(Chapter 23)
A promise kept

Author POV

Location: Batia

Jimin stared down at the book in his hands, he had returned to his house after visiting another stall. He had bought a Batian book, one that he could understand a couple of words from, and had many pretty pictures, since the Norusian woman had refused most of his money.

He had spent the entirety of the time leading up to bedtime looking and tracing the outlines of the pretty pictures in the Norusian book. He stroked clean fingers over the pictures of what Jimin assumed were the moon and stars that Jimin would never see unless he travelled to another kingdom.

Eventually the bell tolled for midnight and he put up his blackout blinds once again to sleep. Waiting for the next day to come and work him till he ached and his muscles felt like jelly.


Except Claeg decided to close the shop earlier, as they ran out of ingredients midday. He had sent all of his workers out to grab new ingredients, the money was rolling in with the increase of customers, but Claeg was still careful, if one thing was set Claeg was always careful how he spent his money, so that he would never go bankrupt.

His parents had been nobles Jimin remembers his mentor telling him, they had gambling problems and before they knew it they had become bankrupt and had not a single coin to their name. Leaving Claeg to find his own way in life, luckily he had the skill of his hands and the motivation of a desperate man.

He wouldn't have been this successful without that drive. Claeg had raised Jimin to be the same. But it was harder for a 10 year old child to pick up something he should've known from younger ages.

But Jimin had known desperation, many years on the streets had taught him that, the feeling of gnawing hunger. The bones and skin that would become more visible with the lack of food. And with a bunch of nobles and royals who had the answers but never acted upon them.

Claeg had then all prepare batches of pastries and cakes for the morning rush, and he let them all go in the afternoon when they were all set.

Jimin set off, Norusian book in his satchel and warm food in his hands. There was a peaceful little nature area in the city, Jimin had lived there for a while when his home was the streets. He brought food for the children on weekends or whenever they had left overs.

Sometimes he brought along books so that he could show the children the pretty pictures that he had grown to love. Sometimes he ran around with them and played, whatever mood suited them, suited Jimin.

The children cheered and called his name upon arrival. He opened the bag full of pastries and goodies. He had brought a few water pouches as well, nobles frown when the street children drank from their aesthetic fountains.

The children where on the food like ravenous wolves, practically scarfing it down, but Jimin watch with sadness as some pocket some into frayed trousers, for later dates as they knew Jimin could only do this on weekends.

"Did you bring pretty book Jiminie" a little girl asked with a grubby face.

"I did, but guess what" he made it sound exciting.

"What?" The little girl caught on and looked more excited.

"The book isn't from Batia, it is from Norus a far away kingdom" Jimin revealed.

"Wow" the children all looked excited.

Jimin had always been good with children, the way the children gravitated to him was evidence of that.

He sat down with a group of children around him. Opening the book, he told them all that he knew. He pinged out the stars, the children knew not to touch the books incase they damaged them. They didn't want to ruin something so precious.

"What does that mean Jiminie?" A little boy pointed with a grubby finger at some text on the front of the book.

"I don't know I'm sorry" Jimin apologised.

"The watcher of the moon" a voice startled all of them.

Some of the children jumping up onto their feet, some scurrying to hide. Some hid behind Jimin, others behind the tree Jimin had been leaning against till he sat up ramrod straight.

But he relaxed when he saw who it was.

"Yoongi" Jimin greeted him.

"You know what it says Mister?" A little girl asked.

"Yes, I am from Norus, this a book from my kingdom" Yoongi provided.

"Wow" the little girl sounded so excited.

A little boy had walked up to Yoongi and began to pull on the man's dark trousers. Yoongi looked down.

"Could you read it to us?" He asked in a timid voice.

The children got excited by that proposal, all begging for Yoongi to read to them, till he relented with a smile.

"Alright" He came to sit beside Jimin, silently asking for the book which Jimin handed over.

"The watcher of the moon" he began, when they had all gotten comfortable. Jimin had sat an angle so he could see the book pages too.

"The moon is a precious thing, it hangs in the sky placed by spirits to shine the light on all of the world." Yoongi began the book.

He immediately had them all enraptured as they leaned in eager to hear more of probably the first story they had ever heard.

"The spirits fly around shimmering with light, they are known as the stars. We see them all day, sometimes if you are lucky to see one of them running, make a wish and they will catch it and it may come true. Depending on how much you wish it to be" Yoongi continued.

"Why don't we have special spirits like Norus?" A little girl asked.

"Because you live here, you probably have special spirits that keep the sun glowing bright all the time." Yoongi placated her. She seemed happy with his answer so he continued with the story.

"And with time these star spirits became the watchers of the moon, feeling his spirit with the wishes of the Norusian people till it glows bright enough to light our paths and guide our destinies." The book was closed and the magic in the moment was paused but not lost.

"Can we make wishes too, will they come true like the ones for the people in Norus?" A little boy asked.

"Of course" Yoongi smiled.

Silently Jimin made his own wish, he hoped the light of the moon in Norus glowed brighter as his wish was taken by the star spirits. Because the wish was pretty important to him and he desperately wanted it to come true.


So we got some cute Yoonmin fluff.

Who do you want to see Jimin interact with next?

Batians do have special stories of spirits that light the sun, but Jimin never got read a children's story so he never knew

Little bit of a sad one.

But I hope you liked the chapter.



