chapter : 7 shopping

Jungkook pov.

For mall....

As I say that ,they both look at me
with confused eyes ,well they
should be surprise since I didn't
tell them about this plan .

" get ready pup, for some shopping"


"Yup shopping ! for you, since you're
gonna live with us here and you don't
have any clothes or brush,shampoo or things you'll need letter"

"You didn't inform me koo that we're going mall"

Jin hyung asked me in confusen, *well
it's for our quality time hyung so no
need to tell you * I really wanna say that but I'm sure I'll get smack on my head if I say that.

"Course hyung only me and pup are
going , you have work remember"

I said with smile . I don't want him
to come with us I wanna be alone
with my mate .

"Oh no koo~ I'm coming with you
guys ,don't worry about work I'm
calling hobi he will take care of that "

'Oh camone hyung let me be with him

'No I'm coming with you and that's

'Fine I'll come too on your date with
your mate'

'Feel free to come along , I don't mind'

Ugh I know why he's so calm i can
never go with them , they're so clingy
to each other I can't even look at
them .

"Ummm w-why are you guys s-staring at each o-other like t-that?"

We were so busy in talking that I
forgot that we're talking with our
mind links and pup can't here our
conversation ,

wait that the reason why we were taking like that right, ughhh I'm going insane why hyung has to ruin my plan.

"Nothing bear let's go it'll be so fun
you ,me and koo going for shopping!!"

"B-But I d-don't have any m-money"

Pup said looking down ,moon goodness why is he so pure ? He's fiddling with his long sleeves ... So cute.

"And who is asking for that? We don't
want any money ,now let's go "


"Oh I know you want to wear my
clothes right I don't mind tho you
looks adorable in them "

I said with smirk on my face he looked at me and immediately look
down feeling shy, not able to look
at me when I'm smirking .

"W-Wha~ no i-i don't ..."

He couldn't complete his sentans as
his checks became red and his ear tips
are pink . Oh his blushing I love this
effects on him and the fact that only
I can make him feel this way . I had
notice that he doesn't blush when
jin hyung hugs him but if it's me
than he'll be blushing mess. I love
to tease this little fluff ball .

"Oh so you mean you didn't like them
I understand they're stinky right but
I swear pup I did wash them they're

I told him pretending to be hurt ,I look down and sing and when I look
up I can clearly see panic in his eyes.

"N-no they're good i-i really l-like them a-and it's not s-stinky at all in
f-fact Your c-clothes smells really g-good just l-like yo-"

His eyes became wild as he realize
what he was saying and cover his
mouth with his both hands ,
Ohh it's gonna be so much fun to
tease him , his red Chicks became
more red and his now bitting his
lips more ugh stop doing that pup
I'm losing my self control here , I really wanna taste those plump lips I wonder if they're as sweet as they looks .

"You know how I smell?? but how?"

I asked him innocently , tbh i feel
so proud that my mate like some thing about me it's make me happy
that he likes my smell , so happy and
proud at the same time.

"F-From when w-we where s-sleeping on b-bad"

"You mean, you sleeping on my chest? And we codling with each other?"

And that's it, he's looking like tomato
chicks are redder than before ears
are pink even his neck getting red
and his lips are swollen from bitting
so hard they looks more red and
more juicy , he's looking so fvcking cute .

"Cough cough"

Oh I totally forget jin hyung was
still here ,

'thanks for ruining our moment hyung'

He just glare at me ,such a Rudy hump!

" So let's go we don't wanna be late
right ?"

Jin hyung ask him and he just nod
as agreement .I was keep looking at
him that I didn't notice that jin was
calling me.

"Jungkook we're waiting in the car
come fast after locking the doors "

"Wait why should I have to do that , hyung stop being so mean"

"Oh camone koo stop being a baby now"

And with that they're gone,oh so now I'm not his baby he's the one who always calls me baby and now (sigh) guess I'll just do this quickly and sit with my pup in the car.


But offcorce hyung won't let me he's
sitting on driver sit and pup is sitting
beside him , here I am sitting on back
sit ... alone. great just fvcking great.

"So tae did you ever went to the mall?"

Jin hyung start conversation . Hearing
the question my pup's eyes lit up, he
looks exited .Seems like his mood
getting better , guess it was a good idea .

"Y-Yeah I went t-there when I was
t-tharteen it was so fun I met so many
new people and see new things"

Wow he talked almost smoothly ,he
didn't stutter that much and he
looked very happy too , he was smiling it's the first time I saw his
real smile like he's smiling from his

"Oh that's good , so why did you went
to mall ?

Is he being idiot or just passing his
time , really hyung why do people go
to mall ? For shopping duh .
I was shacking my head at hyung's
dumb question but than I saw pup's relaxed body getting tense .I can see
his face in car mirror , his expression
has changed ,he's getting nervous , he
start bitting his bottom lips .

What's happening? don't tell me hyung ask him that for some reason , offcorce he did he won't play around ,
I should have know better .

"T-They didn't w-want to leave me
a-alone at home so t-they took me with t-them"

"Your aunt and uncle ?"


"That's so sweet of them"

Jin hyung say that and tae's expression change in the sad one

"So you mean they never leave you alone?"

"N-No normally they l-leave me at home b-but at that time a f-family came to live at t-the next house f-from ours so f-for our neighbor's s-shefty  they took me with t-them"

He answered with law voice . What
the - From what he says it's looks
like he is some dangerous thing that can harm those people but I can't believe that he can ever couse any harm to anyone .

Hyung and I share the look and keep
silent, I really want to know on why
they thought tae can be harm to
others , I have so many questions to ask but I know this isn't the
right time, I don't want to make him
sad I'll wait untill he is ready to tell
everything on his own.

The ride was silent after that . And now we finally here at mall. I announce were here and my pup's
excitement is back , his doe eyes
are shining like stars . We finally start
looking for things that we need and
start buying them.

My pup is looking so exited just like
a little child we buy so many cute
clothes for him , he always blushes
when I give him compliments that
the clothes looking good on him or
how he look more adorable in big
size clothes . He was trying everything
that me and hyung chooses for him.
Then we buy things that needs in daily life. Now we're exhausted .

"Hyung I'm hungry let's eat something"

"Ok Koo let's go, wait were is tae? "

"What do you mean he's here with m-"

My eyes get wild as I see the empty
space besides me where did he go,
he was with me all this time how did
I lost him I'm so worried about him
he's not familiar with crowds what
should I do.

My breathes became heavy and my
heart is pumping so fast in my chest
I feel like it's gonna blast any second,
different kinds of thoughts start
running in my mind ,those 'what ifs'
are making me weak and worried,
my feet are trembling , fear is clouding in my mind, I don't want to
lose him I can't I just can't I have to
find him I need to find him .

"Koo calm down" jin hyung said in his soft voice snapping me out from my thoughts " try to sense his sent"

"O-Ok "

I start concentrate, it's goin to difficult
since this place is crowded .................
Found it, I start running at the direction from where his sent was
coming .

My blood start boiling at the view
in front of me , That fucking
bastard how dare he touch ,what is


Tae is in danger let's hope jungkook
is fast enough to protect him .......
...........or tae even need any protection?

Let's find out in next chapter ( ╹▽╹ )(◍•ᴗ•◍)
