chapter :31 help

Jungkook pov.

"No he will not"

I stated as I don't want tae to be in any danger,

"Jungkook let him speak you can't take decision for hi-"

"Yes I can"

I cut Jeywan in the middle because I know my pup will listen to me but the next thing happened changed my mind____made me shock ,

"No you can not"

Pup said as he look away from me not wanting to make an eye contact and the next thing he said brock me a little,

"I will help you"

"No you will not"

"Yes I wi-"

"I won't let you"

I said as my voice became more deep and I can feel my wolf is trying to take control over me , we really don't like the way pup is taking his side and more over risking his life,

"Koo calm down, please..."

He said with so much softness in his voice that my wolf felt calm and I too find my self nodding slowly,

"Jungkook try to understand we have to stop that monster"

"No you understand stand jey, I won't put my mate into any danger"

"You are putting every one in danger by not letting him help me"

"What do you mean?"

Jin hyung came into our conversation more like argument and asked with concern voice ,

Jey took a deep sigh and sat on the couch , grabbed his hair with both hands as he take some long deep breaths___trying to put his thoughts together.

"Did you guys not listened on what I said? He is targeting the young ones with special gifts , that means you jin and Jungkook too are in his list and your mate will be the first one to grab his attention , you know how much power he is radiating right . Leo won't take much time to find you guys , Jungkook you want to protect your mate am I right ?"

He asked looking strait to my eyes and I nodded as yes,

"But how will you ?"

"What do you mean how?! I will kill hi-"

"No you can't! , he's way more powerful than any of you__even more than me and he's even gaining more power , you guys don't understand how serious it is , he's killing people___ observing their power and soul.....even little pups , he's killing them too . That person is a real monster we need to stop him when we still can and to do that I need moon child's help, only he can defeat leo"

"Jey I understand the situation but I can't let him fight when-"

I was about to tell him that tae still didn't have control on his powers and gifts but he cut me in the middle,

"I'm not asking him to fight alone Jungkook, I will fight besides him I have people to protect too I just need his help!!"

He said that a little loud , he was looking so desperate I had never seen him like that ,

"Hyung can you please let him speak"

Jin hyung told jey and he immediately nodded as yes , (sigh) they really have a strong brother bond unlike me , you see we have reason why I and jin hyung ran away from our house....yes we ran from our own home, away from our parents from jeywan hyung and the reason was me.

"Jungkook tell me why you're not letting him help me"

He said pointing at tae, I saw how pup was looking so lost , I wonder what he was thinking. I hold his hand and started to caressing it by my thumb as I started to speak again,

"He can't because he is not ready , yes he has powers and gifts but he still doesn't know how to control them how to use them he can't even turn into wolf yet"

I said calmly and jey widen he's eyes with shock . looking at jey, jin hyung decided to tell him every thing that how tae has lived as a human until now how his mother has saved him and who he really was how he's own uncle wanted to kill him .

Jin hyung finished and we heard muffle sobs which were coming from jiminie ,we didn't realize that he was crying till now since he was trying to keep his voice low . Joonie hyung was fast to wrap his hands around him making him feel safe and secure,

"Jiminie why are you crying?"

Joonie hyung asked him softly___caressing his back ,

"My o-own f-father is doing something so bad____ I'm s-sorry"

"Why are you apologizing silly it's not your fault! Common now stop crying or I have to call yoongi hyung that his baby is crying buckets"

Joonie hyung said playfully making Jimin smile , apparently yoongi hyung went at hobi hyung's since yoonji noona was missing him and he couldn't say no to his pregnant sis ,

"Wait so is that mean you're Lily's son?"

Jeywan hyung said suddenly catching every once attention most of tae's ,

"Y-Yeah you know my mom?"

My pup asked with excitement yet little bit of sadness and jey just nodded with soft smile on his face ,

"Now I understand why you reminds me of her , you know you have the same eyes as her I can feel the same tenderness in your eyes as her"

He said as his eyes filed with tears , I can't believe my jeywan hyung is crying like literally he was the most arrogant asswh**e back then ,

"I thought everyone died at that night but she saved you"

"From where you know my mom?"

Tae asked as he too teared up , my hand was still holding his soothing him ,I started to spread my pheromones around him to soothe him more,

"I had meet her when I was just a little kid , she was the kindest person I have ever met ,she was so beautiful yet brave. I never thought her own brother would do something like that"

That was enough to make pup cry but they weren't sad tears , he is maybe crying but he has this proud look in those glossy eyes and a beautiful smile on his soft lips ,he must be very happy after hearing good about his mother I pulled him into my chest and he buried his head
in it inhaling my scent .

"Jey we will talk about these things latter"

I tell him as I can feel how overwhelming these things were for tae , he needed some time to comprehend everything that was happening and him being the main key to stop leo was not helping it , my little pup was so worried about everything ,

"I understand"

Said jey and I brought tae in his room,

"Are you ok pup?"


"Koo ?"


"Can I ask you something?"


Will tae can defeat leo? If yes then how ? Any thoughts?....

We will know more about Jungkook's childhood in next chapter

See you next time<( ̄︶ ̄)>💜
