(Chapter 2)
The prince of Voucaea

Author POV

Location: Voucaea

Kim Seokjin stood on the balcony that over looked Voucaea's capital city. It was early in the morning so the sun was still on the rise. Leaving the city to slumber in the dark, the sun only just peaking over the hills on the horizon.

Walking back into the security of his room he approached the walk in wardrobe, so he could choose his outfit and begin his day.

The room was painted a baby blue, mixed in with streaks of orange and pink. The Kingdom of Voucaea worshipped the dawn. At night the darkness would come, but throughout the day the only light available would be the light of dawn, till it disappeared once again at night. The result leaving the kingdom constantly stuck in the time of dawn.

The sky painted permanently in the colours of the sunrise. Each kingdom has it's quirk, and having the sky always be dawn for 12 hours of the day was Voucaea's. And as a result their Kingdom colours were an array of pastel dawn colours, such as blue, pink, orange and a light grey.

He ruffled his light pink hair, all the locals of Voucaea had pastel blue, pink or orange hair. It was entirely natural, though other Kingdoms were sure they dyed it with their dedicated to worshiping the dawn that defined their countries culture.

He pulled on a light blue tunic as well as dark brown trousers and boots. He tied his belt around his waist attaching his scabbard and sliding the freshly sharpened sword in so that it banged against his thigh and knee. Finally he threw on a light weighted cloak.

The temperature in the Kingdom of  Voucaea was mild, almost like a comfortably warm summers breeze.

"Great dawn my prince" a maid dropped into a curtsey. Before standing and placing a hand cross her torso. Touching her elbow with her other hand and bringing it like a wave infront of her face and down until it rested against her thigh.

"May the dawn look upon you kindly today" Jin smiled and returned the gesture. The torso wave was the traditional way of greeting someone in Voucaea.

"The King would like to see you in the main hall for breakfast your Highness" the maid curtseyed once more before heading into the room Jin had just vacated to do the morning tidy. Though Jin was a naturally tidy person, he often made his own bed, but the maid had always made it neat by the time he got back.

Jin headed down the marble corridors that were filled with paintings, some were simple others more complex. Jin always liked the once with the flowers, his mother often painted those and hid it under a false name. But Jin knew the truth.


"Ah, Jin! What took you so long?" The King exclaimed as Jin finally entered the main hall where breakfast was being served.

The room was without a roof, so they were graced with the beauty of the dawn coloured sky. Jin looked up with a smile on his face, he truly loved his kingdom with all of his being.

"May the dawn look upon you well today mother, father" Jin did the gesture of greeting to them both before taking his seat at the table.

"Great dawn" both his parents echoed back and they began the meal.

There was a variety of eggs layed out with slices of buttered toast. Some cheese and muffins and finally some sweet and some tart jams. Jin loaded his plate with a muffin a small slice of cheese and 2 slices of toast slathered with jam and finally a boiled egg. Pouring himself a glass of mild wine as was traditional at breakfast.

"Jin are you ready to depart to Batia in 3 days?" Jin's mother, Areum asked as she dug into her plate of scrambled eggs and toast.

"Yes mother. I have packed already." Jin responded as he took a bite of toast.

"Our son always prepared" Jin's father, Balgeum stated, a proud smile on his face. He couldn't wait to leave the crown and Kingdom in his son's capable hands.

"Of course father you always make sure I am" Jin replied.

"Good time management is always a good trait for a King to possess" Balgeum responded.

"Of course it is my dear" Areum responds, a fond smile on her face directed at her husband.

Jin took his final piece of toast to go. Quickly downing the glass of wine as well when his mother raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. It was polite to leave a finished plate, his mother had always scolded him as a child if he left anything on his plate. Telling him that some could not afford to feed themselves and that more often than not had Jin trying his best to finish everything.

That was until he learnt how to put proper portions on his plate that he knew he could eat all of.


He left the palace, finishing his last bite of toast with tart blackberry jam as he descended the stairs. Heading towards the stables for a morning ride through the meadows.

"Your Highness" the stable boy greeted him as he entered.

"Great dawn" Jin replied as they saddled the horse together.

"Heading to the meadows again sire?" The stable boy asked.

"Always, care to join me?" Jin gestured to one of the pre saddled horses. The boy flushed but ultimately nodded.

Jin was a handsome and had many people proposing to be suitors. Some only saw him for the beauty he possessed, others saw him as a way to wealth and power. Some only sought the crown that would ultimately be placed upon his head.

"What's your name?" Jin asked as they  began to move the horses out of the stables.

"Bongseok, your Highness" The stable boy replied as they rode out.

"It's good to meet you, please I would prefer if you called me Jin" and with that they took off into the meadow for Jin's morning ride. The dawn encasing their figures as they went.


Did you like it? If you see the gif at the top, imagine the background as the permanent colour of the sky in Voucaea.

Fun fact:
Voucaea say 'Great dawn' as their way of greeting like we would say Good morning.

Did you like it? I hope you did.



