(Chapter 5)
The Prince of Kador

Author POV

Location: Kador

The waves crashed against the beach at regular intervals. Creating and destroying all at once. Depositing sand with one waves that helped build the sandy beaches of Kador's shoreline, with another wave the sand was pulled away to continue its journey elsewhere.

The Prince sat eyes focused upon the small creature in his cupped hands. It was a small hermit crab and the man studied with as much care as he held it.

"Beautiful" he whispered to himself before he made his way down to the shoreline, allowing the small creature to escape his hands and return to its home on the sandy beach.

He waited upon the shore line for the fishing group to return. There was a small group of guards waiting up on the dunes at the top of the beach. As much as he hated the fish being killed he understood that the people needed to eat.

A woman dismounted the boat and helped it be pulled ashore. There was a load of fish at the centre of the sailing boat.

"I assume your hunt went well today" Namjoon approached her.

"Yes your Highness. Our bounty is high, many will be able to eat today" the woman bowed at him, giving her polite response.

"I am happy to hear your news." Namjoon replied, calling to the guards to help load the carts that were waiting on the dirt path just over the dune line. The guards did so, their strength from training helping them as they lifted the heavy wooden crates full to the brim with seafood.

Namjoon turned his head away, heading back to his horse that was waiting for him obediently. He mounted the horse with practiced ease. His bodyguard following close behind him as he began to ride back to the Aestas castle.


Soon the towering castle was before them in all its glory. The sandy coloured brick blending in with its surroundings. When they reached the inside of the city walls they were encompassed by the glittering wall filled with painted shells twisted into artistic mosaics. They told many stories and children could often be seen playing around them, twisting the stories into their own made up adventures.

Namjoon slid from his horse's back, landing on his sandaled feet. The people of Kador did not wear boots as their neighbouring kingdoms did, the weather being permanently stuck within the hot summer made them overheat easily.

So the people of Kador stuck to sheer fabrics for the coolness and light colours. They often wore neutral colours to prevent them from over heating in the blazing sun. Namjoon's tunic was a pale brown and his trousers were 3/4 length, leaving half of his calves and ankles free from cloth coverings.

His hair had been braided back to prevent it from falling into his face, his skin was tan from long hours in the sun's heat. He was glad that they were travelling to Batia this year for the Pax festival, he hated when it was held in Aureathen or Rikelux. Being the Winter and Autumn kingdoms it was far to cold for him.

However Batia was the kingdom stuck within the day. Sure it was bright all the time, never going dark at night, making it hard to sleep. The people of Batia just had very thick blinds or curtains to block out the sun in the intended time for sleep.

"Namjoon you're back. It wondered how long you would be. Come lunch is being served soon, I want you to wash up before you arrive at the table." Namjoon's mother, Ondine, spoke quickly. She often did, though growing up alongside her Namjoon had gotten used to this habit, though maids and man servants often found it difficult to keep up.

"Is Namjoon back my dear?" Namjoon's father, Theoros, called out from the dining hall.

"Yes, and he is quite filthy. Did you roll about in the sand with the crabs again?" Ondine asked, her hands place on her hips, one of them jutting out slightly.

"The crabs were beautiful today" Namjoon offered weakly.

"They are always beautiful to you" Ondine sighed, but her eyes shared a different story. Soft from affection and love for her only son. Soft, loving eyes for a man with a soft and gentle heart.

"Well, you're filthy all the same. Go wash up, I want you downstairs in 10 minutes" Ondine pushed him away, urging him to move quickly.

He took off upstairs to change.


He was downstairs 10 minutes later, cleaned up. Though if he shaked his head slightly, sand may fall from it. He hadn't managed to get it all out in the brief amount of time to get changed. But it didn't bother him, most people in Kador were covered in sand, they were surrounded by a desert, hence why they settled at the coast, beside the Altum sea. The water providing cool air and the rivers running into it gifted them with fresh drinking water.

"Quit your day dreaming and eat your lunch. You're teaching classes later today" Ondine slapped her hand against his upper arm gently, but firmly. Pulling him out of his daydream.

He took the rice and fish rolls. Wrapping it in seaweed he popped it into his mouth. Kador had never had a problem with food like their neighbours to the North, Norus. They often had to send food to them, or the night kingdom would starve. It was a bizarre concept to Namjoon, the idea of starving had never been a perceived issue for his people.

But the thought frightened him, he imagined the sea freezing over like the lakes in Aureathen did. But soon dispelled the thought, he lived where summer was a constant, snow and ice were never going to be a problem for the people of Kador.

"Your daydreaming again" this time Namjoon ignored his mother's scolding and remained deep in thought, occasionally placing a piece of well cooked fish into his mouth.

Before he eventually rose, he had classes to teach after all.


So that is the kingdom of Kador. Did you like it? I imagine the temperature of Kador to be like a country located on the equator.

Fun fact:
The Aestas castle looks like an overly decorated sandcastle

Anyway we will be seeing the kingdom of Aureathen next.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



