chapter : 49 fear

Jungkook POV.

What just happened? Why did tae ran inside like that? It was so confusing , i didn't thought much about it and decide to follow my pup inside...

What I saw in the mansion made me worried as hell,
My pup was hugging joonie hyung, more like clinging onto him like his life depends on it and he was trembling badly,

I went near them and was about to touch tae but joonie hyung slapped my hands away

"What did you do to my baby brother?"

Joonie hyung growled at me as he tighten the grip around my tae....

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything "

I said as I again try to hold tae but this time as i touched him , i felt my hand burning on his skin ....


"Are you ok koo? what happened?"

Jin hyung asked me_____worried,

"I don't know hyung, my hand started to burn when i touched him"

I said as Jin hyung was blowing on my burned hand,

I was just looking at tae helplessly as i couldn't do anything to make him feel better, hell!! I don't even know why his behaviour changed so suddenly!?

"What's the matter love ? I can feel the pain you're feeling right now, please tell me..."

I asked him softly as i keep my distance from him because i know it's him who's stopping me to touch him, his using his powers....... but why??

"Stay away...."

He said, still in joonie hyung's embarass as his voice came out muffled,

"But why ? Did i do something wrong? Did i make you mad ? Are you sad because of me ? Please tell me pup. I'm sorry I'm really sorry if I did bad just-just don't tell me to stay away from you, i can't do that.......tae are you listening to me? please.........say something....."

I literally bagged as i didn't have any idea on why my pup is being like this______so cold , he never said anything like that before , what happened to him all of a sudden ? Everything was perfect our date was going smoothly than what went wrong?

Hobi hyung was there too looking as concern as me, he tried to pet tae's head but joonie hyung growled at him loudly making us shock , his eyes were red and fangs were out , his alpha was out and was being extra protective of tae,

"Joonie calm down, it's hobi he won't hurt our tae"

Listening to jinie hyung's soft voice joon hyung's eyes immediately soften and he apologized to hobi hyung,

I was still looking at my love but he didn't even spare a glance at me,

"Tae, atleast tell me my fault, why are you giving me this punishment? Don't avoid me like this"

He remain silent...

"Don't be so cruel to your koo...."

I felt my self so weak and vulnerable at that moment i felt my heart sinking as the way tae was ignoring me,

"If you love me then please don't come near me"

He said with shacky voice and went away from here without looking back , i couldn't even see his face ..... joonie hyung ran after him ....

I felt numb ......i couldn't understand anything at all, my own mate -my love.....h-he doesn't want me near him but why???!!

"Koo, are you ok baby?"

Jinie hyung asked me while petting my head affectionately ,

"..........hyungie , why did tae said that?....... I-i didn't do anything wrong.......i swear hyung i don't kn-"

I was blaring with blank mind when hyung pulled me in his embarass_____it felt warm...

"I know baby, i know my koo very well, he can never do anything wrong"

He said softly and i looked up at him with pleading eyes,

"Then why tae...."

I couldn't say any further as i felt a big lump in my
throat , i swallowed it harshly and took a deep breath to ease my mind,

"Koo , I'm sure there is a reason behind all of these,
i already called jimini he may know something about it"

Jin hyung said with smile and i nodded my head, now waiting for jimin, he has gone for some research with yoongi hyung about leo ....

In no time jimin appeared looking scared and exhausted, he was literally panting as if he run all the way here,

"Where is tae ?"

That all he uttered with his shacky breath ,

"Hey hey now little one , take a breath first and don't worry tae is fine he's with joonie"

Jinie hyung said as he rubbed the panting boy's back to make him calm,

"But hyung when you called me you were sounding stressed so i thought...."

Jimin trailed off , not wanting to say any bad,

"Actually tae , he............."

Jinie hyung explained everything to jimin whatever happened in the mansion and jimin looked sad as if he knows what is happening but isn't really pleased about it...

"Did tae saw the moon?"

He asked looking at me and i nodded my head slowly, he let out a sigh and sat down on a couch,

"That's why he's behaving like this"

"What does moon to do with my pup?"

I asked in confusion , now that I think about it he did started to behave strange after we went out of the tent...

"You see kook, moon isn't preety and beautiful for him , he can't look at the moon in same way as we do.......for him , moon is red and bloody . He has always feared this red moon and after seeing it again i think his fear came back"

"Wait you mean tae can't see the moon as us ? For him it's different? But why?"

"Well, i don't know that either but I know one thing that he doesn't like it, from the beginning..... when he was little he always used to see nightmares on red moon night , all the bad things happened to him on this night, he lost his parents on the red moon night too , he always says that who ever stay with him on this night....they ended up hurting.....I'm sure his afraid that you will get hurt too if he stay with you, that's why he pushed you away"

After listening to jimin i felt so guilty, it's my fault
that he's in pain right now, i know very well how the fear works, it brakes every inch of your courage ____makes you so fragile to the point even a little petal can broke you to peaces , distroy your hope and send you to the endless darkness.
I had a fear too and tae halped me to over come it now it's my turn ....I'll help him to find light again in his darkes fear....

"I'm coming tae"

I said and was about to go but jimin Stopped me,

"Kook i understand your feelings but please don't go to him right now, do as he asked you to do ....i don't want to see him in more pain"

He said, pleading me and i couldn't go any further...

"I'm leaving, tae needs me..... and please don't worry about him me and joonie hyung has always take care of him on these nights and will do that tonight too , i promise to make him feel happy and safe...."

Saying that he left,
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Jin hyung smiling at me warmly , i immediately hugged him tight ...

"Koo, don't worry too much ok , every one needs their hyungie once in awhile. see just like right now, you need me and so does tae need his hyungie too"

He said as i nooded my head,


Hope you liked it

My army friends please stream 'yet to come' with your all might,

I saw the mv and fall for it immediately, if you had seen thair privious eras and mvs, you'll feel this nostalgic feeling while watching this beauty, i almost cried .....

The lyrics, the sweet voices, the melody, the visuals everything is just so perfect

And not only the mv but the whole album is perfect and so beautiful, it's a real masterpiece

I wish you have a beautiful day just like the "proof" album and don't forget to stream

Borahae πŸ’œπŸ’œ πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
