(Chapter 34)

T.w panic attack (brief at beginning)

Author POV

Location: Batia

Everyone's eyes were immediately upon the white haired prince. There were varying reactions, mostly the princes were of distrust. While Jimin may have started them on their way to building trust and perhaps friendship. That was still vulnerable and easily broken.

But it was Jimin who's look broke his heart and made it clench up in agony. He couldn't breath, he clutched his chest, dropping the dagger that had once held such pride for him to the stone ground. He clutched his throat, scratching at it, it felt like his lungs couldn't pull in enough air.

He fell to his knees curling in on himself, he barely felt the hands on his shoulders.

"Taehyung!" Jimin shouted, the gentle pats and calling of his name had failed to get through to him. So he shouted his name, trying to turn Taehyung's bent head to look him in the eyes.

The Prince's eyes were unfocused and glassy, he was completely out of it. But slowly with Jimin getting him to focus on him he was coming round.

"I'm sorry" were the only words Taehyung was able to form.

When he was coherent.

"Taehyung as my friend, look me in the eyes and promise me that you didn't kill Claeg" Jimin's voice was full of authority, commanding.

"I didn't, I promise you. I would never" Taehyung words were honest, Jimin could tell from the way his eyes leaked tears, the shake of his body. The breaking down of a strong person, was enough to know.

"I believe you" Jimin's words broke through him, Taehyung launched his arms around Jimin's shoulders, drawing him into a hug. Jimin returned it just as tightly, they both needed it more than they could possibly know.

Namjoon had picked up the dropped knife.

"So Taehyung didn't do it, but it was his knife found at the scene. So someone was trying to frame him" Namjoon concluded.

"But who and why Taehyung?" Jin inquired.

"It's Aureathen" Yoongi replied.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok looked to the Night prince.

"Everyone know Batia and Aureathen aren't exactly friendly neighbours. Framing Taehyung it appears that Aureathen are targeting Batia" Yoongi concluded.

"It could spark a war" Jungkook gasped, when the realisation covered the room. 

"But why? After all our parents did to bring peace" Hoseok looked angry, he was shaking with it.

"The people weren't happy" they all turned to Jimin.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked.

Still in Taehyung's embrace, Jimin turned to look at them.

"Some people talk about the war and how it was a good time for business. Claeg knew it too, he was around then. Apparently Batia was the best off Kingdom, we can produce food year around and we have a large territory. The Kingdom was richer then, people are angry that we lost that wealth when peace came" Jimin revealed.

"The King" Jin's eyes widened.

"What?" Jungkook looked to him, they all did.

"Think about it the King suddenly rekindles a friendship that he previously neglected. Then when he does, he is found murdered next week. The King wants war" Jin finished.

"We must warn our parents" Hoseok was quick to say.

Jimin and Taehyung were pulled from the floor, Namjoon passed the dagger to Yoongi when Taehyung refused to take it back, Yoongi slipped it into his boot, refastening the top over his knees so it wouldn't be noticeable.

They didn't run as they didn't want to cause alarm, but they sped walked to the castle. Each prince took off in different directions to find their parents. Taehyung dragged Jimin with him, not wanting to leave him alone.


The Kings and Queens of the 6 kingdoms stood in the room.

"What is this all about?" Akino asked, she was Hoseok's mother, the flowers were falling from her crown, they looked like a flower waterfall.

The Prince's were quick to tell the tale to their parents. The faces of royalty turned up in anger at the thought of another war.

Both Lixue and Lumi pulled Taehyung to them in a 3 way hug when they heard that it had been committed with one of their son's sacred weapons. 

"That bastard" Lumi's voice was as cold as the mountains she resided in. Taehyung was still pulled into an affectionate side hug by his infuriated mother.

"We must be logical about this" Ondine spoke, she was dressed in the tradition pallium that all Kadorians wore.

"I agree" Theoros stepped in to back up his wife.

"We cannot let him catch wind of our discovery. While we have suspicions it is not complete evidence" Chandra stated, Yoongi was the spitting image of his mother. He wasn't able to tell if their eyes matched due to the black out glasses, but she held herself with a regal air.

The Kings and Queens came to a conclusion and plan in the room. Jimin was to be sent out first as he was in a servants garb and to check the corridor so they could all leave without suspicion.

"I'm sorry for your loss" Aegaeon spoke, placing his hand upon Jimin's shoulder. His ringed hand was heavy, but Jimin was thankful. The other Kings and Queens too shared their grief for Jimin's loss. Extending offers to him to have entrance to their kingdoms any time without a pass to cross the borders. 

Jimin thanked them all sincerely, before slipping into the corridor, he walked to both ends and found no one lurking around. The Kings and Queens exited the room swiftly and in separate directions. They were all lucky not to be spotted. 

"Thank you Jimin" Namjoon pulled the younger man to his chest in a hug.

"You may have prevented a potential war" Jin spoke as well.

"I'm sorry for your loss, and I'm sorry it was to my blade" Taehyung looked like he was unable to process the grief something that once held honor had done.

"You don't think there will be a war?" Jimin asked looking to them all.

"Anwir may want it, but our parents definitely do not, every measure will be taken to prevent it. I can assure you that" Yoongi words were passionate and Jimin found he could trust in them, hope in them.

"I just don't want him to have died for nothing" the room hung heavy, everyone trying to imagine a world at war.

The thought was far from comfortable.


Can we all appreciate how beautiful Taehyung looks in that gif....

So they are taking action

Norus was the first established Kingdom but it was so well hidden that Kador is the oldest recorded in books

Hopefully you liked the chapter



