chapter : 42 Jackie jackie

Jungkook POV.

We are at my room , me and tae . I'm thinking about what I did just moments ago , I know that hyungs has already forgive me but jin hyung was still looking hurt and I hate myself for that.

I sigh and was about to close my eyes when I felt sharp pain in my chest__ah I can't breathe property it's like something is blocking air and my lungs feels stuff,

'What is this feeling? What is this pain ?
It doesn't feel like I'm the one who's getting hurt but still it's hurting ...
Wait it's not my pain it's tae ! It's mate bond which is allowing me to feel his pain
Pup!! where did he go he was just here a minute a go!'

"Pup!! Tae !! Where are you?!!"

I shouted as I couldn't find him , I couldn't even track his scent. What is happening?


I was about to leave the room when I heard his faint voice calling for me from our bathroom,

"Pup! what are you doing here like this?! In this condition?"

I saw him at the floor and rushed to him , I felt how cold his body was and he was breathing heavily , his eyes were half closed and lips were apart as if trying to get some air ...

"Pup want happened !? Are yo-"


I was getting so worried and asking him what is wrong but he cut me and said that he's hurt..

"Where pup, tell me where does it hurt__ your Koo will take all the pain away..... please stay strong"

"Everything hurts"

"What? I can't here you love what was that?
Pup? T-Tae ? TAE WAKE UP!! Oh God

He said something but his voice was so low and small that I couldn't hear it and than all of a sudden he fainted!
I west no time and took him in my arms as I run to my hyungies for help,

"HYUNGS!! HELP..... TAE....."

I shouted and shouted untill all of my hyungs came to me ,

"What happened koo- oh my god why tae is looking so pale ?"

"Hyung please do something he's not waking up , he fainted all of a sudden I don't know what happened"

I cried out loud to my hyungies as I don't know what to do at this situation, I'm afraid__so afraid to lose my love..

"I already warned you Jungkook now look want happened"

Jey hyung said looking at tae as he check his forehead__ measuring his temperature,

"What do you mean?"

I asked him as I was confused at his words , he took a big sigh and looked at me with he's sharp eyes,

"I told you he need trying to make his human body/form stronger , he used his energy way to much when he let his alpha out to stop you now he's tired___so tired that he can't even stay conscious and he's body is loosing warmth too"

I felt numb for a sec after hearing jeyhyung , it's my fault I should have listened to him but what now ? What will happen now? My pup wi-

"Jungkook !!"


I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't heard joonie hyung's calling for me,

"Snap out of it! this is not time for you to get depress and all we have help tae"

He said with gentle yet strict voice and I nodded on his words,

"What should I do ?"

"First go cuddle with him__wrap your self as much as you can around him and scent him , give him your warmth"

"Ok "

I said as I cuddle up with him and started to kiss and lick him at several places__scenting him as much as I can

"Do you guys know anyone who is gifted with earth element?"

There is four main element excits in our world -- earth , air , water and fire , our moon goodness has gifted some of werewolf with this element's power and jey hyung is one of them he has power of fire ,

Right now he's is asking for a werewolf who has power of earth and luckily we know someone who is gifted with that,

"We know, let me link him"

Jin hyung said as joonie hyung sigh ,
Well I know why he did_ you see that person with earth Power is quite unique ,

"He'll be here in some minutes"

Jin hyung told us as all of us sigh in relieve as I was still scenting my pup in front of everyone__kissing his ears and nibbling on his neck licking him.....ok that's kinda embarrassing but I don't care I just want my love to be safe

"He's moving kook keep doing that"

Jimin said as my pup moved his hand a little I felt so happy that he's gaining he's consciousness back and his temperature too was getting up,

"I'm here!!"

We heard the door bursting open and a loud cheerful voice , oh he's here...

"Come here fast"

Joonie hyung called him and he rushed to us,

"Oh joon~ long time Buddy I missed you bestie"

He said as he literally throw himself on joonie hyung and hugged like there's no other,

"Calm down jackson and first let go of me"

"Oh sorry but it's your fault for not meeting me for months , you know how much I missed you? Jinnie your mate is being meanie say something to him"

He started to wine like a baby and lastly pouted , I would have laugh at this but right now it's not the time for that

"Umm jack hyung will you please help us first , than you can complain Joon hyung as much as you want"

Jimin said as he pointed at tae and as if he already know what to do he came near pup and slowly took him out of my embarrass , I almost growled at him for taking my mate away from me but it's important right now___he is helping...

He lay tae down on couch and started to use his power , his eyes turned red as his hands stared to glow green , and out of nowhere warm air filed in the house and tae covered in plants leafs , he give a nod to jey hyung and he made a ball of fire above tae ...

The leaf started to glow and the fire ball was turning completely red , the room was filled with sparkle lights as now tae was too glowing ,

The lights glow so brightly that we had to close our eyes and when we opened them there was no sparkle there___the green leafs that were covered on pup was now yellow and dry ,

'He's all well now kid , he's again filled with energy"

Jack hyung pet my shoulder as in soothing way and I nodded my head , I looked at my pup covered in leaf__looking as beautiful as ever...

I was about to touch him when he wack up on his own and yawn cutely__shacking those leafs afterwards

''Pup you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?"

I asked in concern and he just smiled at me and signed me to come closer I did what he wants and gets sweet lips of him, he kissed me softly that felt like heaven...

''I'm fine Koo sorry for making you guys worried"

''Oh don't be bear we're glad you're good now"

Jin hyung petted his head and he giggled cutely...

"How's my little pup doing ?"

Jack hyung said and I saw how my pup's eyes got wide , he gasp as he saw him,

"Jackie Jackie you're here?!!!''


Hope you enjoyed it

I'm really sorry for the late update
I had some medical issue at home and from lack of time, couldn't write ,

I hope you'll understand and from now on I'll try my best to update new chapters as fast as I can

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜💜
