chapter : 84 the truth

Jungkook and others were at the hospital, the special hospital for werewolves.... Which was hidden from the human world.

Yoonji was resting while hobi was quietly playing with his new born son , the said little pup was looking so adorable in his Papa's hands ....

Soon the others went inside the room and cooed at the scene in front of them . The father and son duo were in their own little bubble, playing and giggling. The baby was born seven days ago but because of the difficulty and complications of delivery , they have to stay there in the hospital for at least ten days.

The thing is, after Leo's incident , yoonji was overly stressed out and due to that her health became poor. Luckily there wasn't any serious problem during the delivery and the mother and son both were fine, just a little weak,

Noticing many different scents in the room , yoonji opened her eyes... she is very much familiar with all of these scents and knows very well from whom it belongs,

A smile decorating her tired yet beautiful face as she looked at the others,

"How are you doing yoonji ?"

Namjoon asked as he gave a small smile to the new mom,

"I'm doing better now, thanks for coming I've been missing every one so much"

She said with tears in her eyes, being overly sensitive due to pregnancy and delivery....

"Oh no silly, don't say that , we were missing you guys too"

Jin said with a sweet smile on his lips,

"Jungkook, you came. I'm so happy"

Yoonji said with the widest smile on her face , she really was very happy after seeing the younger. what happened after that incident, jungkook never left his room____ never left his tae.... It was the first time in two months that he came out of his shell.

"How is he?"

Yoonji asked with worry but jungkook just smiled at her ,

"He's fine noona, as calm as always"

Jungkook couldn't say anything anymore.... Then all of the others went busy while playing with their new family member , that cute little pup but jungkook couldn't think of anything but his love. He found himself being so far away from his hyungie's at the moment, even though they were in the same room , even he was with so many people , with his family.... He felt alone and empty, so lonely without his tae,

It became so hard for him to even stand there, he felt suffocating, he was fighting the urge to just run away from the place and go back to his love. He may look fine from the outside but he was suffering from the inside, he was literally broken after his mate had closed his eyes for who knows how long....

He excused himself and ran outside of the room, he went straight to the rooftop..... Trying to take some fresh air,


He heard a familiar voice, it's Namjoon. Jungkook didn't say anything and was about to leave when namjoon held his hand to stop him but jungkook jerked his away in anger,

"Please kook at least listen to me once"

Namjoon literally pleaded to the angry boy in front of him but the boy just looked away ...

"I don't want to talk to you ever hyung so please let me go"

Jungkook said with cold tone but namjoon didn't stop speaking,

"I'm sorry kook but I didn't have any other option but to hide it from you"

"You shouldn't have done that hyung, now look what happened! If only i had known about this I would never have let him do that, I would never have let my mate to sacrifice himself for me!!"

Jungkook growled on Namjoon but namjoon remained calm , not wanting to make things more complicated than it already was, he didn't want to increase the distance between him and kook ....

"Jungkook, he did not sacrifice himself for you or anyone. Stop blaming yourself for his condition!"

Namjoon said with strict tone but junkook just scoff at him...

"You know that too hyung if it wasn't for me , he would have trained his body more and become more stronger but because of me he didn't do that, he knew what would happen if he wouldn't become strong but still he chooses to suffer ..... Just for the sake of me, and even after knowing everything, you didn't stop him from hurting himself like this , you didn't even told me anything..... Why did you do that hyung? Why you let him leave me like that?...... Why did you choose me?! I don't care about me I would happily die rather than seeing him in pain "

Namjoon's heart was hurting to see his little one in this vulnerable state , he understands the pain jungkook might be feeling right now. To ease his pain namjoon tried to give a warm hug to his little one but jungkook moved away, making namjoon sad . Taking a big sigh again he started to speak,

"Jungkook, I didn't choose anyone. How can I ever choose between my two babies? I let this happen because it was the only way to save both of you"

Namjoon said calmly and finally jungkook looked at him with questionable gaze,

"What do you mean?"

"You see, there were two possibilities of the future that tae has seen with his powers , one is when tae would become unconscious like now and the second was that he become something more dangerous from any beast and kill everyone including you and himself"

Now junkook was shocked after finding the new information, what did namjoon means by that?

"If tae had made his body enough strong to absorb all that power then his mind would have completely in control of his wolf , you know that too how crazy our Wolf can get with powers... And if that would have happened then tae would have killed every single person who came infront of him . You saw that future too right, remember how he was killing everyone and then you too in that dream of his that he saw to us?
You have no idea what he would have done to himself if you would have killed by him... He would have given himself a more painful death then leo. I couldn't let that happen to him or to you..... This was the only option tae had to save you and to survive. If you still think I have done something wrong by supporting him in this , then fine don't talk to me..... I'll too never bother you again"

Said that namjoon was about to leave but stopped as he heard a sorry in a very low voice,

"I'm sorry hyung I -"

"Shhh , it's ok it's fine"

Namjoon smiled at him sweetly that Jungkook returned with a small weak smile, his eyes were full of tears but the boy was trying his hardest to stop them from falling,

"Koo, you don't have to hold back your tears in front of me . You don't have to pretend to be strong, it's fine now baby .... Hyungie is here"

Namjoon said in a very soft voice and slowly took his little one in his big embrace , it didn't take much time for jungkook to broke down in his hyungie's warmth... He cried like a baby in namjoon's arms , namjoon let the boy cry as much as he wanted to ..... Letting him pout out his pain as much as he can,

After crying for good twenty minutes, now jungkook was calm ..... He felt a lot lighter now as if some kind of heavy burden has been lifted from his heart , now he knew the truth..... That he isn't the reason for his lover's suffering..... He felt a lot better to cry out his heart after two months , yes he has never shown any tears to anyone but kept on suffering from the inside...... but now the pain was gone and just the hope was there in his heart ...... Hope to see his mate's beutiful smile again.


Hope you liked it 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜
