(Chapter 3)
The prince of Norus

Author POV

Location: Norus

The Kingdom of Norus was the farthest North of all the Kingdoms. The land that met the sharp ridges of the Tenebris mountains, that were continuously covered in snow. To the west they were boardered by the Altum sea. To the South they met with the Kingdom of Kador. And finally to the East they bordered the Kingdom of Voucaea.

But the thing the Kingdom was most known for was the fact it was permanently night. The people of Norus had never seen the light of the sun, unless they travelled to another kingdom and experienced the sun there. As a result the people of Norus had perfect vision in the dark and they suffered if exposed to the sun light. Often having to wear protective glasses or cover their eyes when travelling to other Kingdoms.

Yoongi Min was the only Prince and heir to the Kingdom of Norus. With his pale complexion (it was a common trait amongst the Norusean people as they were unable to tan due to the lack of sun) and pale eyes he was sought after by many.

But he was a recluse to those around him, preferring to sit alone playing on his grand piano under the light of the stars and moon. He was there at the moment, running his fingers along the well worn keys. Making the piano sing in a beautifully haunting melody one that raised the hairs on one's arms and made them frightened for the enchanting melody to end, ridding them of the beautiful song.

The people of Norus often wore dark clothing with lots of jewelry to enhance their features. To the Noruseans nothing was more beautiful than the night sky and they attempted to recreate that in their fashion choices.

The dark tunics, trousers and boots representing the dark canvas of the sky. And the jewellery that would twinkle in the light of the moon as their metaphorical stars.

Yoongi ceased the melody that seemed to hum into the silence. The rings on his fingers glittered as they caught the light of the moon as he rose to his feet. His boots barely made a noise as he cross the room that was without windows, the pillars holding the room up allowed one to view the sky without the barrier of glass.

"Your Highness" a man servant stuttered as Yoongi rounded the corner.

"Yes?" Yoongi stopped to look at the quivering man.

"You're needed in the main hall, your parents say it is urgent" the man servant stuttered.

"Are you cold? You're shaking alot" Yoongi regarded him with pale eyes and a neutral expression. He had to look up as the man servant was taller than him, but in the situation anyone could see who was in control.

"No sir" The man servant stuttered again.

"Then what is wrong with you?" Yoongi inquired.

When the man servant failed to produce an answer, Yoongi sighed. He took a look at the man servant's clothes and could see why he was shaking so much, the material was so thin. So without any further hesitation, he unclasped his cloak and swung it over the man servant's shoulders.

"Wear it today, take this" Yoongi dropped a small coin pouch into the servant's hand. "and by yourself some proper clothes so that you aren't at the risk of freezing" Yoongi calmly stated before walking away in the direction of the main hall as his parents had requested.

"But sir your cloak?" The servant called out after him.

"Wash it and return it as soon as you have the new clothing. You're dismissed" Yoongi turned to give the instructions before continuing on his journey.

The man servant watched as he left, mouth agape before pulling the cloak tight around his shoulders. How was he supposed to explain to the prince he wasn't cold, merely scared of him. But in that moment of kindness that fear has evaporated and had been filled with warmth. He left with a smile on his face.


Breakfast was always a simple affair. Most of the food displayed on the table was imported through trade with other kingdoms, mostly Batia as they were known for their good crops. But some food could be produced in Norus.

Yoongi took a seat at the table, his parents barely even glanced up. Too engrossed in their books, being an introvert was the most natural thing in the Min family. With both his parents preferring solitude, Yoongi soon developed the habit as well, the only time they got together properly was at meal times and mandatory meetings.

So Yoongi took a small portion of food, he never ate much. He took some mushrooms on garlic buttered toast. Mushrooms were grown in Norus but the wheat for the bread was imported from Batia. He took a small bowl of yoghurt and rhubarb as well. Rhubarb was another crops grown in Norus and the yoghurt was imported from Crouris.

It was often a concern among the people of Norus, with their unique sky and their inability to produce many crops or raise animals they were almost entirely reliant on the other kingdoms to provide them with food and supplies. This had cost them dearly within the war, Norus had a small population after the famine of the war wiped out almost a quarter of their population. The other quarter was lost in warriors.

While being limited in their crop production, the Kingdom of Norus was known for their lethal warriors and despite Yoongi's dislike for violence he too was a lethally trained warrior.

"Yoongi we leave for Batia in 2 days time, it had to be that Kingdom. They are the farthest away from us, it always takes forever to travel by carriage" Yoongi's mother, Chandra, complained.

"Yoongi you mustn't forget to get your shaders. The sun is bright in the other kingdoms I don't know how they can stand it" Yoongi's father, Aegaeon reminded him.

"I know father I will be sure to remember them." Yoongi replied. He didn't comment upon the slight to the other kingdoms, it was no use. They paid him no attention, both turning back to their books and the room was once again left in silence.

Yoongi finished his meal and stood up, not bothering to dismiss himself and headed back to his piano. The one thing that seemed to be his only companion in his lonely world.


So we got to meet Yoongi and see the Kingdom of Norus. Did you like it?

We are going to get introduced to each Kingdom before we begin the book properly. So I hope you like it, and you get to see what each Kingdom in the world looks like. Hopefully it's not too boring.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



