(Chapter 19)
How many princes?

Author POV

Location: Batia

Jimin almost dropped Jungkook in surprise, but thought better of it and instead pulled him to standing. He had figured that Jungkook was from Rikelux by his style of dress not that he was the prince as well.

Jimin lowered his arms and bent into a bow to the prince. Jungkook turned red, flustered.

"Please stop" Jungkook's voice was barely a whisper.

Jimin heard the desperation in the younger boy's voice and stood upright once again. He was nervous, he hadn't realised the boy before him was a prince, it was out of place and wrong for him to have dance with him.

"Thank you for dancing with me" Jungkook smiled a shy smile, he looked alittle coy.

"It was my honor your highness" Jimin responded, it sounded alittle stiff, unnatural to say.

Jungkook went a brighter red than he had at the bow.

"You can just call me Jungkook, it feel awkward to be called that." Jungkook replied.

"If that is what you want" Jimin was used to stubborn princes wanting him to just call them by there names. He had afterall met 5 princes in the course of one day, he was more than alittle overwhelmed.

Jungkook grabbed his hand and pulled him off the dance floor, as another dance was about to begin. Jimin was pulled over to the buffet table and was lead to the drinks section.

"Batian dances are harder than Rikelux dances" Jungkook made conversation.

"Really what are they like?" Jimin inquired.

Jungkook filled himself a goblet, it smelt fruity and he offered it to Jimin, the servant shook his hand. Jungkook merely shrugged and took a sip of the drink himself.

"They are more flowy I guess. I can't really describe them, we don't really dance with partners like you do here. We dance by the side of our partners, and occasionally we may twirl eachother, but it is rare. Rikeluxian dances mimic the path of falling leaves, they are unpredictable and can be moved about by the wind, so no dance is the same." Jungkook rambled as he tried to explain.

Jimin was practically leaning to try and listen to Jungkook over the music. Jungkook didn't mind, he welcomed the attention, for once it didn't feel like he was being judged as he did when he was talking to nobles. This servant was asking about his home, not about his lack of marriage status or his scandalous habits, not that he had any. This attention made him smile, allowed him to relax.

"Jimin there you are" Jungkook and Jimin were startled by the presence of another man.

Jimin looked over to see his mentor and boss, Claeg. He immediately ducked his head sheepishly.

"I'm sorry if he is bothering you, Jimin you are needed in the kitchens." Claeg instructed him.

"I want to talk to him more" Jungkook protested, not happy that his new acquaintance was being stolen away.

"I'm sorry whoever you are but..." Claeg didn't get to finish his sentence.

"I'm Jungkook Prince of Rikelux, and I would like to continue to talk to my friend" in that moment the shy boy disappeared, in his place the commanding presence of a prince and heir.

Claeg's eyes widened, he looked over to Jimin as if to say 'another one'. Jimin merely looked sheepish, scratching at the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry your Highness, but Jimin isn't a member of the party, he is a servant and he is needed in the kitchens." Claeg spoke clearly and bowed when he said 'your Highness'.

Jungkook was about to retaliate but they were joined by another person. Jimin curled in on himself further when he realised it was Taehyung.

The white haired prince had seen the small group and picked Jimin out of the mix, wanting to see his new found friend.

"Friend Jimin" Taehyung greeted him.

Claeg sighed as they were joined by the prince he had met earlier when he had stolen Jimin away from his duties.

"Taehyung" Jimin responded. As Claeg bowed and said 'your Highness'.

"Hey red" Taehyung smirked at Jungkook. The nickname sounded almost friendly, but the narrowing of Jungkook's eyes indicated it was far from that.

"Taehyung" Jungkook scowled, his name was said with such hostility, Jimin wasn't sure one could say someone's name with that much hostility, but alas he was proven wrong.

"I saw you dance friend Jimin. You looked very beautiful" Taehyung said unbashfully.

Jimin merely gawked, he hadn't expected that statement.

"He was indeed a good dance partner" Jungkook stressed out the 'partner', delighting in watching Taehyung's eye twitch.

"Then if he is such a good dance partner, you must dance with me as well." Taehyung declared.

"I'm sorry I can't, Claeg says they need me in the kitchens." Jimin responded, Claeg nodded his head in agreement with Jimin's protest.

"Then I will accompany you to the kitchens. This party is most boring" Taehyung huffed, face turned up in displeasure.

"I will come too" Jungkook added, Taehyung shot him a nasty glare, Jimin was glad he wasn't on the receiving end of it. Jungkook returned the glare.

But they both silently followed the Baker and Baker's apprentice out of the hall and towards the kitchens.

"Why is Jimin needed?" Jungkook asked, his voice polite as he addressed Claeg, it was a contrast as to how he spoke to Taehyung.

"We need to make so more batches of pastries, they practically gone your Highness." Claeg replied.

Jimin noted that neither Taehyung or Jungkook asked Claeg to drop their honorary titles, instead only he had been given permission and that had been within the first few minutes of meeting each prince.

"I'm sorry that may have partially been my fault." Taehyung stated.

"Your fault your Highness?" Claeg looked confused.

"Friend Jimin told me that he was partially responsible for making the pastries, I told my people that they were the best things to eat at the buffet. So they went down quickly" Taehyung looked sheepish.

Jimin looked down, a blush beginning to line his cheeks. He could help but feel happy by the Aureathen prince's statement.


We have some jealous princes and an exasperated Claeg

In Rikelux hardly anyone dances, the prefer to just listen to music



Which kingdom is your favourite, or which one would you most like to live in?

