(Chapter 32)
Loss of a mentor and father

Author POV

Location: Batia

The day was a bright sunny one, the warm rays felt good on the skin. Jimin had taken the day off, the whole bakery had.

Claeg had been invited to another meeting with the King that night, apparently the Queen had invited him, saying that after the last visit the King had been in much better spirits and she wished to see that again.

Claeg being the man that he was couldn't refuse the order of the Queen. She had been a noble's daughter and he had grown up alongside her, they had been close till duties pulled them apart.

Jimin was in the market place, the two youngest princes flanked his sides as he shopped for more books that he inevitably couldn't read due to being in foreign languages.

The market place was bustling and business was good due to the sunny warm weather. Summer was getting closer, Namjoon had mentioned it, he couldn't wait for the temperature to rise again so he could become more comfortable and feel a sense of home in this foreign Kingdom.

Yoongi was not looking forward to it predictably, the hot temperature was the exact opposite of Norus, the night kingdom being in mountains, not as cold as Aureathen but certainly not warm. The brighter sun did nothing for his pale eyes either.

Taehyung had become more uncomfortable as well, he was quick to overheat, his thick woolen clothing not helping him in anyway. So they had set out to find him some cooler and looser clothing to suit the weather and hopefully improve upon his discomfort.

"How about this one?" Jimin held up a light blue tunic. It was more of an off white blue, like ice.

Taehyung took it, feeling the material in rough callused hands. It was soft and flowy. He nodded his assent.

The tailor rounded the stall so that he could take Taehyung's measurements.

"Do you mind removing your belt, so I can get your waist measurement?" The tailor requested.

Taehyung removed the heavy leather belt, adorned with weaponry. Jimin reached out a hand and and it off him so the tailor could manuver about the young Prince better.

Someone bumped into him, it wasn't difficult since the street was cramped, he heard the muttered apology, waved it off, not one noticing the belt was lighter, a weapon missing from its sheath.

Once the tailor was done, Taehyung tied his belt back on, it felt good to have the heavy weight back. He was used to being unarmed, he had been carrying weaponry since he was a young child and could hold one to fight back.

The continued around the market for the rest of the day, the tailor promised the tunic would be made for collection the next day.

They stuffed their faces using the Prince's money, Jimin had spent most of his on books. Their laughter ran true and pure. Enjoying the happiness of life.


The sky was dark with rain clouds that night. It was a darker night than most for a kingdom with no end to daylight, the wind howled, Jimin hoped they wouldn't have another hurricane like last summer.

Claeg bundled up in a warm cloak before heading out.

"The weather is bad Jimin, so I might stay the night in the castle, they have guest rooms. So don't wait up for me ok?" Claeg smiled.

Jimin nodded looking over the plan for the treats to make for tomorrow, he was on deserts and pastries as usual he had a talent for making them.

Jimin went to bed earlier that night, usually he would stay up later having a silent night of him reading and Claeg working on new recipes and ideas to attract more customers. He had always been passionate about his work like that.

The room felt too empty, so he went to sleep instead, though he did briefly flick through a new book to look at the beautiful drawings and run his finger tips along the inscriptions beneath them to describe the scene.


The street had heard a half yell but no one was awake enough to acknowledge it.

It was the yell of a man in pain, a sharp dagger driven precisely between the 4th and 5th rib, straight into the heart. A precise kill, one an Aureathen Prince would know to take down an animal efficiently.

Choking on the intrusive feeling, a dagger was drawn across a tanned throat ending the life of an innocent.

He was turned over onto his front, the dagger removed, and deliberately dropped further up the track, as if dropped in a hurry to get away.

The cold body was found later that morning, with a scream that startled more of the street than the night howl of pain had.


Jimin had woken up early to work and set up the shop, he had booked out a few hours so he could go collect the tunic for Taehyung and drop off some snacks for him since he was working for the whole day.

The tunic was in the basket with the bread and treats he had selected from the morning baking.

Though on the track to the castle there was a large crowd, people wearing faces of horror and terror. Some openly sobbing.

Jimin was confused by the commotion, he walked around the crowd, but immediately halted when he saw the familiar cloak.

Immediately he was pushing through he crowd, they let him but with frowns.

"Claeg!" His voice was a scream of anguish.

He was reaching for the cold lifeless body with a childlike desperation. His hand clutched a cold one, he couldn't help but reach for the blood seeping out staining the tunic.

"Why?" His voice was a whisper as he leant down to press his forehead to his mentors.

Tears dropping down from his eyelashes onto the lifeless face beneath him. His breath was shaky, his hand reached for a pulse he knew wouldn't be there.

He was on his knees pulling Claeg up to his chest, so he could cradle him like the older man had done for him so many times, but this time it was all wrong.

"Dad please"


In my defence when I said should I do plot chapters, you guys said yes.

Claeg has officially adopted Jimin, but due to his noble status he isn't allowed to acknowledge him as such.



