probably one of the most strained.

The King of Batia was convinced that the people of Aureathen wanted to invade and take over Batia. While the day Kingdom's land and crops were a desirable thing to the people of Aureathen who often had little to eat in the winter seasons. They were seasoned hunters and could live on what they grew in caves and in the rare patches of snow less ground. They were perfectly capable of living in their home kingdom without want or desire to invade another.

The street was lined with people as they entered. They were staring at them with rapt fascination. Taehyung wondering if this is how wild animals felt when they were being hunted, all the hunter's eyes upon them, eyeing them up. It was certainly an uncomfortable feeling.

Pushing back his hood and pulling down his face covering, he was able to see the street better. He ran his fingers through his hair to push it out of his eyes, he was overdue a hair cut. And the heat was making it stick to his forehead uncomfortably.

People looked at his people with awe, out his peripheral vision he saw a child reach out to try and touch one of the warriors white hair. Looking around most people in Batia had dark brown hair, so it was no wonder they were so fascinated with the white hair foreigners.

His eyes caught upon a young man whos eyes were scanning over the crowd with barely contained awe. He was quite frankly one of the most beautiful people Taehyung had ever seen.

Brown hair lined with blonde streaks from the sun. He was wearing a blue tunic the colour of the Batia people. His eyes seemed to light up every time he saw some one of a foreign kingdom. Some how this man's excitement felt endearing to Taehyung rather than the uncomfortable feeling from the rest of the crowd.

He was eventually ushered indoors away from the curious eyes. He promised himself he would try his best to meet the man who had ensnared his attention.

He stood within the gaggle of his people inside the palace. Though there may be peace there was still many strong and mixed feelings amongst the rulers of the 7 kingdoms. Most of them were hostile to one another.

Forced pleasantries were often made. But the kingdoms made no real effort to fix their rivalries, instead ignoring them like their weren't there to see.

He nods his head towards Namjoon, another prince from quite possibly the most opposite kingdom of his own. He hadn't liked it when he was forced to visit on another of the day of Pax. It was about 3 years ago.

The day of Pax was only ever celebrated once every 4 years. And that day and 2 weeks around it were celebrated in a different kingdom each of the years. Last time had been Kador's turn and Taehyung had hated every moment of the the summer heat that blazed permanently through the kingdom. Batia was more tolerable.

He stood beside the summer prince, the man was in a loose flowing tunic and silks that seemed to almost float around him like water. They were in a  sandy yellow and aquamarine blue, the colours of his kingdom.

"Taehyung" the voice was as deep as Taehyung remembered.

"Namjoon of Kador" Taehyung stated the peasantry and title in a monotone statement.

They made no further talk after this, just relishing in the silence. Prince Jin of Voucaea joined them. He was more of a talked and Taehyung could already feel an impending headache coming along. Then Jin began to speak and the headache started.

Having to listen to someone speak pleasantries in a foreign language to your own was possibly on of the dullest things. And hardest, Taehyung certainly didn't learn the language so he could listen to drawling speech.

He took note of where the banquet was and what time he needed to arrive before leaving. He was used to days out in the wilderness and having stone walls around him felt claustrophobic.

All he needed to do was find his way out. That's how he found himself almost 2 hours later. After leaving the rooms the servants had lead him too he was still walking around like a lost fool. He just wanted to go outside.

That's when he saw him again. A servant was rushing past, Taehyung immediately recognised the hair and before he could stop himself he was calling out to the man.

When he finally spoke to the man it was in stunted Batian, not one of his fluent tongues. But the man didn't seem to mind, instead he listened carefully, correcting him when it was needed. It didn't feel patronising when he did it unlike his tutor.

He was overjoyed when he was allowed he honor of calling Jimin his friend. After all he had already started his claim on the ice Prince's heart.


So we got Taehyung's pov when he enters the city. Next chapter we will be back at the market where the previous chapter left us.

Anyway I hope you liked it (some people wanted to see others reactions in Batia. So I thought I would start with Tae)



