chapter : 44 stronger together

Jungkook POV.

"Hell no!!!"

I completely denied to leave my pup alone in that creepy room,

"Not again Jungkook , why are you being so childish!!?"

Jey hyung said annoying as he raised his voice a little , it felt bed I don't know why but I feel bed when he speak like that with me___it's hurt when he scold me...

"But I'm worried...."

I mumbled as a pout form on my lips and I saw how jey hyung's eyes soften looking at me___ just like old times,

"I know kook you're worried but try to understand he can not concentrate if you or the others will be here , so for now you have to leav-"

"Don't push me away hyung"

What the hell did I just said ?? What happened to me ?? Ugh when hyung called me by my Nick name that he used to be , I felt the sudden urge to just hug him like always but I know he doesn't see me as a little brother__he said by himself he doesn't want someone like me as his brother..

"I'm not pushing you away Koo___I would never"

He said with do much softness and warmth in his voice I almost cried but I composed my self and clear my head, how can he lie after leaving me alone ?

'this is not time for getting emotional____don't forget what he had done to you koo'

I tell my self the reality of this person and I was calm again,

"Why he has to stay alone ?"

I changed the topic and asked the main question,

"Because it's not a normal training , he doesn't have to fight or do physical exercise to make his body strong"

"Then ?"

I asked ____a little confused,

"Can you see the candles ? They're not for decoration . Tea has to focus on them while collecting his whole energy and spared it on his body equally at the same time he has to maintain his powers and let them flow in his entire body like a wave so that his powers and body energy can combine"

"For what?"

I asked him still didn't understand the whole process,

"Bear your mate is dumb"

Before jey hyung could answer, that Jackson spoke with a sigh , this bitch-

"Koo , right now my powers are more stronger then my body energy and if I want to make my body stronger enough to contain my all powers I have to increase my body energy which is only possible by combining my powers and body energy , once I get succeed in doing that___my every part of body will be stronger than before___stronger enough to contain my powers"

My baby pup explained cutely with his adorable pout and I get it what his trying to say,

"Ohh.... I understand"

I said as I was amused by the whole process

"So if you do understand kook than please leave with others"

Jey hyung told me to leave for the nineth time,

"B-But I won't disturb him , I'll just stay in the corner like a good boy please let me be here"

I tried to convince him again,

"Kook you're disturbance is not the only reason why you should leave"

"What do you mean?"

"You see when he will try to make a balance between his powers and energy to combine them , it's highly possible that the fire of candles can be grow along with his powers and in that situation tae can easily set fire on the whole room - actually on the whole mansion and burn it in to ashes"

We all widen our eyes after the information jey hyung gave us and we were in shock or you can say in a horror ,


"But don't worry, since I'm the only one who is blessed with the fire power , I'll be stay with him here so that I can take care of situation like that"

"Hmm ok"

I said in defeat as I know I can't stay here with him , after that we left from there__leaving jey hyung and my pup alone in that room...... well not before a bear hug and a shower of kisses which I gave to my pup.


We were in the garden with so much peace but my mind was keep on wondering about my pup,

I was in my thoughts when I felt a punch flying to me but I dodged it in the last moment

"What the hell yoongi hyung ! Why did you do that?"

I asked him annoyed,

"Because you need to get stronger too and a little fist training will work"

"Why tho? I'm already so strong"

I said as I flip my imaginary long hair with a smug face,

"He meant you have to be as strong as tae you coconut head"

Jimin said as he glared at me with those little eyes of his,

"But why ? I'm ok if my mate became more stronger than me , I'm not like those toxic wolves who get jealous over things like this"

I said as I roll my eyes on them,

'That wasn't I mean you brat you don't have to but need to be strong___for tae"

''What do you mean?"

I asked and get a smack on my head from jin hyung , wait when did he came?

"Koo you're such an idiot"

"Hey!! Don't call me that"

"But you are tho"

This bitch again , why joonie hyung have to be friends with this JaCkSoN!?
Can't even do something since he helped tae hmmp!

"Koo you Know that right why most of the moon child are omegas?"

Jin hyung asked like a teacher asked question to his five year old student,

"Yeah couse , if they lose control over themselves then their alpha can calm them selves down and save them from their own dark self"

"Correct , that is why you need to get stronger so if one day our tae bear lose his self to his powers then you could bring him back again and to do that you have to be capable enough to reach him . Now do you understand why you need to get stronger?"

"I do hyung..."

'Let's get stronger together pup , you and me ...'


Hope you guys are enjoying my work!

Keep loving my book(◕ᴗ◕✿)(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

Borahae 💜💜💜💜
